Chapter 60: You Complete Me

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Rayla's POV

Harry gingerly positioned himself between my legs. "If it hurts too much, just tell me and I'll stop," he said quietly. He leaned down and pressed a kiss onto my forehead as he slowly slid himself in.

At first it just felt foreign and weird having something there, but as he pushed further a searing pain ripped through the lower half of my body. A tear escaped from the corner of my eye but I bit my lip and stuck it out.

Harry slowly pushed all the way in, releasing a laboured breath. "Are you okay?" He asked, wiping the tear away with the tip of his thump.

I licked my lips and nodded. "You can move now," I said in a tight voice. Harry's eyes watched me with concern as he pulled out, paused, and thrust back in. I bit my lip as each thrust brought a little bit of pain, but after a couple minutes the pain began to melt away.

My breathing became erratic and uneven as Harry rocked in and out of me. My pulse was through the roof as I let out small whimpers, which slowly turned into moans. Harry's hot breath fanned over my face as he pressed his forehead against mine.

"I love you," he whispered and pressed a passionate kiss to my lips.

"I love you too," I murmured, running my fingers through his sweaty curls. His hands moved from my waist down to my hips, then back up to just beneath my breasts. He took his lower lip between his teeth as his thrusts became faster and sharper.

"I'm close," he muttered, squeezing his eyes shut. I just nodded rapidly, unable to form a coherent word. My heart was bursting with the most euphoric feeling of happiness I had ever experienced in my entire life.

I grabbed the bedsheets in my fists as I felt a strange pressure building up in my stomach. I arched my back and moaned as I reached my climax.

It was impossible to put exact words to describe the feeling I felt when I was with Harry. I felt higher than when he and I had actually gotten high.

This feeling bested any sort of drug high you could possibly get by a thousand times. My body immediately felt tired and drained as if I had just run a marathon.

Harry thrusted a few more times before releasing into the condom. He let out a shaky breath and collapsed beside me, immersing himself in the duvet. "Wow," he said in a dazed voice, pushing away the sweaty curls that had matted themselves to his forehead. "That was...amazing."

We slipped beneath the covers and Harry's arms immediatly wrapped around my waist. "How do you feel?" He asked, his fingertips rubbing my hip softly.

I smiled contentedly and snuggled into his bare chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat slowing down. "Complete," I simply said, craning my neck to kiss his jawline. "You complete me."

It was true. I felt as if I was that last piece of a puzzle that had spent so long looking for a place where it belonged, then finally settling snugly into its place, completing the picture.

"Complete?" Harry chuckled, pulling me closer to his chest. "I've never heard that one before. But I guess that's not so unlikely."

"What do you mean?" I asked, lifting my head a bit.

"I've never know...been with a girl that really means something to me, much less as much as you mean to me." Harry awkwardly scratched the back of his head and smiled. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that you complete me too."

Harry sighed and slowly stroked my head with the back of his hand. "I always felt like sex was empty and casual. But now, with you, I really felt something I had never felt before. I always felt like something was missing."

"Your other half," I whispered, staring into his green eyes that shone with love.

He nodded and smiled crookedly. "And lucky for me I found her."



I love how most of the trending tags for stories lately are for The Maze Runner and I'm totally okay with that because I've been reading Newt and Minho imagines like there's no fucking tomorrow

QUESTION OF THE DAY: What did you do this Halloween? I hung out with friends, drank and watched stupid high school kids majorly trip out on cocaine. It was fun. Good times.

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-Bliss xx

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