Chapter 15: Week Six

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Rayla's POV

"You know," Harry smiled, trying to stifle his laughter as I climbed into his car. "I seriously didn't think you'd make it this far into the bet."

I had just ungracefully climbed down from my bedroom window and landed on the ground with a loud thud. "What made you think that?" I frowned, rubbing my left hip where I had landed. There was bound to be a bruise there tomorrow.

"The fact that you're a good-"

"You're an asshole!" I laughed and smacked his arm, making him grin.

"And she even swears. I'm proud of you, you're actually learning to be a normal teenager."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, watching the houses pass as Harry drove down the road. "So...go to a party, huh?"

"Yep. My favorite pastime," Harry let out a loud whoop before reaching beside him and holding up a big bottle of vodka. "We are going to get so fucked tonight, princess."

"Well this looks like fun," I said sarcastically as I stepped over some kid who had passed out on the front lawn with a red solo cup still in his hand.

"Yeah, this is where the fun is at," Harry sighed happily as he led the way into the house. I could hear the bass of the music thumping from a few yards away, but inside the house it was ear-bleeding.

Sweaty bodies constantly crashed together as they swayed to the beat of the music. I was less than impressed by the miniscule rags of clothing covering most of the girls' bodies. I, on the other hand, had gone with a pair of dark skinny jean and a flowy green tank top.

"You look very nice by the way," Harry murmured in my ear, startling me.


"You look nice. Much nicer than any of them," he motioned towards a bunch of girls in slutty dresses grinding on guys.

"Erm, thanks?" I laughed nervously, glancing at his skinny jeans and white T-shirt. "You look very nice, too."

"Thanks, love," he chuckled, leading me further into the house until we reached the kitchen.

"Whose party is this, anyways?" I asked, scrunching up my nose as we passed by a girl whose breasts were practically spilling out of her strapless micro mini.

"Louis'," Harry said, waving to a few people across the room. "You want something to drink?"

"It's all alcoholic though," I pointed out, only to remember the entire reason we were here. To get drunk. "Hit me with some vodka," I pressed my lips together as I watched Harry fill up a red cup with the clear liquid.

"You want a screwdriver?"

"A what?"

"A screwdriver," he laughed, grabbing the orange juice. "You don't know what that is, do you? No worries, babe. I'll make it for you. I'm sure you'll like it."

"How can I be sure you're not going to drop some sort of drug in there or something?" I laughed, trying to ignore the fact that it had made my heart flutter when he called me babe.

"You can be sure that I won't," Harry rolled his eyes, handing me the mixed drink.

I took a sip and recoiled, scrunching my nose up and sticking out my tongue. "This tastes wierd. It burns my throat. But that's the alcohol, isn't it?"

Harry just looked at me with an amused expression. "It's actually ridiculous how innocent you are. Are you really saying that you've never had alcohol before?"

"Maybe," I muttered, a little embarrassed.

"Hey, no need to be embarrassed, there's a first for everything, right?" Harry reassured me, nodding towards the drink in my hand. I took another sip, then another, feeling the alcohol running through my body. I started to feel more relaxed and happy, symptoms I knew wwere from a buzz.

"Harry! Mate!" We turned at the sound of a very familiar voice. Zayn's hazel eyes sparkled mischievously as he approached us. "How long has it been? An entire week?" He mused, giving Harry a slap on the back. "And I see you brought your friend," Zayn smiled coyly, taking my hand and pressing his lips to the top. "Nice to see you again...?"

"Rayla," I answered, making Harry look at me with an annoyed glare.

"Well, Rayla, would you care to dance?" I bit my lip before nodding, letting Zayn lead me out to the giant crowd of sweaty bodies. His hands slipped onto my waist as he pulled me closer to him. We started swaying to the music, my bottom pressed right up against his front.

I felt a little awkward dancing like this, as I had never done this before. Heck, this was the first party I had gone to where there was dirty dancing and alcohol.

Zayn's fingertips ghosted up and down my sides, making me shiver. He chuckled quietly and I felt his nose nuzzle my neck. "You're so gorgeous," he murmured in my ear, pressing a chaste kiss to the shell of my ear. I felt a pleasant shudder run through my body at the new sensation.

I might have gotten completely lost in the moment had it not been for Harry's harsh glare trained on us. Zayn pressed me closer to his front and moaned as I moved my hips. My eyes widened a bit, surprised. Was this causing him some sort of pleasure?

He planted soft kisses along my jawline before sucking on a spot right below my ear. A small moan escaped my mouth, surprising me and making him chuckle. Suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me forward, away from Zayn.

"Excuse me, I just need to borrow Rayla for a minute," Harry nearly growled, dragging me outside to the backyard. "Are you out of your fucking mind?!" Harry yelled, startling the couple who were making out only a few feet away. They went back inside, leaving us the only ones in the yard.

"What? I was just dancing!" I protested. "Why do you even care so much?"


Going to have to end it there but I'll update soon  :)

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

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