Aaron As A Dad (basically zane imagine but aaron and domestic and no music)

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Suggested by @skylar-the-author
Thank you for the suggestion!

You woke up to sunlight shining in your eyes; quite the rude wake up call if you say so yourself. Begrudgingly, you slipped out of your husband's warm embrace and stumbled out of bed. You padded down the hall quietly, making a small detour to check on your snoozing son. You peered into his room, smiling softly after confirming Andre was still sleeping soundly. After checking on him, you finally made your way to the kitchen.

You moved around as quietly as you could, which wasn't that quiet, collecting the ingredients to make pancakes from scratch. Usually you wouldn't prepare something that took so much effort, but you woke up in a good mood, despite the sun trying to blind you. Just as you finished pouring some of the patter into semi-neat circles, you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist.

"Good morning babe," Aaron said quietly in your ear, mouth reeking of morning breath. You wrinkled your nose in disgust and pushed his head away.

"Ew, go brush your teeth ya nasty," you said with a short laugh. Aaron scoffed and planted a kiss on your lips, despite your protests.

"Please, you're no better. I'm lucky I'm still standing after getting a whiff of your morning breath."

"And yet, here you are, still functioning and being the most annoying husband in the world." You and Aaron had a short stare off before breaking into laughter. You leaned into his chest comfortably, sighing contently.

"Thought you wanted me to go brush my teeth? I don't know if you've noticed, but I can't really go anywhere with my annoying wife on me." Aaron smirked. You flipped the pancakes in the pan.

"Don't sass me, or else no breakfast for you." Aaron didn't say another word after that. You two stood in a comfortable silence, the only noise being the sizzle of the pancakes and the scraping of the spatula against the pan. For a few minutes, it was quiet; peaceful. There was nothing that could break the serene bubble around you.

Until something did.

A loud wail from Andre's room made you and Aaron jump suddenly. Aaron kissed the back of your head before wordlessly before taking off towards the crying child's room.


"Hey Andy," Aaron cooed softly, picking up his son carefully and cradling him in his arms. Andre continued to cry; Aaron swore the walls shook from the force of the baby's wails. Aaron patted Andre's bottom gently and winced. Diaper changing was by far his least favorite part of being a dad.

It's was worth it though, because after Andre was cleaned up he was very content with letting his dad carry him to the kitchen. Aaron felt his heart soar when he saw your face light up at seeing your son.

"Hey baby," you cooed, turning off the stove. You abandoned the pancakes on a plate to cool to see Andre. Andre wriggled and whined in Aaron's arms, making grabby hands at you. You smirked at Aaron as you swept the boy into your arms. "He's already a momma's boy." Aaron pouted.

"No fair, every baby is attached to their moms first."

"Aww." You looked down at Andre. "Hear that Andy? Daddy's jealous!" Andre simply giggled.

"I am not! Andy, Mommy is being mean, don't listen to her." You and your husband continued to bicker back and forth, Andre giggling and watching you with such innocence and curiosity only a baby could pull off. Your 'arguing' could have gone on all morning if you wanted it to, until-


Aaron paused mid-sentence and stared at Andre in shock, you doing the same. Aaron slowly broke out into a wide smile. "What was that Andy? Who's your favorite?"

"Dada!" Aaron laughed happily and scooped Andre into his arms and away from you, peppering his little face with kisses. Andre squealed and giggled with delight. Aaron looked at you with the biggest smirk you had ever seen, which was really saying something.

"Andy? A momma's boy? Never." You scoffed and turned back to the plate of pancakes next to the stove.

"Well looks like someone's not getting breakfast."

"nO WAIT-"

This was honestly really fun to write! I wasn't planning on writing another domestic thing like this, but I have the overwhelming need to please so I hope y'all liked it!

(I managed to get through this suggestion by taking little dreams and scenes from my own domestic realities lmao-)

Anyway, I'm still not sure about what to do for reaching 200k, so I may not really have a "celebration" this time! Unless y'all really want something, I guess we'll wait until another big occasion!

I love you all!

You make me un poco loco 😉.


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