Q&A- Answer Time!

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laurawriting asked:

Weird question but how old are you?

A: Haha not a weird question at all my dear :3 I'm nearly 20 years old now.

A_C_Forever asked:

Wat's ur name XD

A: I wish my actual name was Bliss because my name is so common x) my real name is Michelle.

elli3jones asked: 

What was it like writing this? Was it a while until you started getting reads and comments and votes and stuff? Xx

A: It was a slow process with a lot of banging my head against the wall but also a lot of moments where I was really happy writing the book. It took a little while for the book to pick up momentum but I was still super excited whenever I got a vote or a comment. I always loved the comments the most because it oftentimes gave me a chance to interact with my readers. :)

Carloseddie asked:

Do you have any pets?

A: I WISH. No, as of right now I feel like a pet would be too much work. I almost never at home so whatever animal I had I think would get kind of lonely. :/

HLLNFL asked:

What inspired you to write this book? Btw you're awesome!

A: Awww why thank you :3 Inspiration strikes at the strangest times and I'm pretty sure I was spacing out while watching a T.V. show and the idea started formulating. I always liked the idea of a cheeky, innuendo riddled Harry and then I thought of all the bets my cousins and I used to make and voila, Bring It Bitch. x)

Kaylie_Mae09 asked:

Are you in a relationship right now?

A: Yes, I am currently in a very happy and loving relationship :)

1dharrehstyles asked:

because I'm a perv hahahah are you a virgin? Also do you have any tattoos or piercings?

A: I was waiting for someone to ask this, ya filthy pirates x) No, I am not a virgin and yes, I have both tattoos and piercings. I have my nose pierced, three on each earlobe and an industrial. As for tattoos I'm in the process of getting a piece on my stomach but I also have a small one on my wrist :)

Thank you for your questions! And thank you again for 1 million reads!!!! You guys are amazing! :D

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now