Chapter 42: What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas

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Ray's POV

I adjusted my dress, pulling at the hem every few minutes. It actually wasn't my dress; it was Claire's.

Once I had told her we were probably going to hit the casinos she had taken the dress I had originally packed and replaced it with one of hers.

"We're the same size," she had reasoned, folding the purple dress that was a lot more conservative than the one she had pulled from her closet. "You'll look stunning."

I stood in front of the mirror in our hotel room, biting my lip as I pulled up the top of the dress only to pull it back down as I tugged at the hem. I was about to just call it quits and look for something else to wear when Harry stepped out of the bathroom.

He looked like a completely different in his sharp navy suit and white button up. His hair was disheveled, but it looked like he had spent a lot of time to get it that way.

He caught sight of me and his eyes widened. I slowly released my lower lip and stood like a statue, not quite sure what to do with myself. "Um...hi." I mentally smacked my forehead at my awkwardness, but Harry seemed just as tongue-tied.

"H-hey. You look...amazing."

"Thanks," I blushed, pressing my lips together as I awkwardly shuffled over to where my heels sat on the floor. I tried not to bend down to much; I was afraid that my boobs would fall out of the dress of that my bum would begin to show. The strappy heels were like torture devices, but I managed to strut my way to the door.

"Ready." I took a deep breath as Harry held the door open for me. We walked down the hallway and entered the elevator, a few other people joining us from other floors. They were dressed like us; they were probably going to casinos as well.

I smiled tightly as a woman who looked to be in her mid twenties and was wearing a dress that looked like it was two sizes too small. Her heels were even taller than mine and she was draped over a man who was clearly much older than herself. I shot Harry an uncomfortable look as he tried not to laugh, biting his plump lower lip.

Finally the doors of the elevator opened and we spilled out into the lobby; the entire group of us heading towards the hallway with the clearly marked "Casino" sign.

The room in front of me was a riot of colours, lights and cigarette smoke. Cheers of excitement and groans of regret erupted from every gambling table we passed. The bar was completely surrounded by people ordering drinks or simply talking and laughing with the bartenders. The atmosphere of the entire place was overwhelming and screamed hangover, but all those worries flew out of my mind when Harry's warm hand grabbed mine and he led me through the maze of people and slot machines.

"I don't think I've ever inhaled this much cigarette smoke before," I coughed, waving my hand in front of my face. Harry looked back at me and smiled apologetically before tugging me along to the blackjack tables.

He took a seat, motioning for me to sit beside him. The dealer glanced at us quickly before shuffling the stack of cards in his hands. "IDs?"

I guess we really did look way too young to be here even though we had dressed up. I bit my lip as we pulled our fake IDs out. He peered at them and nodded. "Wagers?"

I raised an eyebrow before remembering that wager meant money. Harry and I placed our wagers, starting out pretty small considering that we didn't have that much to begin with. The rest of the people at our table placed their bets and the dealer tossed the cards onto the table.

Two landed in front of me, two landed in front of Harry. He tossed a couple others to a few other people sitting at the table. We all picked up our cards and the other players began to say either "hit me" or "pass".

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now