Chapter 49: Monumental Milestone

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And first place goes to wwinter!!! Check out her beautiful edit to the right >>>

Rayla's POV

-Three days later-

The flickering flames on the candles were nothing but a taunt to me as I stared at them, waiting for everyone to take pictures of me. Family friends and a few of my mother's close colleagues chatted loudly as they snapped photos of me, capturing what my mother called "monumental milestone" in my life. 

I blew out the candles on the cake, forcing a happy smile as I heard cheers erupt from around me. The sound of clapping hands and people shouting congratulations were nothing but distant echoes as I glanced across the table at Claire. She held a mug of steaming hot tea in her hands, wearing the same expression as me. 

This party my parents were holding was not to celebrate the end of school. No, it was for something much bigger. That white envelope that I had been hiding for the longest time had finally made another appearance as I pulled out the crisp white paper and read it out in front of my parents.

Harry of course wasn't here; if he showed his face at my house my mother would make it her personal business to rip his balls off and knowing her she'd probably make him eat them as well. I had told him that my parents were throwing me a party tonight, but I hadn't told him the right reason for it. As far as he knew this was just a party for my graduation. 

"Congratulations, honey." My mother's tone dripped with pride and sweetness as she gripped my shoulders. "You really deserve it after all your hard work."

I nodded absently, not really paying attention to what was going on around me. Even after the cake had been cut and everyone was enjoying the treat my father had spent most of the morning making, I was still completely out of it, staring at the plate that had been set in front of me. I picked at it with my fork, taking a few bites here and there.

I jumped slightly when I felt a hand rest of my arm. I looked up to see that Claire was standing beside me, looking at me worriedly. "Ray? Can I talk to you for a minute?"

I nodded and go up from my seat, slipping past my parents who were too busy talking with their friends to notice us leaving the table. Claire gently tugged me up the stairs and into my room.

"Have you told them yet?" She asked immediately after she had closed the door.

I shook my head, running my fingers through my hair. "If they knew about Harry and I...I think they would have a heart attack. No, my mom would kill me first then she'd have a heart attack."

"You know you're going to have to tell them at some point."

"Not necessarily."

Claire huffed and placed her hands on her hips. "What do you mean?"

"This thing with's not going to be lasting much longer."

"You know you can always change your mind about this."

"Claire, my mother already has her heart set on this. I can't change my mind because I'm not even the one choosing my future!"

"Please tell me that you see everything wrong with that sentence," Claire sighed, the corner's of her lips turning down.

"My mom chose my prom dress for me, you think she'd let me choose where I'm going to school?"

"For God's sake, Rayla! For once in your life tell your mother to bugger off and make your own goddamn decisions!" Claire yelled furiously, throwing her hands up in air.

I sat back at little, stunned at her outburst. It was always a shock when a swear word left her mouth, much less when she used my actual name.

Claire sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Look, it's up to you. But I think you're throwing away what could be a beautiful relationship."

"You think I want to throw away what I have? I don't. But even if I stayed with him my mother would never accept it. She'd probably disown me."

"Like I said, it's up to you. As your best friend I've done really all I can to help you through this. The rest is up to you. Do you want to please the person who's controlled you your whole life and robbed you of your happiness so many times or to be with the person who makes you smile brighter than you ever did before and who makes you truly happy?" With that Claire turned around and left the room, leaving me to let her words sink in.

The white letter still sat on my desk, I was honestly surprised that my mother hadn't gotten it framed or something. I picked it up and read it over a few times, skimming over the words quickly.

A small knock on my door made me snap my head up. My mom stood int he doorway, looking at me with a puzzled expression. "Rayla? What are you doing, sweetie?"

My mother's recent use of pet names and the false sweetness of her voice was making me sick to my stomach. I knew that it was only because of that goddamn letter, but I was almost wishing that she would go back to her regular self.

"I'm just...reading." I held up the letter, smiling tightly.

My mother smiled kindly, something that didn't look natural on her. "I'm so proud of you, honey. See how far hard work and dedication can get you?"

I wanted to throw up, but I held it down and tried for another smile. "Yeah..."

"Now come down and enjoy the party. It is after all in your honour." My mom tilted her head slightly, her eyes cold and and her smile coy. I returned the letter to its spot on my desk and followed my mom out the door.

Do you want to please the person who's controlled you your whole life and robbed you of your happiness so many times or to be with the person who makes you smile brighter than you ever did before and who makes you truly happy?

 I wanted to be with the person who made me truly happy, of course. But did I really have a choice like Claire said? With a mother like mine, not really.


Thank you to everyone who submitted an edit, they were all so beautiful! I'm so happy to have the readers that I have and I appreciate every single one of you who vote and comment and just overall actually give a shit about this story :') I love you guys <3 

-Bliss xx

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