Chapter 97

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She hit me.

I couldn't believe what just happened so I stepped into my car and drove away as fast as possible. Why would she freak out like this?

Sure, I'm not doing well but Demi doesn't have anything to do with it, does she? She's been nothing but good to me.

Emma always seemed like such a great girl but a bit shy. She never dared to stand up for herself or for others so this comes like a big shock to me.

She's always been the super sweet kid. Let's be honest, I haven't known her for that long but this, this is just making me sick.

Now that I know she's capable of this, I remember she did some weird things the last few weeks.

First of all, she broke up with her boyfriend for no reason and she told me without any kind of emotion. Then after that, Demi told me that Emma bursted out to Marissa as well. Last but not least, talking about being impulsive, she bought this apartment even though she didn't have a job. She has a job now, yeah, but that won't be enough at all.

Anyways, I got lost in my thoughts for the second time today whilst driving. I got home within a second though, just drove a bit faster than usual but I promise I'm always careful.

Coming home to see nobody's home. Well, boring. What am I going to do now... Guess I'll just start cooking or something.

Spaghetti bolognese or the classic favorite Ceasar salad? I bet you can guess it.

Once I started with the salad I got a call, it's Dinah.

Phonecall with Dinah:
D: Hey potato!
S: Hello to you too.
D: Are you home?
S: Yeah, just cooking. Why?
D: I'll be there in 10.
S: I thought you were in the hosp-

And with that, she hung up on me. She was in the hospital, I'm sure, I'm not getting crazy.

I tried to focus on the food and soon enough I heard someone walk in.

"It's me!" I heard a familiar voice, it's Dinah, along with Demi and Robin.

"Dinah J!" I run up to her and gave her a big hug. "Sammie C!" She laughed.

"I was indeed in the hospital Sam, you're not losing it." She giggled. "I'm so glad you're here now. Are you okay though?" I asked her. "I am. Don't worry about it." She smiled. "I'll always worry when something happens to you doofus." I said.

"Hey babe." Demi said and walked up to me to give me a kiss. I tried to act as if nothing happened at Emma's but I could hardly even believe myself. "Hey, what is it?" She asked and lifted my chin. "I'll tell you later." I whispered and gave her a kiss.

"Hey kiddo!" I smiled and gave Robin a hug. "Hey." She smiled. "Did you buy any new clothes today?" I asked, pointing to the bags on the ground.

"Yeah, a lot!" She giggled and took the bags upstairs.

"Hmm... What are you preparing? It smells delicious." Dinah said. "Just a salad. Nothing special but I was in the mood for the one and only Ceasar salad. How original!" I joked and they both laughed.

"Do you wanna join us for dinner, Dinah?" Demi asked. "That'd be nice. Since the two of you live together, are engaged and adopted a kid, I guess you could use an old friend to tell the kid all of your embarrassing moments!" She said dead serious.

"Asshole." I grinned to myself and shook my head. "But sure, you can join. That's just how nice I really am." I stuck out my tongue.

"Babe do we have enough for everyone? Your mom's joining us as well in a bit." Demi said. "Yeah, I think we have enough. Just a salad isn't that much so I guess I'll go for spaghetti bolognese as well." I smiled at her.

"You know that I can see the difference between a real and a fake smile." She whispered and kissed me. "We'll talk later." She said and then walked upstairs.

"So how's life?" Dinah asked. "It sucks." I chuckled. "Why's that?" She asked and came closer to me.

"I'll tell you but keep it between us for now. I'm going to talk to Demi and maybe to Marissa later today but not yet." I said and she nodded.

"So I went to Emma's today because she bought an apartment in town. We talked about everything that's been going on lately and then Demi came into the conversation. She literally said that I shouldn't marry her because she has a bad influence on me. She said that I'm a different person when I'm with her. After a while I was just done with her bullshit so I walked outside. She followed me and told me to stop. At the end, she said Demi's sick in the head and she's always been so I got furious and told her she's sick in the head. Once I wanted to leave, she slapped me in the face."

"That bitch. She's indeed sick in the head, you're right." Dinah said.

"Who's sick in the head?" Demi walked in. "No one." We both said which made her look really curious.

"I'll tell you later Dems." I softly said. "Okay." She said and started to clean up the room.

"Hello everyone!" We heard a familiar voice call. It's Marissa.

"Hey mom." She gave me a kiss on the cheek. "How's my favourite girl doing?" She asked me. "Not so well but I'm trying." I told her. The being honest about my feelings thing is going a lot better though!

"It'll all be okay. I'm here for you, you know that." She gave me a hug which caused me to tear up a bit.

I put all the plates on the table and we started eating.

"So, you're officially a granny now." I grinned and looked at my mom. "Oh shut up. I'm too young to be called a granny. I'm just Robin's new best friend." She said and looked very proud of it.

"You're still a granny." Demi said now and Dinah nodded. "What do you think, Robin?" Marissa asked her. "I'm being smart by not saying anything." She chuckled which made us laugh. She is a smart kid.

"I was wondering, is there a gymnastics centre in the area?" Robin asked after a while. "Yeah, I know a place. Why?" I asked her. "I want to do gymnastics." She smiled.

"You know, Sammie used to do gymnastics when she was younger. She's too old now but she still secretly loves it." Marissa said. "I'm not too old! I'm just busy." I said and pretended to be mad.

"I know she used to, Demi gave me one of her old gymnastics clothing sets." Robin proudly said. "Oh did she, how sweet, which one is it?" I smiled at both of them. That sounded really sarcastic though, didn't mean it that way.

"It's a red one with silver on it. It's gorgeous." She smiled. "We'll go by the gymnastics centre as soon as possible kiddo." I said and we continued eating.

Once we finished dinner we got ourselves something to drink and sat down on the couch.

"So Marissa, what is it that you wanted to talk to us about?" Demi asked her. "Well, I had a meeting today and Sammie's question came up, if we wanted to pay for all of the people who got injured or worse." She started.

"Can we pay for it?" I asked immediately.



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