Chapter 31: Revelation

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Rayla's POV

I stared in shock at the very attractive boy leaning against the lockers next to me. He smirked, adjusting the sleeves of his leather jacket.

"Hey, babe," his rough voice drawled. He pushed himself up off the lockers and tucked his hands into his jean pockets.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, bewildered. As far as I knew, Zayn didn't attend this school.

"Not happy to see me?" He joked, chuckling as his eyes swept over my face. "Just visiting. Any idea where Harry is?"

"No," I said quickly, pressing my lips together.

Zayn nodded slowly and looked down the hall. "I'm sure he's around here somewhere. In the meantime," he looked back at me with a charming smile on his face. "How've you been?"

"Um, not bad." A small smile appeared on my face.

"Great, great. I was wondering when I'd see you again. By the way, sorry about what happened at that party. I really should have known how territorial Harry can be," Zayn mused, his eyes twinkling mischievously.


"Mhm, he doesn't like people taking his stuff."

"His stuff? Last time I checked, I'm not an object," I said defensively, but Zayn held up his hands.

"I don't think of you as an object. Harry on the other hand, I don't really know."

"I'm sure he doesn't think of me as an object," I defended him coldly.

Zayn raised his eyebrow and shrugged. "Don't be so sure about that, Ray."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that Harry isn't always what he appears to be."

"You're telling me that he's conning me?"

"In a way."

"You're being really vague."

"I know I am," Zayn said uneasily, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Stop beating around the bush, Zayn."

"Well, Harry-he's no angel. I mean, you know all the stories going around the school about all the girls he's fucked?"

"Yeah," I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying not to pull a face at the idea of Harry in bed with Lindsey Harrison. Ew.

"I'm worried that he's only putting up a nice guy act so he can try to get into your pants."

I raised my eyebrows and put m hand on my hip. "Are you serious?" I scoffed, but I felt a doubt nagging at me in the back of my mind. What if Zayn was right? What if Harry was just playing me? How many other girls had he done this sort of thing with?

Zayn looked frustrated as he ran his fingers through his quiff. "I mean it, Ray. I've known Harry for quite a while. It was at my party that he first lost his virginity. It was also at several at my parties where he's banged countless girls-"

"Enough!" I interrupted him, holding my hands up. My eyes were wide as I tried to clear my thoughts. I knew Harry's reputation. Everyone did. He was the school player, the one who got all the girls with just a snap of his fingers.

Of course he would be doing this with me. I was one of the only girls who had rebuffed every single advance he had made. I was a challenge.

I felt tears prick the back of my eyes. I didn't want to believe it, but everything made sense. Why he was bothering to put the time in, why he was acting like my friend. For all I knew he had probably made a bet with one of his dumb ass friends that he could get into my pants by the end of the--oh my God.

"Oh my God," I repeated out loud, covering my mouth with my hands.

"What?" Zayn said worriedly, placing his hand on my arm. I couldn't even speak. The final piece of the puzzle I had been itching to solve finally fell into place. How could I have not seen this before?

Task twelve was to have sex.

With whom? Harry probably meant himself.



QUESTION OF THE DAY # 1: What is your favourite animal? I LOVE any kind of monkey <3

Vote, comment and follow! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now