Chapter 4: Detention, Snack Raids and Big Butts

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I had fun writing this chapter ;) 

Since a few people got my little question last chapter, I'll do several dedications in the order of who commented first. So first up is the ever classy and super awesome Krisy_Girl <3

Vote and comment, munchkins! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Michelle xx

Rayla's POV

"I can't believe I actually agreed to do this," I muttered, crossing my arms and slumping back into my seat in the detention hall. This was my first time being in this room, and hopefully my last.

"No backing out now," Harry smirked, propping his feet up on the desk and folding his hands behind his head.

"Feet off the desk, Harry," the teacher who was in charge of us today, Mrs. Collins, scolded him as she walked into the room. She was a large and stout old woman with the attitude of a vicious harpy, always grumpy and didn't like any of the students, not even myself.

"Alright, students. I'm sure you both know why you're here, and I expect that you won't make the same mistake. You have until 4 o'clock, no talking, to getting up, no leaving the room. Understood?" We nodded our heads and Mrs. Collins dropped something into the drawer of her desk and left the room, closing the door behind her.

"You ready?" Harry smirked and I glared at him.


"What?" Harry looked at me, confused.

"She said no talking!" I hissed, sitting up straighter in my seat. Harry laughed and smacked his palm on his forehead. "Seriously, Ray?"

"Rayla," I snapped, scowling. "What's so funny?"

"That's the rule you're so afraid of breaking? Babe, I have a lot more things planned for our hour together."

"What? But we're in detention, what else could you have planned?" I raised an eyebrow, not liking at all the route that this situation was taking.

"Oh, so, so much. Come on," he stood up and walked over to Mrs. Collins' desk, reaching into the same drawer she had opened beofre and pulling something out. He closed the drawer and proceeded towards the door, slowly opening it.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I hissed, still not daring to get up from my seat.

"Leaving. Aren't you coming with me?"

"No! We're in detention, we're supposed to stay here!"

"You've clearly never been in detention before. We always leave, the teacher never checks on us anyways," Harry mused, now fully opening the door and stepping out. "Well? Come on!"

"No way," I huffed, crossing my arms and frowning firmly. Harry smirked at me and called out in a sing song voice "Goody-two-shoes!"

"That's not going to work, Harry," I said through clenched teeth, but I could feel my right eye twitch.


"Not listening!" Twitch.

"Goody. Two. Shoes." Harry's smirk grew bigger and bigger as I pressed my lips together and swiftly got up from my seat, joining him at the door.

"I swear to god, Styles, if we get in more trouble for this you are going to regret the day you met me." I growled, making him chuckle as he closed the door and led us down the hallway towards the teacher's lounge.

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now