A/N Fuck Haters

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Hi guys :)

So I don't know if you saw, but your news feed might have just been clogged with my arguing in the last chapter.

I wanted to make this A/N to show that hater that whatever insults they threw at me or my writing didn't hurt me. It doesn't matter what people say to you,  or what they think of you. Especially if they don't even know you personally. Yes, my writing is amateur-ish. I'm not a professional, sorry. Is the story line cheesy? I don't know, but it didn't seem like that to me when I started this story. So if those people judging you for what you love to do think that they can tear you down with their words, well, you can hold your middle finger up and smile.

I'm not going to give out the username of the person I was arguing with, because that would just be plain mean, but I will say this to them, since they've read to the 29th chapter (I don't know how if they hate my story) they'll probably see this too. You think my writing is crap. You don't like my story line. You think it's rushed. Let me find a fuck to give. And you know what? I'm not going to delete your comments. It's up to you if you want to, but I think everyone ought to see your level of maturity.

Sorry for that rant guys.

I love all the readers that support me and love this story, if I could personally thank you one by one I would.

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

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