Chapter 17: Unexplainable Feelings

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Rayla's POV

After a few locked doors (people who were smarter than that first couple probably locked them before getting down to doing the nasty) we found a room that I was unoccupied, conveniently it had a bed as well.

"This is the guest room I usually stay in," Harry murmured, setting me on the queen-sized bed.

"Tuck me in?" I smiled giddily and Harry chuckled.

"You really are one of a kind, Rayla."

"I try."

He pulled the covers over my small body and patted my head jokingly, making me stick my tongue out at him. He walked across the room and sat on a chair, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. "Goodnight, Rayla."

I laid there for a few minutes, staring at his dark figure in the corner. "Harry?"


"Come lie with me?"

In the dim light coming the window I could see Harry's eyes open and he sat up. "What?"

I pulled the covers back and patted the spot next to me. "Come here."

"Rayla, I don't think that's such a-"

"Please?" I pouted, jutting out my lower lip and using my little kid voice. "Pretty please?"

I heard Harry sigh softly before he got up from his chair and sauntered over. He climbed into the bed next to me, facing his back to me. "There. Happy?"

"Yes," I cheered, snuggling into the soft comforter. It was silent again for a few minutes until I couldn't hold the question in any longer. "Harry?"

"Yes, Rayla?" Harry sighed, turning around in the bed so he was facing me.

"Why did you stop Zayn?"

"Because I know the way he is with girls," Harry replied, but his voice sounded uneasy.

"Well I know that, but what's it to you? It's not like we're together or anything," I yawned sleepily, my eyelids beginning to feel heavy.

"It's getting late and you look tired. I think we should go to sleep," Harry said quickly, his voice strained and cracking.

"One more question," I whined, making Harry sigh and close his eyes. "Why did you call me your girl?"

Harry's eyes shot open and darted around nervously. "It...It was just to get him to back down. I didn't actually mean it," he laughed falsely.

"You sounded like you meant it," I pressed on, struggling to sit up in the bed.

"I didn't mean it, Rayla, I was nothing," he concluded, running his fingers through his hair. I laid back down and closed my eyes.

"You're doing it again."


"Avoiding the question. It's not going go away..." With that I drifted off to sleep without getting a response from Harry.

Harry's POV

I gazed down at the small girl lying next to me fast asleep. With the light coming from the window reflecting off of her pale complexion she looked like she was a beautiful porcelain doll.

Her long dark hair was sprawled across the pillow in messy ringlets and her makeup was a little smeared on one side of her face, but she looked so perfect and peaceful while she quietly snored.

Our conversation kept playing back in my head that a broken record stuck on repeat.

"You're doing it again." "What?" "Avoiding the question." 

I sighed and played with one of her curls that had strayed off of her pillow and onto mine. "I wish I could answer the question," I whispered quietly to her, trying not to wake her up. "But I'm not very good at telling the truth."

She stirred in her sleep and I froze, watching her cautiously as she shifted over and curled up against my chest. I stayed still, not really sure what to do. I slowly and carefully draped my arm over her side and held her closer to me. Rayla sighed contentedly and nuzzled her face into my neck, making my stomach do flips.

I tentatively placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "I know you won't hear me but that's what giving me the courage to even admit this out loud," I gulped, gently caressing her cheek. "Even though I don't want to believe it's true, I have feelings for you that I can't quite explain, Rayla Shroeder. And it's killing me inside because you don't even know."


So that was my double update for the night whoop whoop

Should their ship name be Hayla or Rarry? Comment what you think!

Vote and comment! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

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