Chapter 2

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After last night's tweets my phone basically crashed so I went off to sleep. It's around 9am at the moment and I'm pretty fucking tired.

Demi's still asleep because she was exhausted from her concert last night. It's still quite unbelievable you know, 'living' with the woman I have been looking upto ever since Camp Rock first came out.

I decided to make breakfast for Demi because she has been nothing but incredibly nice to me.

Eggs, bacon, orange juice, more eggs, bread and a muffin. Hope she won't think it's too much though.

"Is this the smell of a fantastic breakfast maker?" Demi walked in.

"If that's how you want to call me. Enjoy your breakfast Demi, thanks for being so nice to me."

"Aw honey thank you so much. Anyways, how did you sleep? Did you get some sleep after last night?" She asked.

"My sleep was absolutely fantastic. After these nights in a uncomfortable hotel bedroom with scary noises and spiders on the walls, this is a dreamplace."

She just laughed and looked at me.

"Why you looking at me do I have something on my face?"

"No it's just... nothing. But anyways would you like to explore San Fransisco today? Have you ever been there?"

"I have never. I really want to go to the long red bomb ass bridge it's kinda cool you know." I said.

"I know it is it's absolutely gorgeous! Get yourself ready, take a shower and scream if you need anything. We're leaving in 1 hour." Demi said, winking at me.

I quickly took a shower, washed my hair and put on fresh clothes. I put my hair in a long wavy ponytail and put on make up.

Foundation, lowkey blush, mascara, eye shadow and a wing. It's my daily routine actually.

"You ready Sam?" Demi screamed.

"Let's go Dems!"

At the bridge

"You know what's funny Demi?"

"Tell me Sammie."

"The fact that you used to be the woman of my dreams. I always thought I'd marry you when you were still in camprock. I have always looked upto you as in my role model and I've been so into you. Now I'm kind of just living with you."

Why do I say those things I'm way too cheesy why did I just

"I used to be the woman of your dreams? Shit my heart just sank into my vagina." Demi laughed.

She's so precious.

We sat there for like 10 more minutes in silence and then went back to town. We walked down a little and stopped at a small restaurant in a small street.

Demi ordered fries with salad and chicken. I ordered salad and chicken only.

"Are you sure that's enough? I mean it's not really a lot if you get what I mean." Demi asked.

"Yeah I'm sure I've been eating your junkfood all day what did you expect me to do." I laughed it off.

We talked all night, got to know eachother and ordered a few drinks. It's already 11pm so we decided to head back to the bus so we can go to our hotel.

"Listen Sam, I really want you to stay in a hotel room with me because I'm always scared and I like having someone to cuddle with at nights, Nick's terrible at cuddling. Would you like to share a room with me or is it too much?" Demi asked.

"Yes ofcourse I'd love to what's that kind of question you silly." I gave her a small smile.

"Good. I also want you to meet Nick and the rest of the crew tomorrow. Marissa will come with us this week, for like 3 days, do you mind sharing your little busroom with her?" She asked.

"That's cool. As long as I can sleep somewhere I'm all good."

We watched tv for about 25 minutes till we arrived at the hotel. We brought our stuff to our room, changed clothes, wash our face and went off to bed.

Demi layed right next to me but suddenly came closer. Well she told me she loves cuddling so that's probably just it.

We spent the rest of the night cuddling and sleeping. That's pretty much it.

The next day

I woke up feeling 2 warm arms around me. Everything that has happened last 2 days just shot back into my head and I still feel like I'm dreaming.

"Morning Sam, whatcha thinking about you look so serious?"

Her morning voice is the most precious little thing I've ever heard.

"Just life. Life can be confusing some days." I said.

"It sure can be but life's beautiful just like you." Demi said.

I decided not to get into it and just hug her.


You know what's funny. When you like someone that much you actually want to be with that person 24/7 and want to give up your life for them but you're too scared.

Yes I like Sammie, a lot, but is this love? It feels like, something else.

"Whatcha thinking bout Dems?" Sammie asked.

"Nothing. Tell me a little bit more about your life, who are your parents who are your friends do you have any siblings?" I asked her this time.

"When I was 8 I got told I was adopted. I have 1 older sister, who isn't adopted. I don't have many friends because I didn't go to school ever since last year."

"Does your sister accept you for who you are? Or is she just like your parents?"

"Just like my parents. I'm actually quite sad I got adopted because if I didn't get adopted, my birth family may have accepted me for who I am because that's how I were born, not how I turned out in the couple of years." She said.

I'm still wondering what she means with who she is.

"Do you know who your birth family is?" I asked.

"There's only one thing I know, they really didn't have time for me because my birth mother had to go into rehab. That's all. I don't know any names, any ages, any places. Just nothing." She said.

"I'm so sorry honey. You know, I have this friend of mine and he's really good at detecting. I could ask him to search for your family if you want to?" I asked, knowing Wilmer would do this for me.

"Really? I mean doesn't that cost a lot of money? I don't want to be a burden."

"Shh Sam, that's settled." I said.


Demi went out of the hotel room to call her friend. I hope he can find something about my birth family.

Demi has a show tomorrow in San Fransisco. It's also my first show ever backstage, kinda cool isn't it. Being on stage is everything I ever wanted and hopefully it might be reality someday.

"That's fixed love he'll try to find something right away and he'll call me once he did. I gave him your information you gave me, you ok with that right?" Demi walked in.

"Yea that's fine Dems thank you, a lot."

We called room service and got our breakfast. I love hotel food.

We went to bed again to watch a movie. We layed there for about 40 minutes when Demi's phone rang, it's Wilmer.



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