Chapter 65: As the Years Go By

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1st Year

I was back for the week, enjoying my short amount of time I had with Harry before I had to fly back to America. Harry refused to tell me where we were going for our afirst anniversary date, and had even gone far enough to blindfold me all the way there.

He helped me out of the car and led me through what I could only guess was a house when I could hear my heels clicking against hardwood floor. "Happy anniversary," Harry's deep voice sent shivers down my spine and his hands lifted from my eyes.

My eyes travelled over his backyard, now transformed into our own little private restaurant complete with string lights around the trees, candlelight, a table for two and rose petals. "Harry," I breathed, turning around to face him. I didn't even need to say more.

Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. "I love you, baby."

2nd Year

"Look." Harry disappeared from the frame and came back with a small kitten in his arms.

"Oh my God! I squealed. It was a good thing that my roommate had gone downstairs into the student lounge to study otherwise I had a feeling she would have gotten mad at me for making so much noise. "It's adorable!"

"Isn't he?" Harry grinned, petting the kitten's tiny head. "You can see him when you come to visit in a few weeks."

I clasped my hands to my chest and smiled madly. "I can't wait to see you again," I murmured, trying not to cry. I wanted to reach out to touch his face, but I sadly had to remind myself that he was only a picture on the screen and that he was thousands of miles away.

Harry smiled back and blew me a kiss. "I can't wait to see you either, baby."

3rd Year

"Harry!" I shrieked as I sprinted through the airport terminal. Harry was waiting there with my parents and my brother, but as soon as he saw me he started running towards me as well.

I dropped my luggage as I flew into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. He spun me around, peppering kisses all over my face. I didn't care whether we were making a scene or not, everything seemed to just disappear until it was only Harry and I.

Harry buried face in my hair and whispered "I'm so glad to have you back, baby."

4th Year

Harry and I stepped away from the noisy party and went out onto the sundeck. Harry's mum had thrown a party to celebrate his band being signed to their first big record label. Louis and Claire had been giggling to themselves all night, shooting me knowing looks every now and then.

I stared up at the sky, smiling at all the stars twinkling in the sky like diamonds. I remembered the night Harry and I climbed up onto the roof and he had sung me a song. I glanced up at the boy next to me. He was no longer a boy, as I was no longer a girl.

I pressed a kiss to his cheek and he grinned, in turn pressing a kiss to my lips. "I love you, you know that?" He murmured, pressing his forehead to mine.

I let out a breathy laugh and smiled serenely. "Yeah, yeah I do. Do you know that I love you?"

"Yeah, I do." He chuckled, kissing me again. He held my small hands in his large ones, bringing them to his lips. He kissed each of them before holding them to his chest. I could feel his heart pounding; it was practically slamming against his rib cage. Before I could ask him why he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Do you remember when I took you to that party at Louis'?"

"You mean the one where I got shit can drunk at?" I asked, rolling my eyes playfully. "And where I danced on Zayn?" I couldn't help but tease him.

It was his turn to roll his eyes but I could tell that he was trying to hide a smile. "And when I asked you what your name was you said Rayla Styles?" I ducked my head as I felt my cheeks growing hot, but Harry gently grasped my chin between his thumb and his index finger and tilted my head up. "Well, I actually want to make that happen."

My hands flew up to my mouth as Harry slowly got down onto one knee and pulled a small, red velvet box out of the pocket of his blazer. "Rayla Shroeder, you are without a doubt one of the most amazing, caring and wonderful girls I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I went though twelve crazy dares with you and I want to go through the rest of life with you. Will you marry me?"

Through my tears I managed to nod and held out my hand for Harry to put the ring on. The glittering diamond stared back at me from my ring finger, making even more tears stream down my cheeks. I flung my arms around Harry's neck as soon as he stood up and hugged him tightly.

He let out a breathy and relieved laugh. "I love you so much, Rayla Styles."

-the end-


Thank you to everyone who ever supported this story! It means so much to me and I'm glad to have had amazing and dedicated readers like you.

Also, keep an eye out because tomorrow I will be posting a bonus material book called "Year Six". I'll post the link tomorrow.

So yeah this is your Christmas present from me ^_^

Even though I will no longer be writing One Direction fan fictions, I'll be keeping this one on my profile. I will however still be writing teen fiction books so please give those a read as well!

Thanks again!

-Bliss xx

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