Chapter 9: Little Naked Harrys

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Harry is so cheeky it's killing me LOL

Vote and comment, munchkins! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

Rayla's POV

Needless to say my dreams that night were filled with little Harrys running around naked. 

It's official--I'm mentally scarred for life.

I did not need to see Harry's junk, nor did I want to see it in the first place. 

He did not need to see me naked, nor did I want him to see me naked. 

When Claire asked me how my bet was going, I was really vague. I told her that I had completed three tasks so far, but I hadn't elaborated on what those tasks were, neither did I go to lengths to tell her about the others. I still had another nine to go, and I was already dreading task four.

"Ray, you seem really agitated. Is something wrong?" My brother Brody asked, leaning on my door frame.

"Uh, yeah. Why do you ask?" I dropped my pen onto my notebook where I had been doing history homework an turned to face my younger brother.

"It's seem a bit on edge lately and I've been seeing you talking to that Styles kid. You do realize that he's trouble, right?" Brody was a year younger than me, but that didn't stop him from being protective. He hated Harry with a passion, and by the looks of it he wasn't too happy right now that I was associating with him.

"We're just partners in Science class for a project," I lied, biting my lips to keep it from quivering.

Brody's eyes narrowed as he stared at me, trying to see if I was telling the truth or not. Eventually he sighed  and pushed his weight off of the door frame, coming towards me and sitting next to me on the bed. "Okay. Just please don't talk to him outside of school. He's a sleaze, and I don't appreciate him getting anywhere near my sister."

"I can take care of myself Brody," I laughed nervously. "Remember I am older than you."

Brody rolled his eyes and got up and walked away, stopping once more at my door. "I'm just watching out for you. Wouldn't want you getting conned by that douche and end up losing your virginity." On that lovely note he walked back into his room across the hall and left me wondering about the last task on the list.

Get laid.

Does he mean that we're going it? I pressed my lips together and grabbed my phone, quickly texting Harry.

To: Harry

You'd better not mean that we're going to "do it" for task twelve

My phone buzzed a minute later and I pounced on it, anxious to see his reply.

From: Harry

Maybe, maybe not. I'm afraid that information is proprietary.

I scowled and typed in my response. 

To: Harry


From: Harry

No need to remind me that I have a very nice one, after you couldn't keep your eyes off of it and you said that it "distracted" you ;) You up for next Wednesday to sneak out?

Ew. I scrunched my nose up and shook my head, trying to get the image of Harry's schlong out of my mind. 

To: Harry

That's just plain gross. And Wednesday? That's a school night.

From: Harry

Your point being?

To: Harry

My point is that it's a school night.

From: Harry

Why are you such a stiff?

To: Harry

Now you're just stealing stuff from Divergent. If we're going to sneak out we have to be back before nine.

From: Harry

You know the whole point of sneaking out is to break curfew? C'mon you gotta know your basic facts.

To: Harry

Fine, then how about we have to be back by eleven.

From: Harry

I promise you that you'll want to stay out later for what I have planned ;)

I rolled my eyes at his immaturity but I couldn't help but get a tingle of curiosity spreading through my mind. I found myself almost looking forward to seeing what Harry had planned for next Wednesday.

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now