Chapter 66

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"Sammie?" She asked. "Could you please tell me why you are 20 minutes late?" She looked at me. "Yeah actually, I had to drop off my sister and then I couldn't find the class." I said trying to hold in my laughter. It's just kind of hilarious how I still don't know where the classrooms are. I guess I should come around some more.

"Hey." I said as I sat down next to Harry. "Hey kiddo." He smiled.

We were talking about stage fright or some shit but I wasn't interested so I just took my phone and went through twitter. It didn't last long though, since Miss Alia wanted to talk to me so bad.

"What's up?" I asked. "Could you sit down, please?" She smiled at me.

I wonder how she manages to keep that smile on her face while we're all being annoying brats who want to go home.

"Why are you acting like this?" She started. "Like what?" I said but she gave me a look, yet I kept being quiet.

"Well first of all you've been skipping almost all of your classes. Once you come to school you act all uninterested and you are completely busy with other things. What's going on Sammie?"

"I don't know. There are just other things on my mind than school and everything. From now on I'm coming everyday though, or at least as much as possible." I said which caused her to smile.

"That's a good first step. Sammie, if you ever need someone to talk to just know that I'm here. I'm not much older than you so trust me when I say I understand you." She smiled and gave me a hug. "Alright let's get back to class."

The day went by really quickly after our talk.

I'm now at home, packing my stuff. This has kind of gotten me into such mixed feelings you know. I absolutely love Demi and having our first own apartment together is just everything I could ever wish for but I'm also gonna miss it here. I have an amazing bond with Marissa since the day we met and I just hope that won't fade away now that I'm not around her everyday.

I was just packing my clothes once Marissa walked in.

"Hey babygirl." She said. "Hey mom." I smiled at her. "Is everything going well?" She asked me. "Yeah, I just need to finish these clothes and some more boxes and then everything's ready to go." I said.

"I'm gonna miss you." I started. "I'm gonna miss you too baby but we'll still see eachother as much as possible, right?" She softly smiled at me. "Yeah." I simply said and then she put her arms around me. "I love you Sam, nothing will ever come in between you and me." She kissed my forehead and then gave me one of her big bear hugs. "I love you too mom."

She helped me out finishing packing my things and then both of us went downstairs to make dinner. Madison and Demi were both in the living room playing games, Dianna and Dallas are coming over today.

"Listen Sam, can we talk?" Marissa started. I don't know where this is going but it doesn't sound too good. "Yeah sure." I gave her a weak smile.

"Remember the other day I found your razors and confronted you about them?" She asked.

Told you so.

"Yeah." I looked down. "I'm gonna have to tell Demi." She strictly said. "What the fuck mom no." I raised my voice. "Now that I can't keep an eye on you anymore someone else needs to do it and Demi can help you baby trust me." She softly smiled. "No, mom. I don't want you to tell her. This is something between us and no one else." I said.

"But I just wa-" "I don't care mom I don't want you to tell anyone, is it that hard to fucking understand?" I screamed and ran upstairs.

I locked the room and let myself fall onto my bed and just cry. My life is honestly a big mess at this moment and I have no idea how to fix it.

After a while I sat down on the ground, grabbed some paper & a pen and started writing down how I feel.

Not too much after I started writing there was a knock on the door.

"Who's there?" I asked. "Your girlfriend." She said. Such a dork. I opened the door and let her in.

"What's going on with you baby?" She asked. "I'm just stressed." I said. "Stressed about what?"

"Just everything Demi. School, moving out, Quinn, just everything." I sighed. "Why don't you just go lay down for a minute and relax. Clear your head, think about something fun and close your eyes." She softly said so I did and she laid down next to me.

We laid there for about 30 minutes till there was a knock on my door, again.

"Who's there?" I yelled. "Madison." "Come in." I said cause I hadn't locked the door yet. "What's up?" I asked. "Marissa asked if y'all could come downstairs for dinner, mom and Dallas are already here." She smiled so I just nodded.

We went downstairs together and saw Marissa, Emma, Dianna and Dallas already waiting for us. "Hey." We greeted them and gave both of them a hug.

"So Sammie, how are you holding up?" Dallas asked. "Yeah I'm doing all good, how about you?" I smiled at her. "Me too." She smiled and started her food. 

They started a conversation with Emma which I was totally fine with because I really wasn't in the mood to talk to someone right now. Marissa's been giving me looks all night that she wants to talk but I'm just acting like I didn't see her looking at me.

"Are you okay?" Dianna asked me with a soft smile. "Yeah, I'm just tired. I had a busy day." I smiled back at her. "What did you do today?" She asked. "Well I had school and I had to finish packing." I said. "When exactly are you moving out?" Dallas now asked. "3 days from now." I felt my smile grow. "You're cute when you're excited." Demi giggled. I didn't realize everyone was listening to our conversation. We finished our food and then just talked for a while. 

"Can you come with me? Just a second." Marissa asked and took my hand. We walked over to the hallways and just stood there. "Listen I-." "Have you told Demi?" I cut her off. "No I haven't." She said. "Thank you."

"Listen I want to say sorry for earlier but I'm your mom and I'm just trying to protect my girl. All I want is for you to be happy and healthy, and now that you're moving out I won't be able to protect you as much anymore which makes me feel really guilty." She said as if she was in a rush. "Why does it make you feel guilty?" I asked.

"Because as your mother I'm supposed to always be there for you." She looked down. "Hey listen mom, you're doing amazing at being a mother and you are always there for me. Even now that I'm moving out I know that you'll still be there for me and I will be there for you. Don't worry, alright? I'm gonna be just fine." I gave her a weak smile.

"Promise to call me everyday and if there's anything?" She asked but more likely stated. "I promise." I smiled. She then gave me one of her big bear hugs and we walked back into the kitchen.

"What was that about?" 



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