Chapter 52: Secrets Don't Sleep 'Til They're Taken to the Grave

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Rayla's POV

-One month later-

 The tingling feeling in my lips lingered as I pulled away from Harry's lips and smiled giddily. We were sitting on the couch, watching a movie. In fact the same couch where Harry had almost kissed me a month earlier. Luckily Gemma and his mum were out so there was no one to awkwardly interrupt us this time.

I was on his lap, straddling him with my arms slung around his neck. His hands rested on my lower back, occasionally wandering down to my bum.

"Watch where you put those hands, Mr. Styles," I teased, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.

Harry smirked, brushing my hair out of my face. "Can't really help myself, love. Your bum is phenomenal."

I turned bright red at his comment and bit my lip. "Well that was forward."

"I like to be bold." He grinned mischievously.

"Clearly," I snorted as I swung my leg back over so I was no longer straddling him.

"I quite liked that position." Harry pouted, earning a short laugh from me.

"Any man would enjoy a woman sitting on his lap," I pointed out.

He tilted his head and nodded slightly. "I suppose you're right."

"You know I'm right," I sassed, pulling my hair from my ponytail before tying it back up. The movie ended, us having missed most of it when we got distracted.

"Shit, I don't even remember half of what happened," Harry giggled, getting up from the couch to take the disk out of the DVD player.

My phone buzzed on the coffee table, signalling that I had a new text. I checked the screen and saw that it was from Claire.

From: Claire

What are you up to? Can we hang?

My fingers moved rapidly across the screen of my iPhone as I texted her back

To: Claire

Sorry, I'm at Harry's right now. Maybe later?

The text I got back was not one that I was expecting.

From: Claire

Tell him.

I quickly pressed the button on the side of my phone and the screen went black. Harry studied me curiously as he came back to sit on the couch with me. "You okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You look a little shaken up."

"I'm fine," I reassured him, desperately trying not to let my voice shake. Harry looked unconvinced, but he didn't pry any further.

I put my phone on silent so I wouldn't have to hear it buzzing anymore set my phone back down on the table and set it back down on the coffee table. It kept lighting up, but I didn't dare look at th screen.

"So are you going to school straight away or are you taking a year off?"

I looked at him with wide eyes. "I'm not sure yet." My voice was tight, but Harry didn't seem to notice.

"University of Manchester has a pretty damn good football team that I'm looking to join. We'll see, I guess."

"Are you kidding, you're an amazing football player!" I gushed, grateful for the distraction.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah, I'm sure you'll make the team!" I smiled, watching his face light up. I felt a familiar tingling below my stomach, making me sigh in relief. I needed to get out of this room for a least a second to clear my thoughts.

"If you'll excuse me," I smiled mockingly. "I have more important things to attend to." I got up off the couch and started heading towards the door.

"Where are you off to?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The bathroom," I answered, making him snort loudly.

"I guess taking a piss is more important than hanging out with me."

"Of course it is. I'll be back in a few minutes." I travelled down the hall and entered the bathroom, wincing as I switched the lights on. I closed the door and leaned against it, rubbing my small hands over my face. 

Calm down, Rayla. Just tell him. It's not even that big of a deal, right?

I took a deep breath and looked in the mirror that hung above the sink. I had flushed cheeks and swollen lips, but beneath the confident girl who had just been kissing her boyfriend I could see the scared, meek girl who was too frightened to say anything.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and left the bathroom, heading back to where I had left Harry. As soon as I came into the room Harry looked up at me with the most serious and anxious expression I had ever seen him wear.

"What do you need to tell me?"

"W-what?" I stammered, my heart crawling into my throat when he held up my phone.

"What do you need to tell me?" He repeated, his eyes showing no hint of the amusement they usually held.

I took my phone from his hand, pressing the home button. How could I have been so stupid as to leave my phone on the table? Harry didn't even need to unlock my phone and go through my texts: they popped up as notifications on my lock screen. I had five unread messages, all from Claire.

7:45 pm Rayla this is serious, he needs to know

7:47 pm It's not helping either of you to be keeping secrets

7:50 pm It's not fair to him

7: 55 pm Rayla answer me

8:01 pm Please tell him, for his sake

"So what exactly are you hiding?" Harry's voice was calm but I could tell he was trying to hold back his suspicions.

I struggled to look him in the eye, wanting nothing more than to melt into the ground and disappear. "I-I..."

"I've got all night Ray." He sat back on the couch and looked at me with a gaze harder than stone.

I hesitantly sat down beside him, folding my hands into my lap. There was no other sound in the room other than our quiet breathing. "I-I received a letter in the mail a while ago," I said softly, fiddling with my fingers.


"And..." I mustered every bit of courage I had just to look Harry in the eyes. "I'm going to school in America. I leave in one month."



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-Bliss xx

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