two // Bring It, Bitch

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Rayla's POV

Needless to say my math class was hell. It was an hour of Harry annoying me at any opportunity and making perverted jokes to try to get a reaction out of me.

"Wow," he said as he tried to suppress his laughter after I rolled my yet at yet another dirty reference. "You really are a prude."

"Excuse me?" I demanded.

"Oh, don't even try to deny it, Ray." He rolled his eyes as he shook his head.

"And don't call me Ray," I snapped. "My name is Rayla. Ray is reserved for my friends and only my friends."

Harry put his hand to his chest and faked hurt. "I'm not your friend? I seem to remember that I used to call you that."

"No. Not even close. And emphasis on the 'used to'." I pursed my lips and turned away, feeling an ever-growing desire to punch him in the face.

Harry chuckled and leaned in closer, that stupid, arrogant smirk making its way onto his lips. "Face it, Rayla. You're a prude. I bet you've never even had sex."

"What makes you say that?" I asked defensively.

"The fact that you..." I nearly screamed when I felt his hand barely touch my knee. "Freak out whenever a guy touches you."

"I don't freak out when any guy touches me, only you because you're a perv!" I hissed, slapping his hand away. "But that doesn't mean that I haven't done it."

"So you're a slut, then?"

"What? No! I-I-"

"It's kind of two-sided isn't it? If you admit that you haven't done it, then you're a prude. If you admit that you have, then you're a slut." A mischievous smile played on his lips as he watched my eyes widen.

"Well you've done plenty of girls, would you call yourself a slut?" I desperately tried to bring the attention away from me but he simply chuckled.

"No, I'd call myself a manwhore. The difference between you and I, darling," he mused as he raised his eyebrows and smiled slyly, "is that I have no problem admitting it because I'm not a stuffy, uptight goody-two-shoes."

"I am not a goody-two-shoes!" I protested, huffing and sinking further down into my seat.

"Are you kidding me, Ray? You never break the rules, you're a bloody goody-two-shoes! You. Never. Take. Chances." 

"I do so!" I huffed, glaring at him.

"Oh really? Name a time when you actually did something that wasn't allowed."

I opened my mouth only to close it seconds later. "See? Like I said, you never break the rules." Harry scoffed.

"Well...I can start breaking the rules."

"Ha! I seriously doubt that. You aren't capable of doing anything that's even remotely out of line, never have been."

"Oh yeah? Well, I'll prove you wrong."

"Will you now?"

"Yeah, I will! And to make it a bit more interesting, how about we make it a bet," I said boldly. The situation I was getting myself into was screaming "bad idea", but at this point I was so riled up that I would do anything to wipe that smug smile off of Harry's face.

"Alright then. How about this: every week for the next...let's say three months, you have to do something crazy or illegal. If you win, I'll give you 500 pounds. If you don't, you have to be my personal servant for a month. That means washing my car, making me food and maybe even doing some of my homework." 

"Fine. But only if you do it with me."

"You drive a hard bargain, Ray. You're on." He held out his hand, waiting for me to shake on it.

Little did I know what I was getting myself into.

I grasped his hand firmly and smiled crookedly. "Bring it, bitch."

His eyebrows raised a little at my out-of-character choice of words but he smirked anyways.

"Oh, and Harry?"


"I said don't call me Ray."



Used The Breakfast Club as an inspiration for a little bit of this chapter ;)

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-Bliss xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now