Chapter 83

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"Is that a real question? You're a singer and singers shouldn't be putting their voices in danger. You know exactly what I'm talking about and besides that, you're being a naïve asshole to Marissa whilst she's doing everything she can to help you and make you happy." Dinah bursted out.

And now all the attention is on us. Great!

"Well I am sorry for disappointing everyone these days." I calmly said and stood up to walk back to my room.

"Wait!" I heard someone say. I turned around and Marissa was standing in front of me. "Come with me." She said and I followed her.

"What's going on with you Sammie?" She asked as we sat down somewhere away from the others. "Nothing mom."

"Remember that promise we once made?" She asked and I gave her a weird look, not knowing what she's talking about.

"We promised eachother to always tell the truth and be honest & open to eachother." She said and I nodded in response of remembering it.

"So what's going on?" She asked again, softer this time.

"I just haven't been feeling well. That's why I smoke. It's like all the drama just ends for a little while and I know it's wrong but it's the only thing which keeps my distracted from my thoughts these days." I said.

"Sam? Are you sure you are ready for this tour?" She asked with concern in her eyes. "I am, but sometimes I just really need some time for myself, and I hope everyone can respect that." I looked at her.

"Alright. How about you take a warm bath and I will bring you a hot cup of tea?" She suggested. "That'd be really nice mom. Thank you." I smiled and walked off to my room without saying anything to anyone.


I just can't get my finger on what is going on. Sam's not telling me shit and Marissa also isn't. For all I know from Dinah's outburst it looks Sammie's done some real shit but I still don't know what.

Anyways we have a show tonight and it's going to be pretty fucking great. I'm like really excited for this one, I don't know why, I just am.

About 30 minutes later I went back to my room and laid down to get some rest for the night.

Once I closed my eyes I heard a door shut and oh well, it's just Sammie cursing. I quietly grinned but acted like I was asleep.

"Shit, she's sleeping for god's sakes." She mumbled to herself and then came closer and laid down next to me.

"Sleep well gorgeous." She whispered and gave me a kiss on the head.

After a few minutes of thinking I clearly couldn't get myself to sleep so I moved to face Sammie.

"Hey Sam." I smiled. "Hey Dems." She said and continued whatever she was doing. "What are you doing?" I eventually asked. "Just texting some of my friends if they wanna visit one of the shows." She said with excitement in her voice.

"You can just give them free backstage passes, you know that right?" I asked. "Yeah, Marissa told me. Thanks." She kissed me and stood up.

"Where you going?" I asked her. "To fix my shit with Dinah." She mumbled. "Right, what was all of that about earlier today?"

"You're gonna be mad and disappointed if I tell you." She looked down. "I'm mad that you're not telling me shit Sam. I'll always be there for you but you really have to open up more." I slightly smiled.

"Marissa found out that I've been smoking lately. Then she asked me if I was the reason Madison started smoking so I got pissed because that's just a really wrong idea to even think about. So then she probably told Dinah who got mad at me this morning about it. Then I talked with Marissa and we're good now." She said within one breath it seems.

"Well Sam. Thanks for being honest to me. I'm just not happy you smoke. Why would you do that?" I calmly asked. "It's the only thing which keeps me distracted when I've got negative thoughts on my mind."

"There are plenty of other things you can do to distract yourself. I know that because I've been there and I want to help you get through this but you have to stop smoking. It's really bad for your voice baby girl. Just let me help you, and now go talk to Dinah." I stood up as well to give her a hug and a kiss and then she went to Dinah's room.

You know, I could easily get really mad at her about this but she hasn't been herself at some points and sometimes it gets a bit too much. I've just been in the same position as she is now so I don't have the right to get pissed at her. I do have the right to help her find other things to keep herself distracted.



Dinah?" I said as I knocked on the door.  I heard her walk up to me and not much later she stood right in front of me.

"What do you want?" She asked in a harsh tone. "I just want to explain some things. You don't know the reasons." I said. "Come in." She said and closed the door after me.

"Tell me." She waited for me to start talking.

"I started smoking because it feels like it's the only thing to keep negative things off my mind. I know there are other things to keep me distracted but I just don't know what. I've tried so many things already but everytime I
end up doing worse than before. Demi's going to help me find other things to do but it's going to take time, especially now with the tour and all the stuff we have to do." I said in one breath.

Dinah just looked at me as if she was thinking.

"You know Sam, you can tell me anything. I wish you would've told me. I got to hear this from Marissa and I was really disappointed and I still am. But since you clearly have a reason which is understandable but still not okay, I have to apologise for this morning. I'm sorry for my outburst. I'll help you if you need me but quit the smoking. It's only going to make you feel worse in the end." She said.

"Thanks Dinah. And I will try." I said and gave her a big hug.

We watched some TV and then I went back to my own room.

"Dems?" I quietly asked as I saw her laying on the bed, not knowing if she'd be asleep or not.

There was no reaction so I walked up to her. "Sleepyhead." I chuckled and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Then I got a call from an unknown number...

I haven't updated in so long 😳

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