Chapter 6: Week Two

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Rayla's POV

**Friday Night**

"I really wonder why I'm doing this sometimes," I muttered to myself as Harry and I strolled through the empty park, making out way to the playground.

"Let's make this quick, it's almost curfew," I glanced at my watch. 8:30. I had half an hour before I had to be back home.

"You do realize that you're going to have to break curfew in the next several tasks anyways. Might as well get used to it, right?" Harry stopped right in the middle of the playground and set the bag of fireworks down.

I watched nervously as he produced a lighter from his pocket and flicked it on, the fire casting an eerie glow of his grinning face. "You ready?"

"No," I answered truthfully, eyeing the bundle of fireworks. Holmes Chapel didn't really see much action at all, so even setting off fireworks would prompt police to investigate. And honestly, I'd rather not get arrested.

"Too bad," Harry turned off hie lighter and tossed it to me. I squeaked and caught it, clutching it close to my chest.

"Light it," Harry pointed to the wick if the fireworks and my eyes widened.

"M-me? You want me to light it?"

"Yeah," Harry leaned back against a tree and smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Unless you're too much of a goody-two-"

"I am not a goody-two-shoes!" I huffed, turning the lighter back on and setting fire to the wick, watching it get closer and closer to the fireworks.

"Come on, we'd better get out of here. We don't want to be standing here when the cops arrive," Harry warned, tugging me along by the arm. I didn't protest as he led me away, darting through bushes and following the path back to the street.

I screeched as the fireworks went off behind us, sending bright flashes of different coloured light into the air.

"Oh my God, what the hell, Ray?" Harry laughed as I clutched onto his arm, digging my fingernails into his biceps. "It scared me," I huffed, scowling at the boy who was trying really hard not to laugh. I was so shaken up I didn't even bother correcting him about caling me Ray.

The sound of sirens coming from down the street drew my attention away from Harry and my eyes widened. "Crap!" I panicked, grabbing Harry's hand and dragging him into the bushes.

"In the bushes, really?" Harry asked, pushing the small branches aside to make room for our bodies.

"It was the first hiding place I saw, now shut up," I hissed, keeping my attention on the police officers who were circling the area, shining their flashlights and examining the fireworks.

"Just a bunch of stupid teenagers," one of the police officers muttered. "No sign of them; they probably ran off."

I took a deep breath, forgetting that we were in a bush. A bush with flowers. Oh God, I thought. My nose started to itch and my eyes became scratchy. I could feel my chest rising up and down, preparing me to sneeze. Harry's eyes widened and he quickly pinched my nose just as I was about to let out a sneeze that would have given us away.

"Thank you," I mouthed, rubbing my nose and keeping my head down.

"No problem," Harry mumbled, hugging his knees to his chest as he watched the police officers.

"There's nothing here, let's go," one of them mumbled before footsteps passed by our bush, making my breath hitch in my throat. They passed right by, the sounds of car doors opening and closing sounded and they drove off, leaving the park quiet and tranquil once again.

"Jesus," I murmured, crawling out from the bush and dusting off my clothes. "That was close."

"No shit," Harry laughed, shaking his head and readjusting the beanie that sat on his head. He giggled as he picked a stray branch out of my hair. "But you actually did pretty well for your first time. You know, except for that little episode-"

"It frightened me, okay?" I scowled, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Alright, alright, whatever you say," Harry held his hands up as he laughed at my expense, making my face turn bright red.

"Shut up. I need to go home now," I pursed my lips, going completely serious.

"You really need to loosen up," Harry caught his breath as we walked down the sidewalk. "You'd be a lot more fun that way."

"I am loose! I'm a fun person!" I protested, starting to sound a bit desperate. "I'm not that tight, am I?"

Harry burst out laughing. "I-I wouldn't know, sweetheart. Though I'd like to, I'm sure it would feel good," Harry managed to say between peals of laughter. I looked at his confusedly before I realized what I had said.

"Oh my God!" I smacked his arm and pouted. "Does everything have to be dirty with you?"

"Babe, that would have been dirty to anyone. You're just so innocent," Harry snorted, running his fingers through his curls. "Well that innocence just might be broken by next week," Harry grinned devilishly as we reached my house.

"What do you mean? What's next on the list?" I asked suspiciously, placing my hands on my hips.

"Skinny-dipping in a lake," Harry smirked, watching my reaction. I just raised an eyebrow.

"What's skinny-dipping?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Swimming...naked." His right eye dropped into a wink as he turned around and strolled back down the street.


Thanks to all the support for this story, I'm having so much fun writing this I don't think you even know :D

Vote and comment, munchkins! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

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