Chapter 61: So...I Guess This Is It

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Rayla's POV

I closed my last suitcase and sighed. My room was stripped of all my old posters, my cabinets empty of all the trophies my mother had insisted that I display.

This was it. I was officially leaving the small town I had known for years, this small little village of Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. America would be different, I knew that much.

Was I prepared? Probably not. But I would have to muddle through as best as I could. Of course, things would be easier if Harry were to come with me.

I shook my head and tried to forget about the fact that I was leaving him behind. I simply had to accept the fact that it was a trade off: Harry for Yale. Of course the thing anyone else outside of the relationship would say "Just get over it." or "It was just puppy love." Was it? It didn't feel like that to me. Harry was real.

I checked my closet one last time, making sure that I hadn't forgotten anything. Empty racks and shelves stared back at me, giving me an eerie feeling of emptiness. I closed the doors and walked to the other side of my room and pulled the drawers of my dresser open.

A small piece of paper in the first drawer caught my eye, making me pause and do a double take. I picked it up and carefully unfolded it. The paper was still crisp and white like it hadn't seen the light of day. I smiled softly once I read the title that was in big, bold letters: Harry's Checklist.

I chuckled quietly to myself as I read all the tasks we had done in those twelve weeks. I remembered the night that Harry and I had set fireworks off and gotten chased by police. Or the time that Harry nearly got caught in my room. Now that was scary. And the night were he and I had gone TPing people's houses. Not to mention swimming naked. What had been going through my mind when I decided to drop my pants, I don't even know.

I pressed my lips together as another smile found it's way onto my lips. I remembered when Harry had pulled my drunken self away from Zayn at that party and had tucked me in bed. I rubbed the skin over my shirt where my tattoo sat, remembering how Harry had held my hand the entire time. I laughed a bit louder when I read task ten as memories of that flirty gay cop came back. The look on Harry's face the entire time was priceless.

Our trip to Las Vegas had ended with me realizing that I had a talent for poker and a developing addiction to Mini Melts. But most of all I remembered prom and the first time that Harry told me he loved me.

I held the paper to my chest and closed my eyes. I was only making things harder for myself, but the good memories of all the time I spent with Harry would always be there whether I liked it or not. I stood there for a few minutes before I heard my mother's footsteps coming from the stairs.


"Yes, mum?"

"Are you almost packed, honey? We're leaving soon!"

"Almost done!" I called back. I glanced down at the paper in my hands before I grabbed and pen and started writing on the back. I could hear my mother calling for me again by the time I finished writing. I stuffed the paper into my pocket and grabbed my suitcases.

"Honey?" My dad knocked on the door before peeking into my room.

"Dad! What's the point of knocking if you're just going to barge in anyways?" I complained, gripping the handle of my suitcases tightly as I struggled to lift them off the floor.

"Well I figured you weren't doing anything that would require me to be outside," he said innocently. I rolled my eyes and smiled as I hobbled to the door.

"I'll get those, sweetie," he said as he took the bags from my hands and lifted them with ease.

"I feel weak now," I scoffed as I followed him down the stairs. He simply chuckled heartily and loaded the bags into the car. I stopped at the doorway when I saw my mother talking to a boy with curly hair and a blue hoodie. "Harry?"

He turned around and smiled, but his smile was melancholy. My mother quickly excused herself and got into the car, leaving me to talk to Harry. She pulled my father along with her, hissing at him to give us some privacy.

"So..." he said, pressing his lips together in a tight line. "I guess this is it."

"Yeah," I replied, not really sure what else to say.

"You could come back and visit, right?" He asked, his voice filled with hope. "And I could come visit you at Yale."

I nodded slowly, but I had a feeling of dread that it would not be so easy for us to keep being together. I could already feel tears forming in my eyes at the thought. "I promised myself I wouldn't cry," I whispered.

Harry wrapped his arms around me and held me close, burying his face in my hair. I heard him softly inhale before he pressed a soothing kiss to my head. "It's okay to cry," he assured, his own voice wavering a bit.

I flinched when I felt something drop onto my cheek. I brought my hand up to touch it, only to realize it was a tear. I looked up at Harry to see tears streaming down his face. "Look at that," he tried for a laugh, but it came out weak. "You've made me cry now."

I brushed my fingers across his cheeks, wiping away his tears. His eyelids fluttered closed at the contact, as if he was savouring the feeling of my touch. His eyelashes were damp with tears and his biggreen eyes were wide and held so much vulnerability, making him look like a little boy who had lost his mother in a department store.

"I'm going to miss you so much," he whispered so quietly it was barely audible.

"I'm going to miss you too," I answered, my voice just as quiet. He tucked a stand of my hair behind my ear as he looked at me. His eyes moved every few seconds, as if he were trying to memorize every single inch of my face.

"I love you," he said as he pressed his forehead to mine.

"I love you too." I took his hands and squeezed them gently. "So much." I released one of his hands and reached into my pocket. "Here," I handed him the piece of paper I had found in my drawer. "There's something written for you on the back. Don't read it until I'm gone." I instructed as I tucked the paper into his hand.

He nodded slightly, looking curious as to what I what I had written. I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and pressed my lips to his. He immediately kissed back, placing his hand on my lower back. I tried not to let the kiss get too intense considering that my parents where a few metres away in the car, but we were out of breath by the time we pulled away.

"I'll miss your kisses too," he whispered. his lips turning bright pink and swollen.

I smiled and pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek. "I love you. I'll see you again."


"Promise," I murmured, slowly letting go of his hand as I started to back away. I finally made myself turn around and walk to the car. I climbed in without a word and strapped my seat belt.

I stared out the window at Harry who still stood on the front lawn, the piece of paper clutched tightly in his hand. He looked like he was trying really hard not to cry again, but he raised his hand and waved goodbye. I waved back as my dad began to back out of the driveway.

I caught one last glimpse of him still waving before we started driving down the road and he disappeared from sight.



but yeah hiiii hellloooo I'm back

oh yeah and I posted a book about a drug dealer. you should check it out. i draw your attention to the external link below the tags


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-Bliss xx

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