Chapter 22: Week Eight

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Rayla's POV

"You ready?"

I bit my lip nervously, staring up at the sign of the store we were standing in front of. Holmes Chapel Tattoo it read in bold, black letters.

Even the font of the letters scared me a bit. "I'm really going to regret this, aren't I?"

"It won't be so bad," Harry smiled reassuringly and led me into the shop. Rock music blared from the speakers behind the cash register. Tattoo designs were plastered all over the red walls and lamps that gave off dim light hung from the ceiling. A woman stood at the cash register, looking extremely bored as she chewed on a piece of gum.

Tattoos covered both of her arms and reached part way up her chest. Massive stretchers were in her ears, bringing her earlobes more than halfway down to her shoulders. Several piercings glittered on her ears, her nose, her lip and her eyebrow.

She raised an eyebrow as we walked in and looked at me quizically. I probably couldn't have stood out any more; I was wearing a pink floral tank top with matching pink pants and nude colored flats. I basically looked like I stepped out of Candyland and took a wrong turn into Cards Against Humanity.

"How can I help you guys?" Her voice was hesitant as her eyes passed over Harry and settled completely on me.

"Yes," Harry smiled, flashing her his dimples.

She nodded and pointed to a couch. "Just take a seat there. If you don't really know what you want yet you can look through the books we have sitting on the table. Someone will be out shortly to help you."

"Thank you," I said politely and took a seat on the black leather couch, crossing my legs at the ankles and sitting with my back straight. Harry plopped down beside me, sinking down until the back of his head hit the rather low back rest and he sat with his legs uncrossed. "That's a very attractive position you're sitting in," I mused, picking up one of the books and studying the various tattoo designs.

"There's nothing wrong with the way I'm sitting," Harry asked indignantly, drumming his hands on his stomach. "So do you know what you're going to get?"

"I'd rather not get anything," I laughed, my eyes skimming over a cute design with dandelions and birds.

"You should get that one," Harry snorted, pointing at a gigantic bulldog sticking it's tongue out.

"Hell no," I laughed, flipping a couple more pages before I returned to the one I had seen before. "I like this one."

"It's pretty," Harry smiled, his eyes ligering over the design. "Where are you going to get it tattooed?"

"Somewhere hidden," I said immediately, thinking about my parents who would probably have a fit if they knew that I was even sitting in the waiting room of  a tattoo parlour.

"Are you guys ready?" A burly man with a sleeve of tattoos came out of one of the rooms.

"Uh, yeah, I guess." My nerves started getting the better of me as my legs froze up. I really did not want to get up from that couch.

"C'mon, Ray," Harry whispered, standing up and offering me his hand. I took it gratefully, letting him pull me up and lead me to the room the man had come from. Inside there was a large chair and a metal table sitting beside it.

"Who's first?" He asked, sitting down in a chair and pulling on a pair of gloves.

"Ladies first," Harry smirked, motioning to the chair.

"Why can't you go first?" I panicked, my eyes as wide as saucers.

"Because if I go first then you'll see what they'll be doing to you and that's only going to freak you out even more. Better for you to just get it over with now."

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now