Chapter 46: Give Him a Chance

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Rayla's POV

"I still don't understand why you're being like this," Claire sighed, clearly frustrated. She sat at one of the bar stools in the kitchen, sipping on a glass of coke that I had gotten her. "I mean, what exactly happened between you two? One day you were smitten, the next-"

"We weren't smitten," I protested, narrowing my eyes. "We were friends, but I should have known better than to let myself fall in too deep and trust that he wouldn't try anything."

"You still haven't told me what happened," Claire pressed, crossing her thin arms over her chest. She was small girl, but her stern expression and dark eyes made up for her height and physique. Coupled with her motherly tone and wisdom, she was a little intimidating from time to time.

Nonetheless I swallowed the lump in my throat and continued clearing the dishes from the dishwasher. "And I'd prefer that it stayed that way."

She sighed again and rolled her eyes. "Do you have to be so stubborn?" She complained, throwing her hands up in the air. "I'm your best mate, you can tell me anything! Was it really that bad?"

I pressed my lips together and closed my eyes. "Bad enough for me to leave our trip early and never want to speak to him again, yes."

"What, did he try to kill you or something?" She tried to lighten the mood but I wasn't having any of it.

I looked at her seriously before turning back towards the dishwasher. "More like my innocence."

Claire's eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets. "You had sex with him?!" She shrieked, making me slam my hand over her mouth to silence her.

"My mother is upstairs!" I hissed, glancing towards the staircase. She was probably in her office or something talking to some business tycoon or whatever she does these days. I slowly took my hand away from Claire's mouth. "No, we didn't. But almost. That's why I ran off."

Claire looked at me as if I was crazy. "Rayla Bethany Johanna Maddison Evangeline Renée Shroeder, you mean to tell me that Harry Styles, the player of the school who was clearly in to you, took three months of his life just to do this bet with you, showed you the fun side of life, and you turned him down when he wanted to show his commitment to you?"

"How do you know it was commitment?" I shot back. "Even his friend Zayn said so. Harry fucks and leaves."

Claire winced. "Though I don't appreciate him for the fact that his language has rubbed off on you. But really, Ray." A genuine small crept onto her lips. "Think about it. Look at the way Harry is. He's a player; a guy who doesn't stay with one girl for too long. Look how long he's hung around you."

"The only reason he agreed to this bet in the first place was probably because he thought that I wouldn't be able to make it and he'd get a personal maid for a month," I retorted. "And to get laid," I added bitterly.

Claire shook her head and smiled. "You're not getting it. Harry probably initially did this because he didn't think you could handle it. But I think he fell for you along the way."

"Sure," I said sarcastically, running my hand through my hair, wincing as my fingrs got caught in the tangles of my curls.

Claire dropped her knowing smile like a dead fish and scowled, crossing her arms over her chest. "Seriously, Ray. Is nothing going to convince you? Even when the evidence is right there?"

"Why are you trying so hard to get me to be with him?" I demanded, trying to keep my voice down in case my mother was listening. "You were the one who was skeptical of him in the first place!"

"Well that was before I saw what he did to you," she admitted, pursing her lips. "I was wrong. He actually...he actually brought you out of your shell and taught you how to enjoy the moments in life."

Claire was rarely one to admit that she was wrong, mostly because she was usually right. When she was wrong, to her, it was like the world was going to crumble into a billion pieces. I gazed at her serious expression for a minute, staying completely quiet.

Claire took a deep breath to calm herself and broke the silence. "Look, I know it's hard to see now, but I think you're making a mistake by letting him go without an explanation on his part. I mean really, you just up and left without letting him utter a single word. Give him a chance." Her smile was kind as she grabbed her schoolbag from the floor. "I'd best be going, I have to study for my finals."

I nodded and ushered her to the door. It was only then that I noticed that a white envelope lay on the ground below the mail slot. I picked it up, squinting as I examined the address typed onto the paper. My eyes widened. No way.

Claire took a peek at the envelope and nearly screeched. "Ray-"

"Shh!" I hissed, holding my hands up.

Claire immediately silenced, her hands over her mouth. She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Isn't that-"

"Yeah, now please keep it down," I scolded, frowning at the envelope.

Claire watched me intently. "Are you going to open it?"

"In my room," I decided, holding the letter gingerly like it was a stick of dynamite. "Where my parents won't see."

Claire nodded, smiling to herself as she slung her bag over her shoulder and turned towards the door. I caught her wrist at the last minute, making her turn to face me again. "Claire?"

"Hmm?" She arched a perfectly plucked eyebrow at me.

"Can you...can you keep this letter between us? Like, don't tell your parents or anything. I want to decide by myself without anyone else influencing me."

Claire nodded and understandingly before resting her dainty hand on my shoulder. "It's our secret." Her left eyelid dropped into a wink and she giggled. I grinned as I watched her flounce down the driveway to her car that was parked across the street.

I closed the door quietly, the thoughts of the letter sitting in my desk drawer returning to my thoughts now that I no longer had any other distractions. The crisp white envelope was still in my hand, taunting me with the huge decision I needed to make.



Your edits are wonderful! I received a fair amount, but I can only choose three to feature DX I'll be looking through them and I'll pick the winners. Third place will be featured next chapter, then second then first in the chapters after that :) Thank you again to those who participated!


QUESTION OF THE DAY: What is the most played song on your iPod? Mine would have to be either The Depths by Of Mice & Men or The Lines by Beartooth ;)

Vote, comment and follow! <3

-Bliss xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now