Chapter 10: Week Four

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Dediacted to Krisy_Girl because she was the inspiration for what Rayla and Harry are doing for their night out ;) and no I don't mean that sexually LOL YOU PERVERTS XD

Vote and comment, munchkins! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Michelle xx

Rayla's POV

**Wednesday Night**

I nervously bit my lip as I zipped up my coat. I checked the time on my phone. 9:00. My parents thought that I was sound asleep, but that couldn'tbe any further from the truth.

There was a faint pink on my window, making me jump before I dashed towards my window. Another object hit the glass and I caught a quick glimpse of it. Why would a rock be orange? I opened the window only to have a rock fly into my room and land on the floor.

I scrunched up my eyebrows as I took a closer look and realized that this rock was blue. A blue candy.

Really, Harry? Skittles?

I looked out my window to see Harry smiling up at me cheekily. "Skittles?" I raised my eyebrow and he shrugged.

"I couldn't find any rocks so I had to improvise."

"Right," I sighed, poking my head fully out the window to see how far the drop was. Crap. I gulped as I tugged on the sleeves of my jacket. "How am I going to get down?"


"Are you insane?" I hissed, scowling as Harry rolled his eyes.

"I'll catch you."

"I don't feel like getting a concussion tonight, Harry," I chided, looking around for another way to get down. Suddenly I heard a rustling noise beneath me and I popped my head out of the window again to see that Harry had travelled over to a lower part of the house where the roof was accessible and was not climbing the shingles to reach my window.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I whisper-yelled as he reached me.

"Helping you down, what else could I be doing?"

I rolled my eyes but felt my cheeks turn a bit red at his courtesy.

"Ray?" The light in the hallway across from my room turned on and I could hear my dad's voice.

"Crap!" I sqeaked, trying to close the window.

"What?! You can't just leave me out here, it's cold and I mgiht fall off" Harry said frantically, clinging on to the window sill for dear life.

"Just...just-Oh for God sake!" I muttered, pulling him into my room and pushing him to the floor. "Hide underneath the bed and don't make a sound." I took my jacket off and dove underneath the covers just as my father opened the door.

"Ray, are you alright? I thought I heard a noise," my father said suspiciously, scanning the room.

"Nope, nothing here," I lied, biting my lip hard.

"Are you sure?" My dad raised his eyebrow, walking towards me. I held my breath as he went to my window and looked outside. I took the opportunity to quickly glance over the edge of my bed, only to find Harry's hand reaching out from beneath the bed.

My eyes widened as I realized what he was reaching for: his phone, which had fallen out of his pocket when he had come in.

"I could have sworn I heard something," my dad muttered, turning back around.

"Uh, nope! Nothing you need to worry about, dad!" I quickly got out of bed, making sure to step on Harry's hand. He let out a little squeak before his hand retracted beneath the bed. I subtly kicked his phone towards him and walked to the window.

"Probably just some rowdy teenagers passing by, you know? They're gone now, though," I smiled sweetly and kissed my dad on the cheek. "Goodnight!"

"Ray, why are you wearing your regular clothes?" My dad asked calmly, eyeing my track pants and t-shirt.

"These aren't my regular clothes," I laughed, trying to cover up my nervousness.  "These are old."

"Huh," my dad nodded, placing a kiss on my forehead before leading backto my bed.  

"Goodnight." I smiled innocently and my dad grunted.

"Goodnight. But if I hear another strange noise..." The was a note of warning in my dad's tone as he left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Jesus," Harry whispered, coming out from beneath the bed. "I think you broke my hand."

"I'm not that heavy," I rolled my eyes, slipping my jacket back on and strolling over to the window. "By the way, you sound like a mouse when you squeal."

"I do not!"

"Do to," I smirked, feeling an odd sense of satisfaction at his annoyed expression.

"Whatever," Harry muttered, probably realizing that he couldn't win. "I could make a joke about your weight, but I won't."

"Why not?"

"Because that's low," he said casually as he climbed out my window and helped me out once he was standing on the roof.

"Even for you?" I quipped, smirking as he scowled.

"Yes, Rayla. I have limits."

"Never would have guessed with the way you treat girls."

Harry sighed as he slowly started making his way down the roof, holding me steady as he did. "You're gaining a really attitude, aren't you?" "I learn from the best," I imitated his smirk as I took his hand.

He jumped down easily once we reached the lower part, but I could feel my stomach do a little turn. "What are you waiting for?" he whispered, looking up at me.

"I can't get down," I whispered, clutching onto the edge of the roof.

"Jump," he whispered, holding his arms out. "I promise I won't let you fall."

"Promise?" I eyed him suspiciously.

"Yes," he sighed exsasperatedly and bent his knees a bit. 

Here goes nothing. I closed my eyes and leaped off the roof. I felt myself falling for a short time before I felt two strong arms beneath my body. I opened my eyes and saw Harry's green eyes, light despite the dark and his signature smirk gracing his pink lips. "Told you I wouldn't let you fall."

"You did, didn't you?" I let him have the satisfaction as he set me back on my feet. He did catch me, after all. It was only fair. "So where are we going now?"

Harry's smirk turned into a devlish grin as he led me over to his car that was parked just across the street. He rummaged through the back before he pulled out a roll of toilet paper. "You up for TP-ing people's houses?"

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now