Chapter 22

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"Oh well look who we have there. Little miss 'I didn't do anything wrong.'" I heard Marissa say. "What the fuck Marissa?" I snapped at her. "You know what I'm talking about, stop denying and be fucking loyal to the people who love you."

You know, I love this woman to death but she can be so annoying and unrealistic sometimes.

"Sorry but can anybody explain what this is about?" Sammie spoke up. "Sammie could you get upstairs for just a sec? I need to talk to Demi. Will explain later." Marissa asked so Sam did what she asked her to do.

We walked into the living room, here it comes. Mother Marissa.

"Demi just be honest. What happened while you were in Brazil with that girl called Bird?" She pointed at her phone, showing a picture of the two of us, kissing.

"What the fuck. I never kissed her like that? All I did is a kiss on the cheek, because she's a really good friend. I do it with you all the time Rissa." I said. I swear photoshoppers can choke themselves.

"I don't know what to believe Demi. You seemed to be really close with her and you -"

"Marissa don't you fucking get it I love Sam, I love her and I will always do. Bird is a great friend, ofcourse, but no one could ever replace Sammie or what we have. She's the one." I said and walked upstairs to Sammie's room, leaving Marissa behind. She's so dramatic sometimes, even though I'd do exact the same thing if I was her.

"Hey baby." I walked over to Sam who was just listening music while sitting on her bed, scrolling on her phone. "Hey." She smiled. "Are you and Marissa alright?"

"Yeah we are baby. It was actually nothing. She saw a picture of me with someone but it was clearly photoshopped, but she thought it was real, which it wasn't." I said but she stopped me. "Shh babygirl. It's alright. I've got your back, no matter what." She kissed me. It's the first kiss in what felt like forever. "I missed those soft lips baby."

We soon went further and further till she stopped me. "We can't." She said. "Why not?" I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "My mom's here remember, it'd be disrespectful towards her."

"How are you such a nice person Sammie Callahan." I laughed and got off her. "We could go to mine?" She nodded and grabbed her stuff. "Bye mom. I'll be at Demi's for the day." She said and hugged Marissa. "Bye Marissa." She simply ignored and walked off to the kitchen, while we walked off to the car.

"Let's put on some music." She said and put on a random radio station. We sang along with the music the entire time till we saw a Mcdonalds sign which means food which means chicken nuggets.

We went through the Mc drive and got us two happy meals with chicken nuggets, ice tea for me, water for Sam.

As soon as we were done with our food we drove off to mine. Time for a long night.


Next day.

"Goodmorning babygirl." I said as Demi opened her eyes. "Hey." She kissed me and went back to sleep. She must be tired from all the tourdays, or from last night.

I took out my phone and took a picture of her, sleeping, while holding all her pillows and stuffed animals.

"@SammieCallahan: Guess who's back 😅😍."

I posted it on instagram and checked if I had any missed calls or texts, which I had.

---From Mom---
"Where are you."

---From Dinah J---
"I need to talk with you AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Meet me in the studio at 2 today. Love you Samson."

3 Missed calls from Mom.

I decided to call her back before she gets angry at both of us for not letting her know.

Phone convo
M: Sammie? Are you okay?
S: Yeah mom, I am. I just slept at Demi's.
M: Well couldn't you tell me? I was dead worried about you.
S: I know I'm sorry, I forgot.
M: Alright so, when will you be home?
S: Dinah texted me she had to talk to me as soon as possible so I'm going to the studio at 2 and I'll go home after.
M: I'll be waiting for you. Have fun. I love you Sammie.
S: I love you too mom.

"You guys have gotten really close huh?" Demi suddenly spoke up. "Jeez Dems don't scare me like that again. Yes we have." She just kissed me.

"Let's get ready I heard you have to be at the studio at 2, it's already 1pm." Demi said and got up. She put on a onesie and was about to start making breakfast. "Wait!!!" I said and walked towards her. "I'll do it." I winked at her and she laughed. "You know that I love you right?" She asked. "I do baby I do."

After we ate our breakfast we went into the car and soon enough arrived at the studio.

"Babe I'll go drive around, visit some friends, text me when you want to go home." I nodded. I kissed her and walked inside, not knowing why I'm actually here.

"Hey guys what's going on?" I said as soon as I saw all of the girls, plus their crew, plus their manager, plus Simon. "You remember when you sang here in the studio? And Simon heard you?"

"Well yeah it's not like it was 7 months ago ofcourse I remember Dinah J get to the point you're scaring me." I nervously giggled.

"You also know we are going on tour, to continue it. Despite the fact we had an amazing act to open each show, we want you. We have decided that you'd be better plus our first act didn't get along with most of us, but you do and your voice is absolutely amazing." Dinah stopped talking but Simon continued. "Would you like to be their first act on tour? It's all up to you."

I can't really understand what's happening. They are asking me? For their tour? To sing?

"I feel honoured honestly but I'd need some time to think and to discuss this with my mom and my girlfriend I'm sorry." Dinah walked up to me. "It's fine baby don't worry we get you. We're leaving tomorrow so we need to know it by tonight. Need a ride home?" She asked while hugging me. "No thanks Dinah J Demi's driving around, waiting for me." I gave her a hug, said goodbye to the girls and Simon and then walked outside.

///To Demi///
"Could you come and get me?"

I waited for 5 more minutes till I saw her driving my way. "Hey babe." She said and gave me a kiss once I got in the car. "What was it about?"

"Basically they want me to open their tour but I'm not sure because you just came back and also my mom I'm just not sure if I should do this."

"Baby you should. I think you should. This has been your dream since forever, you might only get this one opportunity and I don't want you to regret it for not taking it." She paused. "Go for it babe. This could be the start of an amazing career."

It would be so much fun. Being on tour, having fun, joking around, doing what I love, being nearby people I really love. But on the other side, I have to leave Demi & Marissa for around 3 weeks. I think I'll do it though. As Demi said, this could be the start of an amazing career.

Once we arrived at my house I went upstairs and closed the door. I just need time to think. I grabbed my guitar and sang one of my songs. I've been writing songs more often recently.

"Your eyes are like the waterfalls
as beautiful as the sunset.
Your smile is like a thousand stars
as beautiful as the moonlight.
Your hestitation up and down
Oh baby.
And then your fingers intertwine mine
Like there's only the two of us
Like no one could ever get hurt
Like love baby, just love."

"That was amazing."


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