Chapter 86

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"What the fuck?!" Marissa said.

"This can't be good." I mumbled to myself.

"No it can't be, Demi. She fucking lied to us and now she's missing." She almost screamed. "Marissa calm the fuck down. I'm going to call some people and Wilmer. He'll help us." I calmly said and then dialed his number.

Phonecall Wilmer:
D: Hey Wilmer.
W: Hey Dems. Long time no talk. What's up?
D: I think my girlfriend is missing. Can you please help me?
W: Always Dems. Where did you see her for the last time and when was it?
D: When I left for an interview this morning. Marissa has seen her after that.
W: Did she have any plans today? Did she call you?
D: She told Marissa she was meeting up with a friend but she wasn't. She was meeting with someone who texted her. She didn't call us but she texted Marissa, saying 'SOS'.
W: Okay. When did she text her that? And do you know who texted her?
D: No I don't know who texted her and she sent that around 4PM.
W: I'll work on it Dems. Send me her number on iMessage. I'll text you if I need more information or if I got something.
D: Thanks Wilmer. That means a lot. Bye.

I hung up the phone and then went to the toilet. I really have no clue where she could be and it's kind of scaring me off.

After I peed I washed my hands and went back to Marissa. "Rissa, you really need some sleep." It's already 11PM and she looks exhausted.

"No I can't. Not untill she's here." She said. "Just try. I'll be here the whole time and I'll wake you up if there's any news." I said and she nodded.

She tried to sleep so I put on a movie. I had a hard time staying awake as well but I kind of had to.

I've been laying here for like an hour now and I still haven't heard anything. I decided to go to the bar and get a drink.

There weren't many people down there anymore. It's 12PM though, understandable.

"Hey can I get a beer?" I asked the guy standing behind the bar. "Sure."

I got a beer and drank it as if it was just a glass of water.

"You look like you could need another one." The woman next to me said. "Not really. I think I'll fall asleep if I drink another one." I chuckled.

We talked for a bit but then I got a text. It's from Wilmer.

"Hey sorry I really gotta go, it was nice meeting you!" I gave her a hug and then went back to my room. Marissa was still peacefully sleeping so I opened the text first.

From Wilmer:
-I found Sammie's phone. Well, the location. I'll send you that one later. She's last seen at 4PM, that's when she texted Marissa. I also found the texts she's been receiving from that unknown person. She also didn't know who it was, she just went there to find out. I hope this is enough information. If you need anything else, just let me know."

He texted me the address so I thanked him and tried to wake up Marissa.

"What?" She mumbled, half asleep. "Wilmer found the address to where her phone is." I said within one breath and she immediately sat up.

"We have to go there." She said and stood up. I knocked on Max's door to ask if he'd come with us. We walked to the car and drove off to the address.

It was just a 15 minute drive and then we arrived.

It was just a normal building where anyone could live. It wasn't that big. I guess 2 people could live in there.

We walked to the house and then I saw something on the ground. "It's her's." I said. It was the bracelet Marissa gave her. "Definitely." Marissa said.

We looked through the windows to see if anyone was home. We didn't see a thing.

Max knocked on the door but there was no answer. We walked around the house to see if there was anything strange about it. And there was. It's a normal house with a normal cellar. Well, we assumed it was a cellar. But there's another really small room behind it without any windows or a door. I've never seen anything like that in my life.

We walked back to the front door and knocked on it again. We waited for a minute and suddenly the door opened.

"Who are you?" The guy asked. Only opening the door just a bit to see us.

"We ar-" "POLICE." I couldn't finish my sentence since all of the sudden the police was standing behind us.

"DROP EVERYTHING AND PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR RIGHT NOW. BOW DOWN TO THE GROUND AND STAY THERE." One of the officers yelled. We all did the same, till Wilmer walked up to me.

"It's alright Dems. Come with me." We all walked with him. I'm kind of shocked to see him here.

"What are you doing here?" I asked whilst hugging him. "After I sent you the address I did a bit more resource. I found out that this address belongs to a dangerous man. The police has been looking for him for a really long time."

"Thank you Wilmer." I said and hugged him again. He went back to work and we just had to wait there.

Not much later, Sammie came out of the building. She looked terrible. She was probably only in there for a few hours but something really bad had happened in there.

"Sam!" Marissa yelled and walked up to her. "Oh baby." She said as they were hugging. I walked up to them and I hugged Sammie really tight. "It's going to be okay love." I kissed her on the forehead since she seems to be a bit scared.

She had to talk to Wilmer about what happened. She didn't want any of us to be there with her except for Max.


"So tell me what happened Sammie. Take your time. Start with the moment you saw him." Wilmer calmly said.

"I got these texts first, saying he wants to meet me. I thought it was just an old friend or anyone I know. He yelled my name whilst I was on a bench so I walked up to him. He tried to convince me that he knows me from college. I trapped him in a lie so I said that but then he took his hand on my mouth and took me to his car. I tried to escape but I failed and he tied my hands together and put me in his car. He immediately locked the doors and drove off. I tried asking him things but I had to be quiet.

I remembered I still had my phone with me so I texted Marissa. Just a second later we were here so I had to drop my phone and shove it underneath the driver's seat.

Then when I got in the house I was lead to a really small and cold room, the one you just found me in. There was only a blanket, matrass and a toilet. He left me alone but not much later the doorbell rang. There was another guy.

He eventually left us alone and then..."


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