Chapter 55: Everyone Has Their Motives

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1. Is there going to be a sequel? Are they going to break up?

No, I'm finishing this book and that's that. And I can't tell you if they're really breaking up or not it's a secret ;)

2. Have you ever been to a One Direction concert?

Yes, last year.

3. Do you like your own books? What do you think about them?

Well I just got rid of A LOT of my books that I really just didn't like anymore (any of you that have been following me for a while know that I've posted and deleted like 10 million fucking books) but I'm happy with the books that I've kept and I'll definitely be finishing these.

4. Why don't you like One Direction anymore?

It was a phase that I fell out of. tbh I really dislike their music now

5. What's your opinion on 5SOS?

I don't really like them either. I liked their old stuff because it was actually sort of punk rock but now they're punk pop. It's like if One Direciton and Blink-182 had a baby and then fed it a shit load of aggressive marketing, that baby would be 5SOS. The reason I had Ashton Irwin and Luke Hemmings stories were for the same reason I had One Direction stories, I used to like them but when I stopped liking them I didn't want to get rid of the stories. Luke however I still find to be damn good looking ;)

Thank you for your questionssss


Rayla's POV

By the time I got back to the house it was nearly seven o'clock at night. I walked in to see my mother pacing the floor with a red face and a furious expression while my father sat quietly in his armchair.

"There you are!" My mother threw her hands up in the air. "We were looking all over town for you, we were about to call the police!"

I bypassed my parents and went straight to my room. I could hear my mother following me up the stairs, screeching like a harpy, but I didn't want to hear it. I'd had enough of her antics not only for the day but for a lifetime.

I shut my door and quickly locked it. Repetitive knocking was all I heard for the next fifteen minutes before she finally gave up and stomped back downstairs. I breathed in relief and flopped down onto my bed. I must have dozed off or something, because when more knocking made me open my eyes, I realized that nearly an hour had passed by.

"Ray?" My father's muffled voice spoke from the other side of the door. "Sweetheart, please open the door."

"Not if mum's out there," I said stubbornly, scowling deeply.

"It's just me," he assured. I hesitated for a minute before swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and standing up. I approached the door apprehensively and unlocked it. The door slowly opened to reveal my father. He was alone, just like he said. "You want to talk about it?" He asked, smiling sympathetically.

I shrugged and turned back around to sit on my bed. I felt the mattress dip beside me as my father sat down as well. We sat in silence for a while, both of us not quite sure what to say. "I went to the park today," I finally blurted out.

He smiled softly. "The park that I always used to take you to?"

"Yeah. I sat on the swing set and went down the slide," I said quietly.

My father chuckled. "Just like old times." He sighed and his expression became serious. "How long do you think you can avoid your mother for?"

"As long as I have to," I murmured.

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now