one // Goody-Two-Shoes

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Rayla's POV

There's such a thing as being a little bit too much of a goody-two-shoes.

But there's also such a thing as pushing the limit a little bit too far.

Trust me, I know. Being a goody-two-shoes is what got me into this mess in the first place. Uttering the words "bring it, bitch" is what stretched my relationship with an exasperating boy to its breaking point.

And pushing the limit is what got me into this Vegas cab as I left Caesar's Palace in tears. Yes, I just said Vegas.

Shall I start from the beginning?


"Ray! Long time no fuck!"

I huffed as I heard a voice call out from down the hallway, followed by a chorus of giggles and snickers. Everyone knew that I wasn't one to "fuck" anyone, much less him. It was clear that he meant it as a joke, but it didn't make it any less annoying.

Harry Styles. The most popular boy in school and self-proclaimed future pop star. I had to admit, he was a great singer and quite the looker, but his massive ego overshadowed all of that and made him pretty much unbearable to me.

"Whatever, Harry." I shook my head and opened my locker, neatly placing my binders in alphabetical order.

"You know, Ray, you'd be a lot more fun to hang around with if you didn't have that ten foot pole up your ass." I closed my locker door to see that Harry was leaning against the locker right beside me, his green eyes sparkling mischievously.

"I don't have a pole up know what? Never mind. I'm not arguing with you," I said firmly and scowled. Harry raised an eyebrow as I turned away and walked stiffly down the hall.

"Aw, come on, don't be that way, I'm just having a little fun," Harry whined, catching up to me and placing his hand on my lower back, forcing me to walk beside him.

"Take your hand off my back," I said flatly.

"Whoa, crabby." He laughed and retracted his hand. 

Just like how it probably is down where your little friend is. After all you've been in bed with so many girls- 

I pushed that unfinished thought into the corner of my mind and gave myself a good scolding for how rude it was.


"Hmm?" I snapped myself out of my thoughts and turned to Harry who was sporting his usual cocky smile.

"Distracted, huh? Thinking of me pressing you up against the wall, touching you, kissing you, fucki-"

"No! I was just distracted thinking about something else! Does everything have to be perverted with you?!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air and attracting more attention from other students passing by than I wanted.

"Alright, whatever you say." Harry held his hands up in defense, trying really hard not to laugh. I sighed exasperatedly and entered my math class, realizing with dismay that Harry was also in the class. Harry took his usual seat in the back while I sat in the front, right in the dead center where I had a perfect view of the board.

"Nerd!" Harry called out.

I flipped him off over my shoulder and stared hard at the board. I could hear him chuckling quietly, but I refused to turn around to look at him. The sound of a chair being dragged across the floor beside me caught my attention and I turned my head slightly, only to do a double take and widen my eyes.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I demanded, watching as he took a seat at the desk to my immediate left.

"Sitting next to you," he said casually as if he did this every day.

"Yes, I can see that, but what I'm asking is why," I said slowly, my tone probably coming off as really condescending.

"I don't have anyone to sit with. Louis isn't here today, and by the looks of it neither is Claire," he said smugly.

I thought back to the text I got this morning from Claire asking me to pick up the homework for her because she wouldn't be in school. I silently cursed my friend for not being here today to take up the spot that Harry now occupied.

"Mrs. Bates is going to make you move," I pointed out.

"Good morning, class!" A voice that definitely did not belong to our regular math teacher rang out, grabbing the class' attention. A pretty blonde woman walked in with a bright blue tag clipped to the hem of her shirt that identified her as a substitute teacher. I sunk lower into my chair as Harry chuckled.

"Looks like you aren't getting rid of me that easily, Ray."



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-Bliss xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now