Chapter 48: Forever With Me

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2nd place for competition edits goes to WifiBandsPizza who also made me a trailer! Check them both out to the right >>>

Rayla's POV

My eyes were glued to the clock as I watched the seconds tick by. The needle of the clock was inching it's way towards the twelve, but progress was painfully slow.

I sighed quietly and tried to pay attention to what the teacher was saying, which was difficult with Harry constantly glancing my way and shooting me cheeky smiles that made me melt on the spot.

My phone buzzed quietly and I glanced down at my lap.

From: Harry

Are you free after school?

I smiled and quickly typed a reply.

To: Harry

Yeah, why?

From: Harry

I have somewhere I want to take you

To: Harry

You aren't kidnapping me are you?

From: Harry

Is it too much to ask to just spend some time with you? :P

To: Harry

It is if you're kidnapping me

I heard Harry chuckle quietly before tapping away at the screen of his phone.

From: Harry

Fair enough. No, I'm not kidnapping you. You'll just have to trust that I'm taking you someplace really nice.

To: Harry

I don't really know if I trust you not to drive us to Scotland or something.

From: Harry

Have some faith. So are you free or not?

To: Harry

Yeah I'm free. My parents won't be home until late so I can stay out as long as I want.

From: Harry

Cool meet me by your locker after school

I locked eyes with Harry and nodded. He grinned and slipped his phone back into his pocket before folding his hands on top of the desk.

Claire was nudging my side and wiggling her eyebrows, probably having read our entire text conversation. I rolled my eyes and shoved her slightly, making her giggle to herself.

After a grueling fifteen minutes that felt more like a thousand, the bell finally rang.

A tremendous roar of cheers erupted from the classrooms, the loudest coming from the seniors. We began packing up our school supplies that would be unused for the next two months.

"We're done!" Claire screeched, wrapping me in a bone-crushing hug.

High school was over. It was adult life from here on out.

Once Claire released me and allowed me to breathe, I returned her ecstatic smile and laughed. "That's not even the best part, there's still prom."

"Has anyone asked you yet?" Claire's eyes darted over to Harry who was talking with Louis.

"No..." I admitted, trailing off as I watched him tilt his head back as he laughed, letting his curls fall away from his forehead.

"Well, who knows," she winked, gathering her books in her arms. "He might just grow a pair and ask you when you least expect it." She waved before strutting out of the room, leaving me to ponder.

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now