Chapter 14: I Flirt With a Drug Dealer

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Rayla's POV

The inside of the mansion was even grander than the outside. I tried not to gape at the extravagant entranceway and the enormous gilded staircase.

Harry passed all of it by as if he had seen it a million times and followed Zayn right to a dark wooden door down an unlit hallway. Zayn opened the door with a loud creak and motioned for us to go in. The light flicked on and it took a while for my eyes to adjust themselves. When they did they landed on a bunch of cameras and printers.

"So this is where the magic happens?" I eyed the equipment suspiciously and Zayn smiled slyly.

"Yep. Now, let's get your photos taken." Zayn pulled up a stool and pulled down a white background then motioned for me to sit down. "Sit up straight, don't smile and try to look as mature as possible," he instructed, picking up a camera and slinging the strap around his neck. "Ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," I murmured, wiggling my butt on the stool until I was comfortable and straightening my back until it was as stiff as a board.

"Great. Look at the camera and...awesome." I heard a click and a flash was emitted from the top of the camera. "Beautiful. You did perfect, doll," Zayn checked the screen of the camera and smiled.

"My turn," Harry said sharply, walking up to me and helping me off the stool. He sat down and sat up straight like I had before.


Zayn took his picture and nodded. "Okay. I should these ready in about fifteen minutes." Zayn glanced up and smiled charmingly at me. "You're more than welcome to wait in the living room. I'll come see you when they're done."

"Okay, c'mon, Rayla." Harry took me by my forearm and dragged me out of the room like he wanted to get me as far away from Zayn as possible.

"Harry, can I have my arm back?" I whined, letting his pull me into the living room. I sighed once he released my arm. "Jesus, I think it's going to bruise. What was that for?"

"Sorry," he mumbled, plopping down on one of the white leather couches. "I didn't like the way he was looking at you. He looks at you like you're a piece of meat or something. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised. It's Zayn, he's quite the ladies' man."

"Oh...well, thanks...I guess," I examined the red marks from his fingertips on my arms with scrutiny.

"I'm sorry," he said softly, this time taking my arm gently and rubbing his fingertips over the marks. I shivered as his soft fingers ghosted over my skin. He seemed to be in a trance-like state, staring intently at the marks on my arm, concentrated on soothing the dull pain.

"Harry?" I murmured, snapping my fingers in front of his face.

"Huh?" Harry's head snapped up to look at me, his green eyes brighter than usual.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"


"I have your IDs!" Zayn sung as he strolled into the living room. In his hand he carried two cards that looked pretty real. I took mine and stared at it in amazment.

"This is insane! It looks just like a real ID!"

"That's the point, sweetheart," Zayn chuckled, handing Harry his and smirking proudly.

"Good work, as always," Harry smiled tightly and patted Zayn on the back. "We'd best be going now, though. I'll see you soon to pick up some dope, yeah?"

"For sure," Zayn nodded and saw us to the door. He gave Harry a bro hug before winking at me flirtatiously. "See you around, gorgeous."

I blushed deeply and stepped outside into the cold night air. My cheeks were so hot I was sure there was steam coming off of them. Harry on the other hand had an annoyed expression on his face. "I'll take you home," he said tightly, opening the door of his car for me before closing it and jogging to the other side.

"You and Zayn are a little bit competitive with each other, aren't you?" I remarked, turning to look at the curly-haired boy beside me as he started driving.

Harry looked surprised, staying silent for a while before finally answering "More like a lot. We've always been competitive with each other, whether it was for sports or for girls."

I nodded slowly and stared out the window, watching the cars pass by. "Harry? Were you jealous?" I was met with silence. I glanced at Harry to see his jaw clenched and his eyes fixated on the road.

"No. I just didn't like the way he was looking at you and I know how he is with girls."

That was it. The rest of car ride was silent until we pulled up at my house. "Goodnight, Harry," I said softly, closing the door of his car quietly to make sure I didn't alert my parents of anything suspicious.

Despite the awkward silence in the car Harry's cheeky smile had returned and he grinned at me through the window. "Bye, Rayla. Can't wait till next week." Without giving me a chance to respond he rolled the window up and sped off down the road.


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Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now