Chapter 34: Week Ten

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Rayla's POV


"I have a feeling I'm going to seriously regret this," I mumbled nervously as I placed my hands on the wheel of Harry's car.

"Relax," Harry chided, peeking out the window of the passenger's seat.

Down the road I could clearly see a police car parked on the side of the road, probably waiting for speeding motorists to pass by.

I knew how to drive just fine, I even had my license, but my parents felt like I wasn't quite ready to have a car yet. I had never gone over the speed limit in the few times I had driven my parent's car, if anything I had always stayed at least ten kilometres per hour below the limit.

"You're going to need to really gun it if you want to get their attention," Harry advised, rolling up his window. "Let's do this."

"I don't like the idea of speeding, even if it's for a little while. If we die I will send my spirit from Heaven to Hell just to smack you."

"What makes you think I'd end up in Hell?"

"Do I really need to answer that?" I murmured as I looked both ways down the road before hitting the accelerator and turning the corner.

My heart pounded as I blasted down the road, past the police car. It wasn't long before I heard sirens and I swiftly pulled the car over.

"Alright, here we go," Harry muttered, his eyes locked on the rear view mirror. I followed his gaze, watching as the door of the police car opened.

A young man stepped out, surprising me. He looked to be in his twenties, and very nervous. He was quite skinny and had dark hair that kept falling over his eyes. He moved in a clunky and clumsy sort of way, kind of like a newborn calf that didn't really know how to use its legs.

"Wow," Harry said flatly, crossing his arms over his chest. "This will be child's play for you. I'd better get some sexy cop for my end of the dare to make things even."

"What makes you think I'm going to be able to seduce him?" I hissed, not taking my eyes off the mirror as the officer made his way over to our car.

"Just be sexy," Harry smirked and slipped on a pair of Ray Bans. I sighed and pulled at the hem of my V-neck shirt, exposing a considerable amount of cleavage.

"I feel like a slut," I muttered quietly as the officer came to stand beside our car. He placed one hand on the roof of the car and peered inside. "Afternoon, officer," I drawled, trying to sound aloof.

"M-ma'am, are you aware that you were going twenty kilometres over the speed limit?"

"What can I say?" I chuckled before I could stop myself. "I like to"

The police officer visibly gulped and pulled at the collar of his button down shirt. I leaned forward a bit, watching as the officer's eyes dropped to my chest.

Good Lord, I mentally groaned. I'm probably going to be joining Harry in Hell after this.

"Ma'am, I'm going to n-need to ask you to step out of the c-car for moment," the officer attemped to sound commanding but he appeared more as a stuttering mess. Harry chuckled quietly beside me, trying to hide his smile. "And who is your p-passenger?" The officer asked, his eyes darting over to Harry.

"My friend," I smiled. "I was driving him so he could visit his...boyfriend in Manchester."

I internally laughed like a maniac when Harry's head whipped towards me, his eyebrows raised. His sunglasses covered his eyes, but I could tell they were as wide as saucers.

"I see," the officer coughed, stepping back. I opened the car door and slowly placed one foot out on the pavement.

Harry had told me to find the nicest pair of heels I had, which was a pair of strappy heels I had gotten from my aunt. I never wore them, but they sure made my legs look good. I fully stepped of out the car, tossing my hair over my shoulder and placing one hand on my hip.

"Walk this line, please, ma'am," the officer instructed in a shaky voice. I was obviously not drunk, but I did what I was told and walked the straight line, swaying my hips.

"Is that all, officer?" I asked innocently.

"Um...I'm going to need your license and registration," the officer coughed and held his notepad in front of his crotch. I bent over as I reached into the car, grabbing my wallet.

"Could he be any more obvious about hiding the tent in his pants?" Harry laughed quietly. "That's right ladies and gentlemen, that's not a shooting star. That's his boner."

 "Shut up," I hissed, my face turning red. I stuck my bum higher up in the air, making sure that the officer got a good look. I opened the glove compartment and rummaged around for the documents I needed.

"What? You're doing a good job. If I were in his place my hard on would be sky rocketing too."

"Harry!" I smacked his arm with the papers in my hand.


I huffed and slipped out of the car, picking my license out of my wallet. "Here you are, officer." I handed him the card and batted my eyelashes for good measure. I looked back at Harry who was still sitting in the passenger's seat killing himself laughing.

"Here you go," the officer handed me my documents back. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ticket you."

"Isn't there some way you could...I don't know, let it slide. Just this once?" I took a step closer to him and widened my eyes. I forced my lips into a pout and stuck my chest out slightly.

"Um...I-I-" the officer seemed at a loss for words as I trailed my finger up and down his arm. "I-I suppose I could l-let it go just this long as you d-don't speed again."

"I promise, officer, thank you," I smiled and winked at him before flouncing back to the car. Harry slow clapped as I slipped back into the driver's seat and buckled my seat belt.

"Nicely done," he praised with grudging admiration.

"I can't wait to see what kind of police officer you're going to have to seduce. Who knows, it might be an officer who carries fuzzy handcuffs and a blindfold," I teased, turning on the ignition.

"Please, Ray. I may like porn but I wouldn't want to be in one. Now are we going to talk about what made you tell that officer that I was gay?"


GUYS I MADE A SOUNDTRACK FOR THE STORY :D Click the external link below the tags to listen to it on 8tracks

QUESTION OF THE DAY: What are some of of your favourite singers/bands? Mine are Of Mice & Men, Black Veil Brides, Pierce The Veil, Beartooth, Bring Me The Horizon and Sleeping With Sirens

Vote, comment and follow! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

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