Chapter 35: Afternoon Officer

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Rayla's POV

"This cop had better be a woman," Harry grumbled as he sat where I had been sitting only moments ago. His hands were pressed against the wheel as he waited to blast around a different corner where another cop car was waiting.

He adjusted the sleeves of his tight, fitting cotton T-shirt. It was clear that Harry had put in a lot of thought about his attire. He wore his usual skinny jeans that showed off the length of his legs and his shirt hugged every single muscle on his toned body. Even I had to admit, he looked really good.

"Calm down," I murmured, peeking out the window. "Ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Harry slammed down on the accelerator and sped down the road. As fast as we were going, I caught a glimpse of surprised police officer jumping back into their cruiser. "And second now," Harry muttered.

A few seconds later sirens were going off and we were forced to pull over. "Alright, let's see what we've got here," Harry adjusted the rear view mirror so that he could get a good look at the officer. "No way. No fucking way. It's a guy."

"Your end of the task," I shrugged as I tried not to laugh.

"There is no fucking way that I am going to try to seduce a guy!"

"Well then I guess you lose this bet and I get 500 dollars," I smirked as I realized I could finally use his own threat against him.

He glared at me and crossed his arms over his chest. "You do realize that we're probably going to get a ticket and I might get charged for sexual harassment."

"Good, I'll visit you in prison. I hear your ass hole gets stretched twice as big than it was before in jail," I joked, making Harry raise his eyebrows in surprise.

"Where the fuck did that come from?"


"That kind of humour."

"Am I not allowed to have a sense of humour?" I rolled my eyes playfully, my eyes darting to the rear view mirror to see the officer getting out of the car. Yup, definitely male. Not bad looking, either.

"No, it's just...that's not like you to say something that...out there."

"You'd be surprised," I winked at him, making him stare at me in shock. Someone coughed right beside our car, making Harry jump and whip his head to face the window. The police officer was leaning down, peering inside the car.

"Afternoon, officer," Harry said nervously.

"Were you aware of how fast you were going down that road...sir?"

My eyes widened once he spoke. Oh my God. Apparently Harry was thinking the same thing because his eyes became as wide as saucers. This guy was clearly gay.

"Um, yes, sorry about that officer...I was just in a really big hurry, you see."

I tried so hard not to laugh as the officer eyed Harry up and down. "And what was the reason for your hurry?"

"We're running late. We're supposed to be meeting our friends at a gay bar out of town," I blurted out, making the officer's eyebrows raise.

"A gay bar?"

"Yeah," Harry gulped, shooting me a desperate look that screamed "Why!?"

"I see. Please step out of the car, sir." Harry slowly stepped out of the car and even from where I was sitting I could see that the police officer's eyes were glued to Harry's toned torso. "Walk along this line, please." Harry walked the line perfectly, and the officer seemed to be having a hard time looking away from his bum. "Well, it appears that you are not intoxicated. Your car smells fine, no evidence of drug use...may I see your license and registration?"

"Of course," Harry drawled and slipped back into the car, plucking the papers out of the glove box.

"You're doing good so far," I laughed quietly.

"Yeah, yeah," Harry grumbled and returned back to the officer. The officer took his papers and looked them over, but from where I watching in the mirror his eyes kept darting up to stare at Harry's muscles that were flexing since he crossed his arms over his chest. Harry was trying to keep his composure, but he was squirming and rocking back and forth on his feet.

"Everything seems to be in order...I can let you off on a warning, considering you're off to a place I'm familiar with." The officer winked and I could visibly see the lump in Harry's throat.

"Thank you so much officer," Harry said in a tight voice, forcing a smile onto his face.

"Now don't let me catch you speeding again," he wagged his finger and smiled playfully. "If you ever need help or...anything this number." The officer pulled a business card from his belt and handed it to Harry.

"Will do," Harry looked like he wanted to melt into the ground but he winked back at the officer and blew him a kiss. The officer pretended to catch it and grinned, waving at us before he turned around and headed back to his car.

"Oh my God!" I burst into laughter as Harry closed the door to the car.

"For fuck's sake," he muttered,his face turning bright red. "I don't think I've ever been so uncomfortable in my life."

"That was actually pretty convincing," I mused, biting my fist to try to stop the giggles. "If I didn't know any better I would have thought that you swung for the other team."

Harry glared at me and shook his head. "You're never going to let me live this one down, are you?"

"Never," I said happily, stealing his Ray Bans [A/N hehe Ray Bans] from the dashboard and slipping them on.

Harry chuckled and started the ignition. "You know what? They look good on you, you should keep them."


"Yeah." He shot me a grin as he drove back onto the road. "It's still early," he quickly glanced at the clock. "You want to do something?"

"What's 'something'?" I asked suspiciously, sure that he was going to say something perverted.

"You catch on quick," he joked, a crooked smile playing on his lips. "No, I don't mean something sexual, I mean do you want to go around town and bum around for a bit. Get an ice cream?"

"Um...sure," I said slowly, raising an eyebrow as I sat back in my seat. Harry turned left onto the road that led back to town.

"Great, cos I know a great ice cream place that I think you'll love."


Oh God haha

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Also, check out my new story Mean!

QUESTION OF THE DAY: Have you ever pulled a prank, and if so, what was it? I once got my cousin to piss into a water balloon and we dropped it onto this really mean girl we knew. I know, I'm terrible lol

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Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now