updates--please read

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Hello my lovelies :)

I'm sorry to say that the next chapter is going to take a while to be written because I have my second round of midterms coming up this week #UniLife but I promise I'll upload as soon as I'm done my exams.

In other news, I've been posting new stories, the newest one being "The Missing Piece" (I added an external link below the tags) which is a dystopian, sci-fi kind of story. I'm really proud and happy with it so far and I'd appreciate it if you guys gave it a read. 

Also, I started watching Teen Wolf.

I have an addiction now.

But Colton Haynes is damn fine.

I'd tap that.


My birthday is this Friday (Halloween yo I'm a demon child so it totally fits XD) and I'm getting my nose pierced YAY With my next update I'll add a picture of a special piece of candy designed by me for you guys lol :P 

I love you all and thank you so much for all your support <3

-Bliss xx

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