Chapter 23

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"That was amazing." I then saw someone in the doorway. Either she has a key or I just didn't even lock the door, which I'm pretty sure I did. "Yes I got a key and yes you were thinking out loud. Can I come in?" Dinah asked, I nodded.

"So have you made your decision?" She asked. "Yeah I just need some more time because I haven't had a chance to talk to my mom yet since she's not home, but will be in 15." I told her.

You know. Things are crazy. Life is crazy. Few months ago I was just the sad and lonely girl who didn't have a family neither real friends, and look where I am now. I've got a mom, a girlfriend, who both are my family, Dinah, who I see as my sister, Nick, who I see as my brother, the girls from 5H, Bea, the gymnastics group, just, so many great people have came into my life.

"I'll just stay here and sleep on your bed with you while watching series with food and wine if you don't mind me." She said and went downstairs to get food, wine and my macbook.

Which is also crazy is that I never got anything at my old family. I never got a computer, I never got new clothes, I never got a birthday present.

I had to work to buy my stuff. I have worked 20 months 5 days a week to buy myself a phone and new, fresh clothes. Now I just get them because my family loves me and wants to take care of me. Never take anything for granted.

"Hey, your mom just came home." Dinah said, with Marissa following her. "Hey baby what did you want to talk about?" She asked confused with a slight sign of concern in her eyes.

"Could you come sit down next to me, please?" I asked her and so she did. "I wanted to ask you something and I need your honest opinion. This could change both our lives." I said, then continued. "As you know, Dinah and the girls are on tour. A few days ago I went into the studio with them, and Simon Cowell heard me singing, while they were just in the other studio. Long story short, turns out their opening act didn't get along with them, so they asked me." I said, waiting for her reaction.

"Ohmygod baby that's amazing!" She hugged me. "Do you really think so? Because I'd have to leave you and Demi for 3 weeks and I'm just not sure. I want to go but I don't want to leave you." I said.

"Baby shh. This is your chance to follow your dreams. You might only get this chance once, so take it. Take a risk baby. Don't worry about us. First of all, it's only 3 weeks, second, I have to work loads currently, and last but not least, we'll facetime everyday, so will Demi. Go for it, I'm supporting you in this, no matter what." She said and I just hugged her. "Thank you."

We basically spent the night with the three of us since Dinah and Marissa get along really well. We already packed my clothes because we're leaving tomorrow. I also called Demi to stay at mine tonight because I won't see her for 3 whole weeks again. My precious baby.

Anyways she should be here in about 10 minutes. Dinah also invited the girls to come over for the night to make just one big party as in a goodbye for 3 weeks party.

The girls were already here. We put down all our sleep stuff and made a huge bed made out of pillows and stuffed animals all across the living room. The doorbell rang so I went to open it, since it's probably Demi.

"Hey gorgeous." She came in and kissed me, then put out her jacket and walked back to me. "You look beautiful." I told her.

She was wearing a black ripped jeans with a red loose t-shirt on it. Her hair was all over the place though, which is pretty weird. Must be from the wind outside since she has an open car.

"You also do babe. Just let me change myself, I brought my onesie since it's a sleepover." She laughed. "Sure baby, you know where to find me." I hugged her and walked back into the living room. There was now food everywhere, alcohol everywhere, pillows everywhere. This is gonna be a long, crazy night.

Next day

"Goodmorning princessa." I heard Demi say, then she kissed me and put her hands around my waist. I kissed her back and slowly put my hands down to her ass.

"Y'all remember we're here too right?" I heard Camila giggle. "Guys shut up I'm not seeing my girlfriend for 3 weeks." I kissed her, just a simple peck on the lips this time.

"We need to leave in 2 hours Sam so get ready and make sure you've got everything with you. We're just heading home and take our stuff together so be at our house at 1PM." Lauren said and then hugged me, so did the other girls. "I love you Sammie C."

"I love you too Dinah J."

"You guys have a great friendship right?" Demi suddenly asked. "Yeah we do. She's my best friend." I answered and got up, till Demi stopped me. "No babe wait." She kissed me and put her hands all over my body. "Not now babe." I stopped her. "My mom's in the next room, we can't." I said and Demi pouted her lip. I just got up and took her with me.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." She said. "Aw baby I'm gonna miss you too. Promise me to facetime me everyday?" I asked.

"I promise."

We checked everything and made sure I took everything with me.

"SAM?!" I heard Marissa scream from downstairs so I quickly ran downstairs. "What's going on mom?"

"I got you something small. It's just like a sign. Everytime you look at it, just remember that you can get through anything, and I will always be there for you, I love you." She gave me a beautiful bracelet which is really small but absolutely gorgeous. It's made out of silver and 3 golden signs in it. "The first sign means love, the second sign means faith, and the last sign means strength." I started to tear up and immediately hugged her. "Thank you so much. I love you endlessly and I promise you call you everyday."

We hugged one last time and then it was time for me to go. Demi's bringing me to the airport so I wouldn't have to leave my car there and Marissa had to work so.

Once we arrived at the airport I took all my stuff, so did Demi, and we walked inside. I saw the girls already waiting for us in an apart room since there were many, MANY, fans looking for them. Luckily we made out way to the room and quickly got in there.

"You ready?" Dinah asked. "I am so ready."

This tour is gonna change my life forever. I'm finally following my dreams.

"Hey babe I have to go now." I told Demi and hugged her.

"Just before you go, I have to tell you something."

DANG drama's on it's way 🎉

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