Chapter 18: Hangovers Are a Bitch and so is Louis

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Rayla's POV

I wasn't a morning person. No other way to put it.

I grumbled softly to myself as the rays of sunlight poking through the blinds disrupted my sleep. I sighed and was about to get up when I froze, feeling an unfamiliar weight on my waist.

I slowly turned my head to the side to see Harry still fast asleep beside me with his arm draped protectively around my waist. I stared at him for a few minutes, trying to remember what had happened last night. Considering the huge headache and dry mouth, I must have gotten pretty drunk. All I remember was dancing with Zayn, Harry telling him to back off and then carrying me up here and putting me to bed.

 And Harry calling me his girl.

I still couldn't understand why he did that. Never had I thought we would become friends, much less somewhat of a couple.

I hit him softly with a pillow and he grumbled sleepily, swatting the air blindly with his hand. "Harry, it's morning," I chided, getting up from the bed and immediately regretting it as a sharp pain in my head made me wince.

Harry chuckled from the bed. One of his green eyes opened and looked at me in amusement. "There's the hangover. You might want to sit down, princess."

I pursed my lips, sitting back down on the bed. Harry got up this time, heading out into the hallway before making a right. I sat patiently waiting for his return. I felt strange, like there was a pressure on my temples. It may have been fun to drink last night, but now I was majorly regretting it.

Harry walked back into the room with a cup of water in his hands and a few pills. "Here, princess, take these," he smirked as he sat down on the bed beside me and handed me the pills. I noted how his tone was different when he called me princess. He used to use it as an insult or a way to antagonize me, but now he used it as a simple nickname. An endearing one at that.

I gratefully took the pills with a gulp of water. "Never again," I mused, rubbing my temples. "Never again am I getting drunk."

"Well, that's okay, because there's no more tasks that require us to get drunk."

"You didn't get drunk," I realized with a start. "Weren't we both supposed to get drunk?"

Harry simply laughed and shook his head. "You're lucky I didn't get drunk, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to save you from that pervert Zayn. Be happy I was sober."

"Sober enough to call me your girl," I said softly.

He looked at me gingerly and got up from the bed. "Can you stand up on your own? If so we can leave now."

I rolled my eyes as he changed the subject on me yet again and stood up, wobbling a bit. Harry moved to help me but I dismissed him with a wave of my hand and walked out of the bedroom, slowly going down the stairs.

"Oh hey, you two," Louis was running a hand through his messy brown hair as he stepped over someone who had passed out on the floor. "So what were you guys doing upstairs?" Louis smiled knowingly, making both of us turn bright red.

"Nothing, Lou. I just put Rayla to bed," Harry replied, the blush creeping down from his cheeks down to his Adam's apple.

"Sure you did," Louis laughed and walked back into the kitchen to get breakfast, completely disregarding the various people passed out drunk and strewn all over the floor. He looked at us with a cheeky grin and called out "I just hope you guys used protection!"

I gaped at his comment and blushed even more. "C'mon," Harry grabbed my hand to lead me out the door, his face just as red as mine. "Sorry about Lou, he can be a bit...perverted sometimes," Harry mumbled, flustered and biting his lip as he opened the car door for me.

"Don't worry about it," I reassured him, trying for a smile though I knew my face was beet red. We drove in silence, the only sound being the soft music coming from the radio. When the silence got to be too awkward I turned up the volume and a familiar tune was playing. 

"Backseat serenade, dizzy hurricane, oh God, I'm sick of sleeping alone," I sang along to the song, making Harry turn to glance at me.

"You like All Time Low?" He asked, seeming a little impressed.

"Yeah, you got a problem with that?" I sassed, crossing my arms over my chest and raising an eyebrow at him.

"No, no. It's just...I never really pegged you as a girl who would like that kind of music. They're good though, aren't they?"

"They're amazing," I gushed, nodding my head to the beat of the music. "What do you mean by that?"

"By what?"

"What you just said. That you didn't peg me as a girl who'd listen to that type of music."

"Well...I don't know. All Time Low are pop punk, I guessed you would listen to mainstream stuff or some indie shit."

"No," I scrunched my nose up. "I like the punk rock stuff."

Harry laughed as he pulled over at the curb beside my house. "Well then, Rayla, I appreciate your taste in music."



I glanced at him and smiled faintly. "You can call me Ray."

"But you said only your friends call you that."

"I know."

Harry studied me carefully before smiling softly. "Ray. I like that much better than Rayla."

I chuckled and got out of the car. "Bye, Harry." 

"Bye, Ray."

I started walking up my front lawn before I glanced over my shoulder at Harry who was still waiting by the curb. "Oh, and Harry?"


"Thanks," I smiled wryly as he raised an eyebrow. "For everything."



Okay I'm done :P

My new obsession is All Time Low oh my goodness they are freaking amazingggg

Vote and comment! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now