Chapter 12: Girly Giggles

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Rayla's POV

**One Week Later**

I tapped the end of my pencil against my chin, staring intensely at my calculus textbook. My phone buzzed on the desk beside me and I glared at it, irritated at the distraction.

The look was wiped off my face once I saw the name displayed on the screen and I fumbled to pick it up, quickly trying to open the message.

From: Harry

It's going down tonight. Ready to get some fake IDs? ;)

I bit my lip, a nervous habit that had become increasingly frequent during this bet with Harry. I typed away at the keys, checking over my response several times for spelling errors.

To: Harry

Okay, what time? And where are we going to get fake IDs anyways? It's going to be illegal, isn't it?

From: Harry

Eight. We can can get them from a friend of mine. And no shit of course it's going to be illegal that's the whole point of fake IDs -_-

I mentally face palmed and typed back my response, my cheeks starting to flush in embarrassment. 

To: Harry

Sounds good. What kind of connections do you have?? And don't judge me!

From: Harry

See you tonight. I'm afraid that information is proprietary. And I'm totally judging you.

I giggled girlishly before slapping a hand to my mouth. What the hell was that? I gripped my phone in my hand, going through several possible responses. Think like Harry, I decided.

To: Harry

Ohhh look at that, Harry Styles is using big words ;)

From: Harry

Since when did Rayla Shroeder get enough of a backbone to tease? ;)

To: Harry

Since she started hanging around a douche named Harry. See you tonight. :P

I tossed my phone onto my bed and bit back a smile. Dare I say it? Harry Styles was actually...charming.


Vote and comment, munchkins! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-M. M.  xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now