Chapter 51: May I Have This Dance?

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Rayla's POV

The crazy grin on my face refused to fade as Harry led us to our table. He pulled out chair for me before seating himself. Claire sat across from us, blushing as Louis held her hand and told her again that she looked beautiful.

"So when did this..." I guestured between the two of them. "...happen?"

"About a few weeks ago," Claire smiled, squirming a bit under my gaze.

"And you didn't tell me?" I pretended to be mad, making her laugh.

"I'm sorry, but I knew you'd flip if I told you." As much as I wanted to deny it, she was right. I would have majorly freaked out.

We got our food and sat back down, enjoying a funny and energetic converstion. Laughs kept erupting from our table as we talked; I was pretty sure we were the loudest out of everyone. I noticed Harry glancing at me every now and then, shooting me soft smiles before turning his attention back to his food.

The music started getting louder form the speakers and crowds of students began to rush towards the dancefloor. We followed, giggling as we went. Fast-paced club songs played, pumping up the crowd.

With the multicoloured lights flashing above us and the people jumping up and down around me like maniacs I felt almost as if I was at a rave or something. Minus the fancy attire and the lack of drugs.

I felt so alive as I jumped around with the crowd, holding Claire's hands in mine and dancing like idiots. We finally had to take a break, giggling and stumbling as we went to go sit down at our table.

"Oh my God, I don't think I've ever seen you dance that much before," Claire laughed, clapping her hands.

"That was crazy," I agreed, trying to fix my hair that had partially fallen out of its bun. I grabbed my glass of water form the table, take a sip before finally asking the question that had I had been dying to ask all night. " and Louis? What's going on there?"

Claire turned bright red and fiddled with her fingers. "Um...we-we're seeing each other."


"Yeah," she smiled, watching Louis as he and his mates jumped around on the dance floor. "That day after school when you and Harry disappared together, he asked me if I wanted to hang out, since neither of us had our best mates there..." She jokingly shot me an accusatory glare. "And we ended up really hitting it off."

"A true love story," I teased, but Claire simply tucked her hands beneath her chin and smiled sweetly at me.

"So what about you and Mr. Styles?"

It was my turn to blush now. "We're good."

"I think you're better than good; I can't even mention his name without you smiling like a fool," Claire snorted, but her expression held nothing but happiness. "Now that's a true love story."

I bit my lip, my happy grin faltering. "You still haven't told him, huh?" Claire dropped her smile and exchanged it for a serious and thoughtful gaze.

"No. And I plan to keep it that way...for a little while longer at least."

"It's up to you, really," Claire sighed, getting up from her seat. The DJ had switched up the high engergy dance music for a soft, slow song. Louis was already walking over to her, a shy smile playing on his lips. "Just don't leave it for too long, alright?" She smiled, sqeezing my hand before prancing off to dance with Louis.

I scanned the crowd for Harry, but once again he wa nowhere in sight. I gasped quietly when I heard a throaty chuckle from behind me.

"Looking for someone, love?"

I spun around to see Harry standing there with his hands clasped behind his back and a cheeky smile on his face. "How the hell do you always manage to sneak up on me?" I muttered, shaking my head.

Harry snorted and kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry to tell you babe, but you're not that obervant. Look how long it took you to realize that I love you."

I pulled back, looking at him with eyes the size of the moon. "You what?"


I raised an eyebrow, watching as the corner of his lip twitched nervously. He looked like he wanted to melt into the ground and disappear so I decided to let it slide and snorted. "Right."

He laughed softly and bowed, holding out his hands and looking up at me with his twinkling green eyes. "May I have this dance?"

I rolled my eyes playfully and smiled as I took his hand. "Of course."

He led the way to the dance floor where already many couples were swaying back and forth. I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck and he placed his hands on my waist. We began to sway back and forth, never breaking eye contact.

"You look really beautiful," Harry complimented, making the blood rush to my cheeks.

"You already said that."

"You're that beautiful," he smiled down at me, pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I felt like I was living in some sort of cheesy, romantic movie, but I guess you never really realize how wonderful it is until you actually live it.

I rested my head on his chest and listened to the steady beat of his heart. I was less than familiar with the tingling feeling spreading all throughout my body, making me feel weightless.

I tried to stand a little bit taller so I could whisper in his ear. "So are you going to tell me what you said earlier?"

Harry looked a bit like a deer in the headlights when I pulled back. He brought a shaky hand up to cup my face and I felt every ounce of affection I had for him rush straight to my heart.

He looked down and chuckled nervously. "I-I love you."

I was silent, just staring up at him. His eyes flooded with worry, the corners of his lips turning downwards. I let out a small giggle, bringing my hands from the back of his neck to his face. "Do you really?"

"I do," he said solemnly, looking me right in the eye.

I smiled faintly and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you too, Harry Styles."


over 200K reads and 10K votes fuck yes you guys are golden

I love you all

*kisses* mwah mwah


Some of you guys asked to see Ray's original dress that was picked out by her mom. You can see it in the picture to the right >>>
The video to the right is the song that Ray and Harry were dancing to <3

QUESTION OF THE DAY: Who is someone in your life that inspires you? My older sister inspires me a lot because she's so driven and hardworking and she has a good head on her shoulders. 

Vote, comment and follow! <3

-Bliss xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now