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I haven't really seen many preferences for these adorable characters so I thought why not?

Sadly I'll only be writing preferences and imagines for Garroth, Laurance, Dante, Travis, Zane, and Aaron. So if you're here for Vylad or Reese or someone else they won't be here. Sorry!

You can request imagines. Just give me the name of the boy, your name, and a scenario so I have something to work with

Also feel free to suggest preferences! Knowing myself I'll probably run out of ideas quickly lol. Of course I will give credit if you do suggest one

I will not write dirty preferences and imagines. I usually don't mind dirty things but I can't bring myself to write them. It's just too awkward for me and I hope y'all can understand that

Okay I'll stop rambling now. Continue!

MyStreet Boys Preferences and ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now