Chapter 13

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"Hey Dems what's up long time no talk?" Lauren said.

"Hey Lauren I'm great how about you? How are things with Dinah?"

"I'm alright, you know, things are getting better but I'm scared that we may not go back to the way we used to be."

I hugged her and gave her something to drink. "It's gonna be okay, trust me."

Just let me explain. Camila and Lauren became in a huge fight, no one knows what it is about except Dinah who is choosing Camila's side, which is why Dinah and Lauren are also fighting. It's complicated but they need to get their shit together if they want to keep their tour going, cause sooner or later it's gonna go wrong.

I haven't seen Sam all night though. She must be somewhere around talking to someone.

"Hey Bea how's it going?" I walked upto her.

"I'm all good Demi how about you? How are you and your girl?" She smirked, I blushed.

"We're great, perfect actually. It's almost too good to be true." She smiled at me and got us a drink. Vodka.

I know I'm not supposed to drink anything like that but it's my baby's birthday so what's the big problem there.

I finally saw Sam. She was talking to Nick and Camila.

"Hey guys." "Hey Dems." The three greeted me.

"Do y'all like it so far?" I asked. "Yes it's amazing, thank you baby." Sammie kissed me.

"Ew Sam you smell like way too much alcohol." I laughed and hugged her, till I noticed both Nick and Camila were recording us. "Damn you guys need to calm your nipples."

The night went by really fast. I haven't seen Sam after I talked to her with Nick and Camila. Everyone started getting home so we said our goodbyes and I thanked them for coming.

Once almost everyone was gone I saw Sammie at the bar, and from what I could say she seemed pretty drunk.

"Alright baby let's head upstairs you've had enough for today." I took her in my arms and brought her upstairs. I changed her clothes and put her into bed, it only took her 2 minutes to fall asleep. I laid down next to her and texted Marissa

///To Marissa///
"Hey riss. Could you take care of everyone downstairs? We're upstairs, you can sleep in the guest room, thanks. Love you"

I locked my phone and not much later I felt myself drifting off to sleep.


I suddenly woke up with a miserable feeling in my stomach. I got up and walked to the bathroom as fast as I could. I hung above the toilet and soon enough I started vomiting from sickness. Man I never felt this miserable in my entire life.

"Calm down baby, you're alright." Marissa said from behind me. She took my hair together and put it in a ponytail. "Come sleep with me, I'll take care of you." I nodded and walked to her room and laid down.

As soon as Marissa laid down next to me I could feel myself falling asleep again. "I love you mom."

"I love you too."

Next day


I woke up in an empty bed. I was still in my clothes from last night so I quickly took a shower and put on some sweatpants and one of Rissa's big shirts she got me a year ago.

"Goodmorning Marissa, goodmorning Sam." I said, walking down the stairs.

I got myself a bowl and put cereals in it. "Have you already eaten Sammie?"

"Yes I have." She said.

"No you haven't." Marissa sternly said.

"Come here babe I'll get you some cereal. It's okay." I hugged her and put cereal in a bowl for her.

"Yesterday was awesome guys thank you, really. Thanks for inviting so many people and just everything, even though I feel sick right now." Sammie said.

"That's your own fault honey." Marissa laughed. "So what does it feel like to be 18?"

"Hm nothing much changed, besides the fact that I now have a bomb ass car to make road trips with." She said trying to eat her breakfast while I held her left hand.

"Are you nervous for tomorrow?" I asked.

"It's just that I don't want to see them ever again, but I'm not scared. I did my research and I can easily disappear whenever I want to because I'm 18." She chuckled.

"It's gonna be fine Rissa, she's ours now." I said. "Very true." Sam added.

"So Sam you wanna do something today or is it just a movie day in the livingroom?" Marissa asked.

"Movie day." She said, knowing she's still feeling sick from last night.

"I'm in" I said.

We brought some food with us to the livingroom and put on netflix, the usual.

I have a concert tomorrow which means I can't come with Marissa and Sammie but I'm guessing they'll survive it together.

The day after tomorrow we'll drive to our next stop, Dallas. We might go right after the concert, if not we're going the day after.

///To Mom///
"Hey mom. We're coming over in 2 days so that you, dad and whoever is at home can meet Sammie. Love you."

---From Mom---
"Alright honey. Make sure you don't eat before you come. See you soon xx."

I locked my phone and got myself some popcorn to watch the movie they chose. I can't really recognize what movie it is but it seems fun so far.

After about half an hour I turned the TV volume down and went into the music room.

Yes, I have small rooms for every activity I like.

I started feeling bad, quite terrible so I decided to write it down and just let it all out.

"It's like I'm going through an ocean. An ocean full of tears and smiles. An ocean full of memories and people.
It's like I'm living in a movie. It's like when everything's getting perfect, it gets taken away by the enemies. But what are enemies? People who hate you?

Haters are more likely jealous people. They think they better than everyone else but they ain't. What they don't notice is how pathetic they are. Spending their time on someone they apparently don't find interesting.

Sometimes I don't get this world. Sometimes I feel like I belong somewhere else. I don't know. Maybe I'm not good enough. Maybe I'm trying too hard. Maybe I'm not who I am supposed to be. Maybe.

What if I said 'no' to something instead of 'yes'? Would my life have been totally different? Would I have been homeless? Would I have been hated? Would I have been happy?

When I was a child, I always wanted to meet my dream prince. I always wanted to live a fairytale and be friends with all my favorite characters. Maybe I am living a fairytale? Maybe I am one of those characters? What if there's someone out of this world, making us do the things we do daily, without us knowing about it? What if we aren't human? What if.

People always said I would be the happiest person alive. Ha you thought. Look at me now. What am I. A complete mess, dat true.

Though life can be beautiful. Look at my friends, family, lovatics and my precious, gorgeous girlfriend. I still don't understand how a soul like hers could ever love one like mine. Some things will never be clear to me. Some things will never be real to me. Some things."


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