Chapter 20: Waking Up Baked

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Rayla's POV

It felt like it was the hardest thing to do just to open my eyes. I sat up, groaning like a zombie. There was no more light coming from the window, which seriously confused me. Where was I? I forced myself to fully open my eyes and took in my surroundings.

"I'm not in my room," I muttered, running a hand through my messy hair. I nearly screamed when I heard a noise beside me and an arm rolled onto my lap. My head snapped to the left and I nearly screamed again.

Harry was lying beside me.

We were in his room.

Did we hook up? I had still had my clothes on, he did as well. I calmed down my pounding heart and took a deep breath as the memories came back. I could feel that I was still a bit baked, but I was coherent to remember that Harry and I had smoked a joint and gotten really high, then we fell asleep on his floor.

I squinted my eyes to try to tell the time on the digital clock that sat on his beside table. 7:58 pm.

"Shit!" I cursed, scrambling to my feet.

Harry groaned and sat up slowly, his half closed eyes following me as I ran around his room picking up my belongings. "Ray? What's going on?"

"It's almost eight! My parents are probably wondering where I am!" I said worriedly, slinging my backpack on.

"You do realize that you look like you're high, right? That was your first joint, the effects last longer," Harry pointed out, getting up and stretching.

"I'll just have to act. Better get try to get home on time than to get home really late and get grounded for a month."

"I think you'd get grounded for longer than a month if they found out that you were smoking weed."

"And who's fault was that?" I asked, smirking as I pulled the towels out of the crack so I could open the door.

"Hey! You were totally okay with it!"

"I'm just teasing," I rolled my eyes and ran down the stairs with Harry slowly following behind me.

"Do you need a ride home?"

"Are you sure you should be driving? Aren't you still high?"

"It's wearing off very quickly."

"I still don't trust you."

"Ouch. I'm hurt."

"Yeah, I'm sure you are. No need to worry about me, I'm a big girl. I tie my own shoelaces and everything," I joked, slipping on my flats and opening the front door.

"Alright then...text me when you get home, yeah?"


"I just want to make sure that you get home without getting kidnapped or raped. I have a heart, contrary to what you might think," Harry snorted, leaning on the doorframe.

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "I'll text you. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, see ya. Don't forget to text me!"

"Okay, dad."

"I mean it!" He pointed his index at me, raising his eyebrows. "I care about you!"

"I know you do, Harry," I called over my shoulder as I began to walk away. Before I was far away enough I could swear I heard him quietly say "I don't think you know," but it could have just been the lasting high that was making me hear things. I trudged down the dark street towards the bus stop.

"Rayla Bethany Johanna Maddison Evangeline Renée Shroeder, where have you been?!" My mother shrieked as soon as I stepped foot into my house. I knew she was really angry when she used all five of my middle names.

I gulped and tried to concentrate on my angry parents who stood in the living room. My mom look worried and angry while my dad looked livid. He didn't even say anything but just his stare was scaring the crap out of me.

"I was at a partner's house to do a project and we lost track of time. We didn't even have dinner," I blurted out the first lie that popped into my head.

"A project?" My dad's voice was steely calm as he slowly rose an eyebrow. "What project was it?"


"Who's your partner?"

"Harry Styles."

"Isn't that the hooligan who's always throwing parties and sleeping around?"


"Are you sure you two weren't doing more than a science project?" My dad asked suspiciously, making me gasp.

"Dad! I'm not easy or anything, how could you even assume that?!"

"He has quite the reputation, Rayla. So sue me," my dad held his hands up and shook his head. "You should have called us."

They were calmer than they were I had first walked in but I could tell that they were still pissed.

"What's that smell?" My mom scrunched her nose up in disgust. "It smells like a skunk who's been living off of food that went bad."

I pressed my lips together before spewing out another lie. "Harry smokes a lot of weed, the smell was everywhere. Trust me, I nearly puked when I walked into his house."

My parents sucked their breath in. "What do his parents think of this?" My mother asked, her expression shocked.

"They aren't home often so..."

"What a mess of a teenager," my mom shook her head, my dad murmuring in agreement. "I don't think you should be around him after this project is done."

"I agree," I bit my lip, feeling my stomach twisting into knots. I hated lying to my parents.

"We'll let you off on a warning this time, since it had to do with school. But keep track of the time, you nearly gave us a heart attack!" My dad scolded, frowning.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to worry you guys," I said sincerely and they smiled.

"You'd better go upstairs and get some sleep, sweetheart. Your eyes are all bloodshot!" My mom pointed out, making my breath catch in my throat.

"Uh, yeah. I'm really tired, we were concentrating really hard on that project."

"Well go get washed up, then. We'll see you in the morning."

I nodded and kissed both of my parents on their cheeks, hoping that they wouldn't smell any marijuana on my breath. I ran up the stairs and locked myself in the bathroom. I was about to strip down to take a shower before I remembered something I had promised. I pulled my phone out of my jeans pocket and quickly typed out a message.

To: Harry

I'm home. Parents weren't too mad.

My phone dinged less than a minute later, lighting up in my hand.

From: Harry

Good. Could they tell that you had been blazing?

To: Harry

No, thank God. I ahve to take a shower now, I reek of weed.

From: Harry

Oooo a shower? Can you send me some nudes once you strip down?

My eyes widened and I quickly replied.

To: Harry

You're sick. There's no way in hell that I'd send you nudes.

From: Harry

Can't blame me for trying. You have an amazing body. Have a good shower.

I set my phone on the counter as I felt my cheeks grow hot. It was nothing new for Harry to be hitting on me, but this time it was different.

This time, it gave me butterflies I never knew I could get from getting complimented by him.


awe awe Hayla <3

Vote and comment! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now