Chapter 11: Toilet Paper or Sex, Your Choice

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Harry is just so cute ASDFGHJKL

Vote and comment, munchkins! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

Rayla's POV

Confession time: I actually felt a bit of excitement.

I wiped away the smile that was creeping onto my face and set my eyebrows into a frown. "No way, Harry. I am not TP-ing people's houses. What if we get caught? That's vandalism."

Harry rolled his eyes and tossed the roll of toilet paper into the backseat. "Just get into the car."


"If you really don't want to TP houses we fuck in my car instead-"

"No!" I said quickly, making Harry chuckle.

"Get into the car then, princess." 


I immediately recognized the house as we pulled up. "Isn't this Sarah Gibson's house?"

"Yep," Harry grinned and got out of the car, pulling his hood over his head and grabbing several rolls of toilet paper. "You ready princess?"

"Stop calling me that," I grumbled, grabbing a roll for myself and eyeing the house carefully. "Why are we TP-ing Sarah's house?"

"I figured you'd be all for it. After all, didn't she bully you a lot back in year eight?"

I raised an eyebrow and studied his hooded face in the dark. "How did you know that? More importantly why do you care?"

"I never said I cared, I just...noticed, that's all," the dark was hiding his face but my the nervous waver in his voice and the way he turned away from me I had a feeling that his face was bright red. I smiled a bit at the thought before pulling on my hood and strolling over to a tree.

I threw the roll of toilet paper through the brances over and over until most of the tree was covered. I turned and noticed that Harry had already covered a large part of the house. "Nice," I giggled as he threw the last piece of toilet paper onto the roof.

He chuckled as he grabbed my hand and tugged my back to the car hurriedly. "Let's go, before someone sees us." He started the engine and took off, driving down the street towards the other end of town.

I looked down and realized that he was still clasping my hand and our fingers were tightly intertwined. "Uh, Harry?"


"You can let go of my hand now."

"Oh...right," he laughed nervously and took his hand away. The silence was awkward until we pulled up to another house.

"Whose house is this?"

"Jason Gabriel. You know, the guys who always tried to get you to sleep with him last year?"

"Hm. Kinda reminds me of you," I teased, but his expression was bleak.

"I was always kidding when I said I wanted to sleep with you. He actually meant it."

"Ouch. Even though I would never sleep with you that still hurts to know you were always kidding when you said I was hot."

"Well...that I meant," he mumbled, shutting off the engine. He muttered something incoherent and I leaned in.


"Nothing. Come on," he said flatly before pulling out more rolls of toilet paper and tossing strips of the white paper over the house. He seemed to relish in his actions, like this was a therapeutic release of his frustrations against these people. I pressed my lips together and got to work TP-ing the yard, remembering every single vulgar and dirty thing this guy said to me.

By the time Harry got me back to my house it was 1:30 am and we had finished TP-ing six different houses. He stopped right in front of my house and I climbed out of his car, turning around to face him. "I have to admit it...I had fun."

A grin appeared on Harry's face. "I'm glad you did. You see how much more fun it is to let loose?"

I chuckled and turned around, starting back towards my house. I took a few steos before I stopped and glanced over my shoulder. "Hey, Harry? Did you choose all of those houses because those were the people who've bullied me? How did you remember all of them, much less pay any attention?"

Harry bit his lip and hesitated. "Goodnight, Rayla." He finally murmured and rolled the window up, taking off down the street and leaving me outside my house without answers to my questions. 

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now