Chapter 64: Remember Me?

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Ray's POV

I didn't mean to choke on my own saliva.

But hearing that voice combined with the sight of his curly brown hair and green eyes, I completely lost it.

"Harry," I croaked, pounding my fist onto my chest.

Harry smirked and leaned against the doorway. "You alright, princess? I wasn't aware that I had that sort of effect on you."

Same cocky attitude though. Once I finally regained my composure I took the time to take in his appearance. His curls weren't as tight as before; they look more wavy than anything and they were pulled back into a blue beanie. He had ditched his usual baggy jeans for a pair of skinny jeans that practically looked like they had been painted on. He had his hands tucked into the pockets of his black pea coat, but once he took them out I could see that he wore several silver rings on his fingers.

"Close your mouth, princess," Harry said smugly, making me snap my eyes back up to meet his. "You'll catch flies."

I realized that my mouth had been hanging open this whole time. I wouldn't be surprised if I had a string of drool dangling from the corner of my mouth too. I could feel my cheeks growing hotter by the second. I closed my mouth and clenched my jaw. "What are you doing here?" My words came out harsher than I had intended, but Harry seemed unaffected.

"Thought I'd stop by when I heard that you were going to be in town," he said casually, fiddling with the silver band around his index finger.

I looked over my shoulder. "Mum! Did you tell everyone that I was coming home?" I yelled accusingly.

My mother poked her head out of the doorway and smiled sheepishly. "Yes, I-Harry?"

"Hi, Mrs. Shroeder," Harry smiled and waved, clearly amused by the situation. "Nice apron."

"Thank you," my mother said awkwardly before shooting me an anguished look. "Would you like to come in, Harry, or-"

"No, no, it's alright Mrs. Shroeder. I would just like to borrow Ray for a minute, if that's alright with you." Harry gave her one of his dazzling smiles and I could practically see my mother melting on the spot.

"Sure, I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything."

I wanted to scream and my mum to not leave me with him, but she disappeared into the kitchen before I could even open my mouth. Harry nodded to my coat which hung on the hook beside the door. "Put your coat on."


"It's cold outside."

"Who said we were going outside?" I asked.

Harry let himself smile faintly. "I want to go for a walk. It's the least you can do for me since you never returned any of my calls."

An overwhelming feeling of guilt washed over me. The thought of what my actions were doing to Harry had kept me up at night before, but I hadn't been prepared to look him in the eyes and see exactly what I had done to him.

Sure, he had the same old Harry attitude that made me hate him and love him at the same time. But bubbling underneath that was the pain, anger and loneliness that I had left him with when I had given him a letter and hopped onto a plane to America.

I sighed and grabbed my coat off the hook. I noticed Harry was watching me as I slid my arms into the sleeves. His eyes travelled up and down my body, but it was clear that he wasn't checking me out. The melancholy and torn expression on his face told me that he really didn't know what to think of me.

"I'm going out for a little bit!" I yelled to my mom.

"Okay, but be back soon! Dinner is in forty minutes!" She yelled back as the sound of Christmas music playing from the kitchen got louder. I raised an eyebrow when she began to sing along to it. Like I said, weird.

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now