Chapter 39: Welcome to Vegas

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Rayla's POV

"You do realize that we're doing is crazy, right?" I sighed quietly as I picked at my cuticles.

"Oh, I'm fully aware, but in case you haven't noticed, I'm bat shit crazy."

"Trust me, I've noticed," I snorted and looked up from my nails, looking around the airport. Harry and I sat in the waiting area in Gate C, waiting for our flight.

I had left with Harry right after school, hopping into his car and going straight to the airport. We had Saturday and Sunday to stay in Vegas then we had to head back on Monday, since Monday was a holiday and there was no school.

My parents were under the impression that I was spending the weekend with Claire at her family's cabin a little ways away in the countryside. In reality, Claire was at the cabin with another friend of hers and she was covering for me. I was playing a dangerous game, but it was pretty much on the same level as everything else I had done in the past couple of months.

"All passengers on Flight 274 from Manchester to Las Vegas, Nevada please begin boarding, that's all passengers on Flight 274 from Manchester to Las Vegas, Nevada please begin boarding, thank you." A perky female voice spoke over the intercom, making everyone in our section stand up and start heading towards the gate.

"This is it," I murmured, gripping my plane ticket in my hand.

"Trust me, you'll have fun," Harry reassured me as we approached the flight attendant.

She checked our tickets before smiling and handing them back. "Have a good flight."

"Thank you," I smiled and followed Harry down a makeshift hallway. We boarded the plane and travelled down the aisle, looking for our seats. Luckily for me I had a window seat so i could everything going on outside.

"Ever been to America before?" Harry asked, grinning as he stored his carry on in the compartment above us.

"No," I admitted, staring out the window. "I've never left the UK before."

Despite the fact that my parents had a fair amount of money, I had no time to travel during the summer because I never really had a vacation. My days were taken up taking extra courses to raise my average even higher and to get ahead in my courses. Of course, if I went to Yale I would be studying abroad in America.

The flight attendants came by and checked to see if all the compartments were closed and that all the passengers were buckled in. I bit my lip as I watched the plane slowly lift off the ground and soar into the air.

It was going to be a ten hour flight to Vegas, so I had brought my iPad and my copy of Wuthering Heights. I kept myself entertained for a few hours until my eyelids began to feel heavy and I began to drift off to sleep.




I slowly opened my tired eyes to see Harry's face only inches from mine. "Gah!" I yelped, jumping in my seat.

"Sorry," Harry giggled as several passengers turned to glare at us. "I just wanted to tell you that we're almost there."

"Really?" I said excitedly as I looked out the window. As far as I could see it was nighttime and there was just desert below us. I had never seen anything like it, just miles and miles of barren land.

"There will be more to look at once we get there," Harry mused and sat back in his seat, buckling his seat belt. The light above us shaped like a person with their seat belt on started blinking and the flight attendants came down the aisles, making sure everyone was buckled up for landing.

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now