Chapter 3: Week One

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Short chapter but I'm too pooped from Christmas LOL

Also check out the new story I posted called Dancing In The Dark, it's a mature Harry fan fic ;)

Vote and comment, munchkins! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Michelle xx

Rayla's POV

"Remind me again why I'm here?" I yawned as I took a seat at a table in Starbucks. Harry sat across from me with an a mused grin on his face, probably relishing the fact that he had annoyed me by making me get up at this ungodly hour.

He had been all secretive the whole week, not telling me anything of what he had in store for our bet. And as much as it made me want to toss my cookies, I had given him my phone number, which he had put to use last night when he told me to be at Starbucks at 7:30 am on Satuday morning.

"To finally see my list of tasks that I've thought of for our bet. There's twelve in total; one for each week," he slid a sheet of paper across the table and I picked it up, my jaw slowly dropping lower and lower.

"Get fake IDs?!"

"Keep reading," Harry smirked and I could feel my jaw practically hit the floor.

"Go to Vegas, get laid?! Are you freaking kidding me?! How the hell are we even going to get on a plane to Vegas, don't we need to be legal?"

"That's what the fake IDs are for," Harry took the list back and stuffed it into his pocket. "We can get the first one done on Monday. Get sent to detention."

I gulped. I had never gotten in trouble for anything, much less gotten sent to detention. I steeled my nerves and set my jaw, glaring at Harry. "It's on."


**Monday Morning**

"You ready?" Harry's husky voice spoke from beside me and I groaned, remembering the first task on his checklist. "As ready as I'll ever be."

The teacher entered the room with a stern look on his face and started the lesson. "Psst. Rayla." I turned my head to see Harry smiling mischievously at me.

"What?" I whispered back, annoyed.

"What was the answer to number 3 question b?"

"I'm not telling you!" I hissed.

"Rayla, Harry? Is there a problem here?" Our teachers voice boomed and I snapped my head towards the front, realizing that he was scowling at us.

"Uh, no sir," I gulped, feeling everyone's eyes on us.

"I expect more from you, Rayla. Harry, not so much. Both of you have detention after school, and I hope this will teach you to pay better attention in class rather than flirting with each other."

I probably turned about nine shades  of red while Harry sat back in his seat with a shit-eating grin on his face. A heard a few snickers from the class but otherwise everyone supressed their laughs.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, making me jump a little. I ignored it, determined to not receive another detention, but it kept buzzing over and over again, so I pulled it out and glared at the screen. 

From: Harry

And that's how you get sent to detention     8:25 am

Flirting, huh? I didn' t think you'd be one to flirt     8:25 am

But then again I didn't think you'd be one to agree to have sex with someone     8:26 am

I rolled my eyes in disgust and read through the rest of the messages he had sent me.

Unless it was me     8:26 am

Pushing you up against the wall     8:26 am

Slamming my dick into you     8:26 am

Making you cum    8:27 am

I nearly shrieked, feeling violated by his words. I glared pointedly at him, huffing and shoving my phone back in my pocket. 

"Getting hot and bothered, sweetheart?" Harry whispered, still keeping his eyes to the front. "Never in your wildest dreams," I whispered back harshly, crossing my arms and focusing back on the lesson.

[A/N See what I did there? :P Comment what song I quoted, get a dedication :)]

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