Chapter 44: You Were Right

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Harry's POV

I sat in the airport, staring intently at the screen. Names of flights appeared and disappeared, but the one I was focused on was the one from Las Vegas to Manchester.

Right after Ray had stormed out of our hotel room I had ran after her. By the time I got to the lobby and asked the receptionist if she had seen a girl with dark curls wearing a black and blue dress come through here, she was already gone. I got outside just in time to see several cabs pulling away from the edge of the road, no doubt one of them carrying Ray.

I ran my fingers through my hair as my flight was called. I got up from my seat and headed towards the gate, handing the flight attendant my ticket before boarding the plane.

I stared out the window as the plane began to make its way down the runway. My hand covered my mouth as my eyes travelled over everything below us.

I wasn't sure what I would say when I saw Ray again, which I knew I would sooner or later no matter how much she tried to avoid me. 

You know that you would avoid her before she avoided you, I told myself.

It was true, no matter how much I wouldn't admit that I was scared about talking to a goddamn girl. What would I tell her?

The only thing you really can tell. My mind chided. The truth.

Rayla's POV

The darkness surrounded me as I stared at the familiar white door of my house, my key hovering just inches away from the lock. It felt good to be back, but it felt like that overprotective bubble that I had been living in before Harry came along was slowly starting to form around me again. 

No, my mind pushed the thought away. Harry's trouble. He was only in it for himself. 

But was he really? My heart challenged.

My dad always told me to follow my instincts, but with my mind and my heart at war like this I couldn't follow my instincts without getting caught up in all the crossfire that was ruining my concentration. I finally inserted the key into the lock and slowly twisted it. No going back now.

I opened the door and immediately my parents appeared from the kitchen. "Rayla!" My mother's voice was sickly sweet as she ran over to me and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. After I had been released from my mom's iron grip my dad smiled at me wistfully and wrapped his arms around my small frame.

"I thought you were coming home this afternoon? It's twelve in the morning." My mother raised an eyebrow, examining me from head to toe.

"Claire wasn't feeling that great," I lied through my teeth, smiling softly. "So we decided to come back a little bit earlier than planned. What are you guys doing still awake,anyways?"

"Just chatting," my mother shot me another smile that was too kind to be real.

"How was your trip, sweetie?" My dad asked, slowly bringing my suspicion away from my mom.

"It was fine," I replied, trying to keep my voice from breaking.

"That's wonderful, dear. I hope you had a great time." My mom's voice was like honey. Something was definitely up. But strangely enough, I didn't feel the same fire I had felt during our argument before I left. I was so tired and mentally drained that I didn't even feel like questioning her. She obviously wanted something from me, or knew she was going to benefit from her behavior. But I was far too weary to fight with her right now.

"I did," I smiled falsely, trying to hide the grimace that was itching to appear on my face.

"I hope your time away also gave you some space and time to think," my dad said pointedly, shooting me a meaningful look. My mom raised an eyebrow and looked at me expectantly.

"I did." I knew I was starting to sound like a broken record, so I cleared my throat and continued. "I thought about what you said."

"And?" My mother was getting a little impatient, but if she was going to hear what I had to say, she would have to go at my pace.

"I understand that you made some good points, but so did I."

"I agree." My dad nodded, wringing his hands together and looking at me patiently. On the other hand, my mom was giving me a look that screamed at me to cut the crap and get to the point.

"And I think you're right."

"We told you many things, Rayla. What were right about?" My mother's voice was a little bit exasperated, but I could tell she was holding her anger in.

She wouldn't pass up a chance to hear that she was right.

" were right about Harry. He's trouble. And...I think you're right about staying away from him."



But yo those edits that have been entered so far are looking really good :D

QUESTION OF THE DAY: If you could live in the world of any book, movie or T.V. show, which would it be? Call me bat shit crazy but I'd live in Neverland from Once Upon a Time bc Robbie Kay plays Peter Pan and damn I'd tap that.

Vote, comment and follow! <3

-Bliss xx

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