Chapter 8: Butt Naked in a Lake

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I'm having so much fun writing this ASDFGHJKL

Vote and comment, munchkins! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Michelle xx

Rayla’s POV

I gulped down the lump in my throat, trying not to look nervous. “Alright, let’s do this,” I finally gave in. Harry watched me with a smirk on his face as I pulled off my tank top to reveal my purple lace bra.

“Lace? Wouldn’t have picked you as one,” Harry raised his eyebrow at me but never broke his gaze. I was halfway through pulling off my jean shorts when I looked at him to see that he was eyeing my chest. “Aren’t you going to undress too?”

“And miss the strip show? I’ll undress once you’re done,” he smirked and I rolled my eyes at his vulgar remark, continuing to pull off my shorts. I stood there in only my bra and panties, feeling very uncomfortable under Harry's gaze.

"Alright, go ahead." I motioned for him to take his clothes off but he shook his head.

"All of your clothes," he smiled smugly, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I'll take off my bra and underwear when I go into the water. But I am not stripping completely in front of you," I scowled, crossing my arms.

"Oh, come on, Rayla! I've seen plenty of girls naked; it's not a big deal!"

"Yeah, that doesn't really improve my opinion of you," I drawled as I pursed my lips.

Harry rolled his eyes. "How about I'll take off my clothes and we can completely strip down together?"

I hesitated but from the look on his face I had a feeling that he wasn't going to take no for an answer. Can't you take a chance for once in your life, Ray? The wild part of my mind chided. I pressed my lips into a firm line and nodded.

Harry smirked before pulling off his T-shirt and shimmying out of his tight jeans. Though I would never let him hear that I said this, I had to admit that Harry had a gorgeous body. His body wasn't overly muscular, but toned so I could see his abs and V-line.

He looked up at me and I quickly averted my eyes, blushing crimson at the fact that I had been caught. He chuckled at my embarrassment and murmured "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

I rolled my eyes and rubbed my arms, goosebumps erupting on my pale skin. We now both stood in only our undergarments, shivering as a breeze passed through. Harry leaned his weight onto one leg and crossed his arms over his chest, looking at me expectantly. "Ladies first."

I chewed on my lower lip as my hands trailed down towards my underwear. I hooked my fingers into the sides and slowly pulled them down, feeling extremely exposed. They slipped down my legs and Harry's eyes travelled to my chest where he watched my hands slip behind my back. My shaky hands struggled with the clasp but I eventually managed to get it undone. My bra fell to the ground beside my underwear, making Harry bite his lower lip as his eyes hungrily trailed over my body.

"Your turn," I said quickly, trying to cover up my body from his wandering eyes. He chuckled lightly and pulled his boxers down in one swift movement. I gaped at his area but quickly averted my eyes and scolded myself for my behaviour. But oh my God he was big

Stop thinking about that Ray! I scolded myself. He's a douche, remember? 

He casually walked over to the lake like he wasn't butt naked in public and plunged in, letting out a loud whoop as he did. He resurfaced and shook his hair out, sending little water droplets into the water around him.

"Come on, Rayla! Jump in!" I padded over to the water and dipped my toe in, checking the temperature. It was freezing.

"Uh, I don't really-" I was cut off mid sentence when Harry shot out of the water and grabbed my arm, pulling me in with him. I let out a scream before I quickly held my breath as I was engulfed with bubbles. I looked to my left to see Harry giving me a thumbs up. I swam up to the surface and came up spluttering.

"You arse!" I yelled, splashing him with water. Harry giggled and splashed me back "I had to! You wouldn't have done it otherwise." I rolled my eyes and combed my hair out of my face with my fingers.

"Hey! You two! Get out of that lake this instant! You're breaking the rules swimming in there!"

Harry and I turned to see a park ranger on the opposite side of the lake, a very angry expression on his face. He started to make his way over to us by going around the lake and I started to panic. My parents were going to kill me if they found out I was swimming naked in public!

Suddenly an arm wrapped around my waist and I shrieked, feeling myself getting tugged through the water. I was hoisted up as hands slipped beneath my legs and Harry carried my bridal style to the shore, laughing as he swam.

"You know I can swim myself, right?" I asked as we reached the shore.

"Yeah, but how many times in my life will I be able to carry Rayla Shroeder out of the water completely naked? Not too many," he winked at me, making me slap his arm.

"Hey! Stop right there!" The ranger yelled, running around the trees towards us.

"Shit! Come on!" Harry and I grabbed our clothes and ran towards his car, jumping in and zooming off, leaving the park ranger in the dust.

"That was crazy!" I gushed, running my fingers through my wet hair. We stopped at a red light and Harry looked at me, but his smile dropped when he looked down at my body. "What?" I raised an eyebrow and followed his gaze.

I was still naked.

And so was he.

"Bloody hell!" I cursed, grabbing my tank top and jean shorts and pulling them on before anyone outside could see me naked.

"Awww I quite liked seeing you naked, Rayla," Harry smiled cheekily before he put his shirt on and concentrated back on the road.

"Erm, Harry," I gulped, trying not to look down. "Shouldn't you put your boxers on or something?"

"Why?" Harry smirked,  uncrossing his legs and displaying his junk. "It's quite a masterpiece, why should I cover it up?"

"Because it's kind of distracting...n-not in the way that you think, but just don't see people driving while they're naked, and-" I started to get flustered as a cheeky smile appeared on Harry's lips and I realized what I had said.

"No need to explain yourself, babe. I know you like what you see. Care to help me out? Seeing you naked was a little...distracting," Harry's mouth twisted into a crooked smile as I recoiled in disgust.

"There's no way I'm giving you a handjob."

"I was actually hoping that you would suck me off but a handjob will do-"

"Ew!" I screeched, covering my ears. "There is no way in hell I am touching that thing! I'm not even sure how many girls it's been in!"

Harry roared in laughter, making me jump. "Oh my God, Rayla! I can't believe you actually just said that!" Harry wheezed, his eyes tearing up from laughing so hard. "There may be hope for you after all!"

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now