Chapter 54: Enough is Enough

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Rayla's POV

**One week later**

It was a sunny day outside, but I refused to let myself enjoy the good weather. Instead, I had closed my blinds, stopping the light from entering my dimly lit room. The beautiful weather seemed like a bit of an insult after what had just happened with Harry.

He hadn't called or texted at all for the past week, not even answering me when I worked up the courage to dial his number. Yes, I was partly to blame, but I didn't expect him to react in the way that he did.

After all, it was Yale. A chance like this didn't just fall from the sky. I had the opportunity to go to one of the most prestigious schools in the world and there was no way that I was going to turn it down. Not even for Harry.

I curled up underneath the covers of my bed even though it was already noon. Normally I would have been up and getting ready for the day at eight o'clock, but for this past week I had been nothing but a lump underneath my covers, refusing to go outside or talk much to my parents.

They asked why I was acting so strangely, but they were quick to believe the lie I had fed them. They didn't suspect a thing; why should they? Because according to Harry I was the good girl who always did as she was told.

But was that something to blame me for? I liked things to be predictable and in order; unfortunately, Harry was every but that.

He was brash, impulsive, crude, irresponsible, and undoubtedly the most breathtakingly amazing boy I had ever met. He had swept me off my feet before I even had a chance to breathe and had broken my heart before I had had the chance to give him something irreplaceable.

I had been contemplating it since the beginning of summer, chewing my lip raw out of nervousness as I weighed my options. It was a big decision to make, but it was something I was sure of. The month that we had spent together as a couple had been short, but it was the best month of my life. In the end I decided that it was finally time to complete the bet that we had agreed on all those months ago.

Technically I should have become his personal servant since the bet wasn't finished in the allotted time, but neither of us really seemed to care since we had become a couple.

"Rayla?" My mother's voice spoke from the other side of the door. I let out a grunt and buried my head underneath my pillows. I heard the muffled sound of the door knob turning and the creaking of the hinges.

The mattress dipped slightly and I felt my mother's cold, bony hand rest on my back. It was probably meant to be a maternal gesture, but it honestly felt more like the Grim Reaper who was ready to rip my soul out of my body.

"Sweetheart, it's not like you to be laying in bed all morning. Are you sure you're feeling alright?" My mother's words conveyed concern but her tone was falsely sweet and motherly.

Like you actually care, I thought, pushing myself up from my pillows to face my mother. Her piercing, ice blue eyes studied me like I was a complicated blueprint instead of a human being.

"You have dark circles underneath your eyes and your hair looks like a rat's nest. For goodness' sake, Rayla, even if you're staying at home all day you should at least  look somewhat presentable." My mother's words were nothing but meaningless babble as I proceeded to pick at my poor excuses for cuticles. "Rayla, are you even listening to me?" My mother demanded, leaning forward to get into my line of vision.

"Yes," I mumbled, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

"Honestly, Rayla, what has been going on with you lately? You just haven't been yourself lately. I mean, by now you would getting ready and packing up your things for University. You should be excited; you're going to Yale! It's Ivy League, one of the best. I'll bet you'll be first in your class and perhaps you'll even graduate as validictorian!" She got that dreamy, starry-eyed look she always got whenever she began to gush about Yale. "Aren't you excited?"

I snapped. "Not really, no. And what if I don't want to be 'myself' anymore," I said sharply, throwing off my covers and standing up. "Maybe Rayla is just a made-up person."

"Rayla, what kind of nonsense are you rambling on about?" My mother dropped her smile like it was a dead fish and sighed exasperatedly, watching me as I travelled over to my dresser.

I pulled out a pair of black jean shorts and a T-shirt, opting to just change right in front of my mother who was still lecturing me. I looked in the mirror and scrunched up my nose. My mother was right: I had dark bags, no, more like suitcases beneath my eyes and my dark hair was a tangled mess.

I quickly swept concerler underneath my eyes but didn't bother with any other makeup. The only way to quickly fix my hair situation would be to tie it up in a messy bun. I grimaced at the thought of looking like what Harry liked to call a "basic bitch" but I really had no other choice.

I closed my eyes tightly as thoughts of Harry began to invade my mind. Forget about him, my mind chided, banishing the comforting yet painful memories of his curly brown hair and contagious laugh. Only one week apart from him and I was going into withdrawal.


I spun around to face my mother who had finally finished her long winded lecture. "Did you even hear a word of what I just said?" She huffed, her normally pale, angular cheeks become flushed from talking for so long.

"No," I answered truthfully, grabbing my phone from the top of my dresser and shoving it into my back pocket. "I'm going out."

"Young lady-"

"You wanted me the get out of the house, didn't you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well yes, but-"

"So I really don't see a problem here. I'll be back in a few hours." I strolled out of my room, leaving my mother still sitting on my bed with a flabbergasted expression on her face. I had rendered her speechless, and goddamn, did it feel good.

I slid across the floor in my socks until I reached the front door. I slipped on my pair of Vans and quickly tied the laces. I swung the door open, immediately regretting it when the sun hit my eyes. I had been living in a dark room for the past little while and the light from the sun was doing an excellent job at blinding me.

Once my eyes finally adjusted I began to walk down the sidewalk. Everyone seemed to be in a mood that was a thousand times better than my own, but I wiped the annoyed and angry grimace off my face as I continued walking.

After wandering aimlessly for a half hour I finally stopped at the park. I had come here often with my father when I was little. I remembered him pushing me on the swing set and holding me up as I attempted to swing on the monkey bars. After I played he would take me for ice cream at one of the nearby shops. He would always get strawberry and I would always get bubblegum.

The difference between my mother and my father was amazing, really. My father was warm and loving. When he was concerned it was genuine, and when he said he loved you you knew that he meant it. He was quite the presence at boardroom meetings with his expensive black suit and stern expression, but the crinkles at the corners of his eyes told you that he smiled a lot.

My mother on the other hand, was cold and intimidating. Her stern expression was permanent and when her eyes bore into yours you felt as if she was pulling all of your secrets out of your mind and into the open. She didn't have one maternal bone in her body.

Your mother dances you around like a fucking puppet! Harry's words rang clear in my mind.

As much as I wanted to say that he was wrong and that my mother was just doing what was best for me, I was conflicted about whether she really cared for me. Or whether I truly thought her love was real.

Perhaps I was only taking her side because she's my mother. 


Sorry I took so long to update guys midterms were coming up -_-

QUESTION OF THE DAY: It's been a while since I last did this and my readers have expanded since then, so I'll ask again. Do you have any questions for me? It can be about the book, my other works or just about me. Comment your questions and I'll answer them in the next chapter :)

-Bliss xx

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