Chapter 33

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I softly sang this to her and then she took her last bite. I've noticed how hard it is for her to even be here. She doesn't have anyone to support her through this, but no one should have to go through this alone.

I gave her a hug and then walked back to Anna. "That was amazing Sammie." She said.

"Ohmygod Dinah!!" I squealed once I saw Dinah and Normani standing behind Anna. "Hey baby." She laughed.

"Normani hey, I missed you two so much." I hugged normani. "Guys this is my friend Alexia, Alexia, this is Dinah and this is Normani." I introduced them to eachother and both Dinah and Mani gave her a hug.

"So how are you two doing girls?" Normani asked us. "In process." I looked over at Alexia who just nodded and then giggled, so did I. "How about you?"

"I'm doing great." Normani said. "Yeah me too. I miss having you around me though." She took my hand.

"How was the tour? Sammie told me about it." Alexia asked them. "It was amazing. Especially the last show. It was full of pranks and shit you get me, it's fun." Normani told us.

I'm just sad I couldn't finish the tour. This was obviously the best thing for me to do but I just really looked forward to my first tour ever and I didn't want it to end like this. Well, my own fault.


There's something wrong with Sam. She just looks so different. Like, the sparkle in her eyes is just not there anymore. She tries to convince us with a fake smile and long talks but I know she's hiding her real emotion and it kills me.

"Guys do you mind if I talk to Sammie privately? Just a minute." I asked Normani and Alexia and they left to another table to talk. They seem to get along really well.

"What's up?" Sam asked me. "I could ask you the same Sammie. Don't hide your emotions for me." I said and she just hugged me. "This is why you're my big sister." She said. "I love you."

"I love you more."

"So how is Marissa doing? Is she alright?" She asked me. "Yeah she's doing alright. She misses you a lot and she thinks about you all the time." I smiled and looked at her. "Things are gonna be alright Sam." She hugged my one last time till it was time for us to leave again. I'm going to miss her.

We said our goodbyes to the girls and then went home again.

3 months later.


The last few months have been hard. Demi visited me every weekend and tried to stay as long as possible, but on the other side, she seems to be hiding something and it has got to do with Marissa. She hasn't visited me in the past three months and it's been killing me to know my own mother didn't have time to visit her daughter and support her while in rehab. Maybe she's just busy.

Anyways, you will never guess what day it is. It's the 11th of August obviously, but guess what?! I AM RECOVERED.

I'm going home today. Demi's taking me to her place later. Just need to go to see Marissa first.

I gave Alexia my number and every social media account I have so she can always stay in touch with me. I'll also be visiting her next weekend to make sure she's doing okay. We've grown really close together lately. She's doing much better than 3 months ago and she has achieved a lot.

"I am so proud of you." Anna gave me a hug. I smiled at her and thanked her for everything she did in the past few months. If it wasn't for her I would've still be in that state.

"Hey baby." Demi walked up to me and kissed me. "Hey." I smiled at her. "Ready to go?" I nodded and we walked out of the building. The building I've been through hell in but it gave me a whole different view on life but mainly on myself.

I am beautiful, I am positive and I am good enough.

"You wanna head off to Marissa's first right?" She asked. "Yeah."

I put on the radio and thought about everything, like everything. My past, my family, my friends, my mom, my nurses, my life, everything.

Life is amazing you know, it's just what you make of it. If you want to be something, be what you want, just in your own creative ways. We are all human and most of us want the best for eachother. Don't let negative souls bring you down to a point where you can't see a beautiful life anymore, your own beautiful life.

"Earth to Sammie" Demi laughed. "Babe we're here." I looked at her. "Thank you for driving me. Could you just come with me?" I asked her and she nodded. As we got out she took my hand and kissed me one more time. "It'll be alright."

There's obviously something going on or else she wouldn't say this and she would be this nervous to go into her best friend's house. Also there must be someone with Marissa because there's a car on the driveway I've never seen before.

I knocked 3 times on the door and waited for about 30 seconds for someone to open it, someone I didn't expect to open this door.

It's Jason.

Jason Daniel Jackson.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I looked at him. He just has this smirk on his face like he used to always have, till Marissa came.

"Ohmygod baby I missed you so much!" She hugged me, though I didn't want to hug her back, I did because this might be the last hug I'll ever receive from her.

We walked inside and sat down on the couches. Demi and I sat as far away from Jason as possible.

"You never told me you were getting out already?" Marissa looked at me. "Yeah maybe you should've made time to actually give a fuck about me in the past 3 months." I said and she looked at me with guilt in her eyes so I just looked away.

"I'm so sorry honestly I've been super busy with my work and stuff." She said. "What kind of stuff?" I asked her and I felt Demi grab my hand.

"Well as you can see, I got into a relationship and I-"

"So that fucking bastard is more important to you than your own daughter?!" I raised my voice.

"Don't go there Sammie." She told me. "Don't go where mom? Let's go back to the fact that he did terrible things to me and my old family and now you tell me not to call him a fucking bastard? Because he is. He is a fucking bastard and he doesn't deserve any love at all. Girl if only you knew." I laughed at the end of this. It's obvious that Jason isn't telling the truth at all.

"Mom do you know his name?" I asked and she looked strange at me. "Yeah why?" She asked. "What is it?"  I looked into her eyes. "His name is Noah and he's 35 years old. Good enough?" She walked back to him. I just laughed.

"You have literally no idea what you've just gotten yourself into." I paused and thought really good about this one thing I'm about to ask her.

"If you want me in your life, leave him. If you want him in your life, I won't be your daughter anymore." I stood up and walked up to her. It looked like as if she was trying to hold her tears back for a minute but the next words which came out of her mouth made my entire world go down.

"You are not my daughter anymore."


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