Chapter 28: Tickle Fights **READ THE A/N...OR ELSE!**

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Rayla's POV

My eyelids began to droop as the last few minutes of the movie appeared on the screen.

"Sleepy?" Harry chuckled and held me closer. I pressed my lips together as my body stiffened. This was clearly more awkward for me than it was for Harry. I pulled away slightly, meaning to get up from the couch and out of his iron grip, but a small sound of protest came from his slightly parted lips and he pulled me back down. "Stay the night," he mumbled, his green irises disappearing as his eyes closed.

I bit my lip, contemplating his offer. It was almost eleven, my parents would be asleep. They wouldn't even notice I was gone. But what if my father happened to stay up to wait for me? I would be in deep shit when I walked into the house in the morning. "I don't know..."

"Please?" Harry opened his eyes and jutted out his lower lip. His puppy dog face wasn't very moving nor convincing, but it was really adorable. I smiled and ruffled his curls, making him drop the act and scowl. "Hey! Never mess with the curls!"

I laughed, sticking my hand out again and messing up his hair that he had just finished taming.

"Hey!" He ducked, trying to get away. "That's it, you asked for it." He grinned and grabbed my arms, pinning them down onto the couch. He held my wrists together in one hand and with the other he began poking my stomach.

I giggled and tried to shield myself. "Harry! Harry, no!" I tried not to be too loud as I was sure that Gemma and Anne were asleep. I swatted his hands away but he persisted, laughing along with me as his fingers jabbed at my abdomen. "I give up! I'm sorry!" I wheezed, curling up into a fetal position in one last attempt to get him to stop.

Harry finally retracted his hands and sat up, catching his breath from laughing so hard. "That's what you get!" He shoved me playfully, making me harrumph.

"I think I just got a full core workout from laughing so hard."

"Your abs are even harder than mine," Harry snorted, poking me once more for good measure. I jolted and glared daggers at him, making him giggle. "Looove yaaa," he strung out the vowels as he grinned cheekily.

"I don't think the feelings are mutual," I smirked.

He immediately dropped his smile and started pouting. "That's not very nice."

I let him pout for a little while longer beofre I couldn't hold in my laughs anymore. "Okay, okay, I looove yaaa too," I mimicked him. A smile crept on to his face and his eyes glowed with something inexplainable. Almost as if he was entranced.



"Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

" do you ask?"

"Just wondering," he said casually, folding his hands onto his lap. We sat in silence for a few seconds beofre he fired off more questions. "Is it just because a guy never asked you or did you just reject them all?"

I raised my eyebrow. "I thought you were just asking for no reason."

"I lied."

"Well, at least you're being honest now. Fine. Well, I've been asked out before, but by douchebags who only wanted to get into my pants, you being one of them," I paused and glanced at him to see that his expression was a strange mix of mild hurt and amusement.

"I didn't only want to get into your pants."

I gave him a look. "C'mon, be honest."

A brief look of panic crossed his face before he seemed to regain his composure. "Well I mean, you have a nice rack but I'm not that indecent." I rolled my eyes at his first comment and tried not to let my cheeks grow too red. "You really think I'm a douchebag?"

"Thought, past tense," I smiled slightly as the hurt on his face lifted. "Somehow that opinion changed," I laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of my neck.

My stomach began to do backflips as we stared at each other. The air began to feel as if it was thinning and it became hard to breathe. Harry began to lean in, his eyes never leaving mine. I sat there, frozen, not quite sure what to do or how to respond. Our lips were only an inch apart. Closer and closer...

"Har-oh, sorry, I-I'm not-um..." 

Harry stopped where he was, his soft lips barely touching mine. He closed his eyes and sighed quietly, pulling back Gemma stood at the door, biting her lip and looking extremely uncomfortable. "Hey, Gem," Harry said brightly, but his voice held a trace of disappointment.

Gemma's eyes flickered between us as silence descended upon the room. "I just came here to tell you that mum and I are going to sleep and...yeah."

"Okay," Harry sounded equally as awkward as she did. I sat there on the couch, completely mute and my face probably about nine shades of red.

"I'll just...uh, yeah. Night!" Gemma disappeared as quickly as she had appeared, closing the door behind her. I could hear her hurried footsteps down the hallway until I heard another door close, probably her bedroom door.

"You want my bed? I'll take the couch," Harry said briskly.

"Nonsense. I'll take the couch."

"There's no way I'm letting you sleep on the couch," Harry said firmly.

"There's no way I'm sleeping on your bed if you're going to sleep on the couch."

"FIne then. Compromise: we both sleep in my bed." Harry's cheeky grin was enough to make my heart pound.

What had I gotten myself into?


QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do you have any questions for me? I like to get to know my readers, and I like my readers to have knowledge about me too :) Ask me anything, whether it's what I like/dislike, what I look like, how old I am, my opinions on things, whatever lol I'll reply to all of them in a little segment in the next chapter :) I really appreciate the amount of comments I have received, the participation and support for this story is overwhelming to me. You guys are my favorite readers <3

Vote, comment and follow! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

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