Chapter 7: Week Three

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It's really late for update but whatever LOL

Vote and comment, munchkins! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Michelle xx

Rayla's POV

**Next Saturday**

I didn't really plan on doing anything on Saturday.

That is, until Harry showed up at my front door.

"Um, hello. And you are?" I heard my mom's inquisitive voice from the top of the stairs. I had whacked on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top and was now sitting at the top step, waiting for the person at the door to answer.

"Hi, you must be Mrs. Shroeder. I'm Harry, Ray's friend." I nearly shrieked at his words, wanting nothing more than for my mom to slam the door in his face. But I knew that would never happen.

"Oh, I didn't know Ray was expecting someone. Come on in! Ray! A boy named Harry is here for you!" I cursed and slowly came down the stairs, eyeing Harry wearily.

"Hi, Ray," Harry's usual cheeky grin graced his plump lips as his eyes trailed down my exposed legs.

"Hey, Harry," I bit my tongue, trying not to scold him for calling me by my nickname. My mother stood to the side, watching us curiously.

"So what are you two doing today?" she asked nonchalantly but her voice held a hint of curiosity.

"We're just going for a walk," Harry smiled casuallyand held up a picnic basket. "And a picnic."

"Oh, how sweet!" My mom cooed, making me turn a bright shade of red. "Well you kids have fun but make sure you're back by dinnertime!"

We walked out of the house and Harry muttered "'Be back before dinnertime', how old does she think we are, ten?"

"You've got the mind of a ten year old," I pointed out, making him scoff.

"Whatever goody-goody. You ready for task three?"

I shuddered, remembering what Harry had said last Friday. "Skinny dipping in a lake. Oh, joy."

"It'll be fun, come on!" He laughed, grabbing my hand and dragging me over to his Range Rover. Leave it to a guy like Harry to have an expensive car. He walked around to the driver's seat and climbed in, leaving me to heave myself up onto the seat.

"Nice outfit by the way," he eyed my chest and my legs, my body was a bit more exposed wit my tank and shorts.

"Whatever, perv." I placed my hand on his face and lightly shoved him. "Now let's go. The sooner I get this over with the better."

Harry simply laughed and sped off down the street, making me grip the edge of my seat. We drove down the rode about twice as fast as my parents would have, making me cringe. "You're going over the speed limit," I noted quietly, making Harry raise his eyebrow.

"Babe, I'm only going at 80 km and hour."

"That;s over the sped limit."

"By ten kilometres," Harry guffawed, increasing the speed and roaring down the rural road.

Note to self, never get into a car with Harry ever again.

We finally arrived at a quiet lake. Not a person was in sight, the perfect place to strip and jump into the lake. I climbed out of Harry's car and waited for him to grab the picnic basket from the backseat.

"Let's do this thing," Harry grinned with a pair of Ray Bans perched on his nose. I sighed and trudged down the hill with him.

"So what's in the basket?" I asked, sitting down on the blanket he had laid out.

"Breakie. Eat up,"  he placed a plate of fresh pancakes on the blanket as well as some syrup and blueberries. "Here," he handed me a bottle of Sunny-D and took one for himself, popping off the cap and chugging it.

"Thanks, Harry," I said slowly, awed at how much work he had put in. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all.

"No problem," he smirked. "Might as well make you breakfast since I'll have the privilege of seeing you naked later."

Scratch that. Same old Harry.

I rolled my eyes and bit into my pancakes, trying not to moan at how good they were. We ate in silence, exchanging awkward glances every now and then.

"Okay," Harry clapped his hands together and got up. "Let's go to the lake."

"But it hasn't been thirty minutes yet," I protested, trying to find anything to stall the inevitable.

"What?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"You're supposed to wait at least half an hour after you eat before you can go swimming," I explained slowly, like I was talking to a little kid.

"Alright, no need to be condescending," Harry rolled his eyes and rejoined me on the blanket. "So what do we do for this half an hour, then?"


"How about we talk?" he suggested, crossing his legs and folding his hands in his lap.

"Talk?" I asked suspiciously. Knowing Harry, this would get dirty and uncomfortable very quickly.

"Yes, talk. How's your life?" he asked, looking at me with wide eyes and a sly smile.

"Erm, good?"

"Good. How's your sex life?"

"Harry!" I whacked his arm and he fell backwards in a fit of laughter. "My God!" I huffed, crossing my arms and scowling.

"Yes? Your God, at your service," he giggled, making me whack his arm again.

"Don't deny it, babe. You'd love for me to be a part of your sex life," he smirked, giving me a once over. "And I wouldn't mind having you in mine."

"Well I would mind!" I spat, glaring at him.

"Would you now? So you don't think about my huge dick fucking your tight-" I covered my ears and let out a shriek of disgust, making Harry go into another laughing fit. "Well at least we know your ears are virgin. We still don't know about down there though," he pointed to my crotch and I pursed my lips.

"You're disgusting," I spat, wrinkling my nose.

"But you love me," he spread his arms and grinned, showing his pearly white teeth. "Come on, I think we can go in the water now," he got up from the blanket and brushed off his jeans.

"Um, don't you think we should wait a bit longer?" I asked nervously, biting my lips.

"Babe," Harry leaned in and smirked. "I know what you're doing. So unless you wish to be my personal servant for a month, I suggest you strip and jump into that lake."

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now