Chapter 24

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"Just before you go, I have to tell you something." She said. "I am so extremely proud of you for finally following your dreams and being yourself. Have fun baby. I love you. Be safe." She said and hugged me. I stared into her eyes and just kissed her passionately.

"Not to interrupt, but we really have to go now." Dinah said, grabbing my stuff. "Bye baby." I said. "Bye gorgeous. Take care."

I waved at her and walked off to our plane. Ready to change my life.

We all sat down in the plane seats and took our seat belts on. I've got to admit I'm quite nervous.

While the girls were just on their phones, listening music and texting their family and friends, I was trying to figure out which songs I'd sing on stage.

1. Love Again
2. My Love Is Like A Star
3. Different Worlds
4. Neon Lights
5. Sledgehammer Acoustic
6. Magic Happens
7. Miss Movin' On
8. Home
9. Star Nights
10. Moonlight
11. Impossible
12. Collide

I've got to sing 4 songs each night and these are the songs which I love the most. Some of them are just like touching your soul because you know exactly what it is about and what you felt during writing the songs. Even though 2, 4, 5 and 7 aren't my own songs, but songs from people who mean a lot to me.

"What's up Samson?" Dinah sat down next to me. "Just trying to figure out which songs I should pick. I'm not sure about it. These are the 12 songs I have to choose 4 from." I showed her the list which is filled with song titles.

"I'm already sure about number 2 and number 7, now I just need to choose two of my own songs." I said while she was looking through the song lyrics from each song.

"If I were you, I'd definitely go for number 3, Different Worlds. The lyrics has such a beautiful message in it and it's totally about your own thoughts." She smiled at me. "Now let's ask the girls about the last song." I nodded and we asked the girls if they could help me. While they were looking through the lyrics I was going through my phone. 3 new messages.


From Mom:
"Have a safe flight. Text me once you land. I love you."

To mom:
"Thank you. I love you more."

From Demi:
"Be safe."

From Nick:
"Hey buddy. I heard you're going on tour, that's amazing! Have fun kiddo."

To Nick:
"Thank you grandpa."

"Earth to Sam." I heard Normani say while she was clapping her hands. I looked up to see 5 girls laughing at me, which I did too. "Sorry I was just going through my phone." I laughed. "We noticed." She chuckled. "Anyways we decided which song you should pick."

"Well what are you waiting for, tell me." I said. "It's got to be Home. I fell in love with it the moment I read it." Camila said. "Agreed." I heard the others say. "Thank you so much guys. I think that's settled. Time to relax. Dinah, sleep with me." I said as I took her hand to the end of the plane and got onto the small bed. "Goodnight buddy." I said. "Goodnight sweetheart."

Paris, France.

We arrived at the airport after a long ass flight, which I'm really tired of, but I'm glad to be here. We walked to the tourbus which was waiting for us. We got all our stuff with us and sat down, it didn't take long before we started driving.

"Hey Sam are you alright?" Ally asked. "Yeah I'm good." I smiled at her. "You just looked a little pale." I looked at her. "Yeah it's probably just from the flight. Never been on a plane for this long." I said and we laughed. She sat down next to me and pulled her phone out. "Let's take a selfie, it'll be our first one ever!" She said excited. We took a selfie and then she walked off to her place.

I decided to call Marissa and then Demi. Both of them are waiting for me to call so I'll just make it quick.

Phone conversation:
S: Hey mom.
M: Hello beautiful. How was the flight?
S: Long. Anyways how are you? How's your work going?
M: Haha I'm good Sam. Work's going well.
S: Well if you don't mind, I kinda have to go now. We're almost at our hotel and I also still need to call Demi. I love you.
M: I love you more. Stay safe and take care. Say hi to the girls from me.
S: Will do mom. Bye.

I hung up and immediately called Demi.

Phone conversation:
S: Hey Demi.
D: Sammie!
S: Who's with you?
D: Just a friend, we met up today. Anyways how are you feeling?
S: I'm good, but I have to go now. Just wanted to call you so you know I'm safe and doing alright. I love you.
D: I love you too.

I hung up once again and walked back to the girls. "Marissa told me to say hi." She all smiled and told me I should say hi back. So I did. We made a small video where everyone's saying hi and sent it to her. Soon enough we arrived at the hotel.

Camila's staying with Lauren, Normani's staying with Ally and I'm staying with Dinah. Since we all need to get enough rest and space we thought it'd be better if we'd take 2 persons room each.

The tour starts tomorrow. You know it's actually scaring me how I haven't even been practicing yet. It's just all so new.

We got our stuff in the hotel rooms and said bye to the other girls. Some time for Dinah and me alone. I just love hanging out with her.

"Dinah J I'm taking a bath do you want to go with me there are bubbles in it." I said and looked at her. She looked back at me and raised an eyebrow. "With bikini on you silly doofus." I added and laughed. "Come on let's do, it's gonna be fun." I said and got changed in the bathroom.

"I love you Samson." She suddenly said. "Awe Dinah I love you too." I hugged her. "Now let's get into the bubbles." Dinah brought food and wine and we got into the bath, which is basically just a bubble bath.

I put on music and we just sang along with it while hanging out, being on our phones like always, making stupid jokes.

I wish I had a body like hers. It's like perfect. Not too thin, not too thick, just perfect. Also her skin colour is amazing. Her blonde hair. I'm sounding jealous right now don't I.

We got out of the bath after a little and went to lay down on our bed. Somehow I've got a lot of energy but I'm still exhausted. Stupid jetlag.

We put on a random disney movie and slowly ate our food while laying on the bed. Once we were finished we started talking about stuff. Mostly about Demi and Dinah's boyfriend. Also the show tomorrow.

"Dinah I'm scared I'm gonna fail." I said. "You won't baby. You'll do amazing, promise. There's absolutely nothing that can ruin your performance. Your voice is gold and so are you. You're gonna be great." She smiled at me.

We just stared into eachother eyes and then...


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